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JEY100 Sat, May-31-14 16:20

Protein Power 2.0
What a fun and interesting opportunity for fans of the Drs. Eades.
Give them ideas to update their book! Over 100 comments already today.

It is difficult for me to believe, but Protein Power is coming up on being 20 years old. It was written in 1995 and published in January of 1996.

There has been some talk between our agent and the publisher about a 20 year anniversary edition of the book. MD and I have decided that if we go along with this project, we don’t want to just do a new Introduction and make a few tweaks here and there. We want to do it up right and make Protein Power 2.0 (or whatever it will be called) the most up-to-date and comprehensive book on low-carb dieting available. And we want it to hold up for another 20 years.

Both of us have reread Protein Power within the past couple of weeks, and we know more or less what needs to be updated and/or amplified. Most of the book is still pretty good, but some of it gives me hives when I read it.

For example, the chapter on cholesterol. The vast majority of what I wrote in that chapter is accurate, but by reading between the lines, I can tell what my mind set was at the time. Back then I had bought into the lipid hypothesis hook, line and sinker. Consequently, the thrust of the chapter is about how a low-carb diet improves lipid values. No real mention of any benefit to saturated fat because – at that time – I believed saturated fats in excess could be problematic. This is one part of the book I guarantee will be changed.

When we wrote the book, it was in the midst of the low-fat frenzy the country is just now beginning to emerge from. At that time, there were no recent studies on low-carb diets, so we had to cobble together our data from old studies and our own clinical experience.

That has all changed now. The medical literature is awash with low-carb studies, so now we have no trouble documenting the results we were seeing clinically way back then. And we would have no trouble demonstrating that the low-carb diet is the best way to shed weight and improve health for the vast majority of people.

But we come to this from a different perspective than those who are seeking information. The two of us have a wealth of information and a combined fifty years of clinical practice in treating patients with low-carb diets. We know how to provide all kinds of answers – what we don’t know, however, is what are the questions burning in people’s minds.

Which is where readers of this blog come in.

I would love to know what you would like to see described, explained, detailed, diagramed and presented in a book about low-carb dieting.

Back when we wrote Protein Power, we had to go to great lengths to justify the scientific basis of low-carb dieting. Now, that is pretty much taken for granted. Based on the thousands of patients we had taken care of, we had a pretty good notion of what we thought people would want to read about, but we didn’t really know. We must have hit the mark fairly closely, though, because the book has sold over 4 million copies.

But now we have the internet and blogs such as this one. A unique situation exists allowing authors to actually query potential readers before writing a book.

So, we would like to crowdsource Protein Power 2.0. Please tell us in the comments section below what you would like to see in an updated version. What would make the book work for you? And don’t hold back. The more commentary, the merrier we’ll be.

Our goal is to make the new Protein Power a user-friendly guide for those coming to low-carb dieting for the first time as well as to those who, like us, have done it for years.

Whatever questions, comments, complaints, requests you have, let us know. Don’t be shy.

Once we’ve gathered and sorted, I’ll tabulate and put up in a post. If there ends up being too much to put in a single book, I may figure out how to use Survey Monkey or one of the other such pieces of software so folks can vote for what they think needs to make the cut.

When all the dust settles, I’ll put up a table of contents reflecting the proposed new outline of the book.

MD and I both will be very appreciative of any help and advice you can give us on this. We’re writing the book for you.

Thanks very much.

Aradasky Sat, May-31-14 16:44

Wow, What excellent comments. Going to take them some hard work to get it done, but they will do it! I want a copy!

JEY100 Mon, Aug-21-17 09:29

Finally, three years later, an update on Protein Power 2.0...or not, more a whole new book.
Protein Power 2.0

Last, but certainly not least, as time allows, MD and I have been working on what we thought was going to be a 20 year upgrade to Protein Power called Protein Power 2.0. As we’ve been thinking about it, and looking to where we can upgrade, we’ve pretty much decided to write a new book. We might keep a bit of the original Protein Power, but that book, as it is, has stood the test of time pretty well.

If we just tried to upgrade, we wouldn’t have much of a book. But there is a ton of new material out there that wasn’t around during the days when Protein Power was written, so we want to include that and make it a completely new book.

We’ve come across a lot of scientific literature that more or less stands the mainstream of nutritional thought on its head. And by this I mean the mainstream as it is today with everyone pretty much leaning to low-carb.

A lot of exciting stuff in the offing in this book. Now that we’re freed up, we can’t wait to really get our teeth into it.

As with the blog and podcast, if you have anything in particular you want us to cover in depth, put it in the comments.

So, thanks for all your support throughout the years. And thanks for taking a look at our Kickstarter campaign.

Let me hear from you.

At the end of a blog post about Kevin Hall and his sous vide business.

I found PPLP at a library book sale...guess this means I should finally read it. :)

Mama Sebo Mon, Aug-21-17 11:08

Thanks for rounding out this discussion J!!

Mayflowers Sat, Aug-26-17 08:10

Now with the new high fat keto phase and the idea that protein should be low and fat should be high, I'd like to know their thoughts on lower protein and higher fat

doreen T Sat, Aug-26-17 09:08

* link to blog post ..


Originally Posted by Mayflowers
Now with the new high fat keto phase and the idea that protein should be low and fat should be high, I'd like to know their thoughts on lower protein and higher fat

In the comments section to this recent blog post, Dr.Mike replied to "BobM" who had similar questions about ratios of protein and fat.
Michael Eades says: August 21, 2017 at 8:29 AM

You’re right. It is a wilderness out there with all the different (and often conflicting) opinions. We do plan to sort all this out in PP 2.0. I’m going to try to sort a little of it out in the next blog post I write.
Hopefully his next blog post will appear sooner than 3 years from now! :lol:

sharonef Sat, Aug-26-17 14:04

Michael Eades has been blogging semi-regularly all along. I'm on his mailing list so I get notices when he posts.

doreen T Sat, Aug-26-17 14:30

Originally Posted by sharonef
Michael Eades has been blogging semi-regularly all along. I'm on his mailing list so I get notices when he posts.

Oh, I was just jokingly referring to the fact it took Dr.Mike over 3 years to get around to his promised update post about PP 2.0 (May 31, 2014 to Aug. 21, 2017)

;) :D

Benay Sat, Sep-23-17 12:08

In reviewing the original PP book the other day, I was struck with their emphasis on controlling fat because it increased calories. Too many eggs a day is too much fat. I lost my 80 pounds on PP. I thought i was following it faithfully until I re-read it. I was overdoing on protein consumption and not following their amounts recommended. Don't bother reading it Jey, the research is outdated. Wait for the new book.

Ms Arielle Wed, Nov-01-17 09:05

Is the new book out???

I do have an old copy. I keep in mind that new studies are always being published but the basic premise is correct.

My primary take away is that too much protein can . slow or stop progress. Definitely better to binge on proteins than carbs when cravings hit. But for general day to day, I focus on 3-4 servings of protein as the upper limit.

Too much fat can stall weight loss too. Eat Enough fat to keep the fat-based energy cycle roaring, but low enough to keep my body supplying some of the fat.

PP helped me see the and max of proteins day; Atkins helped me understand the minand max of fats ( AND the many benefits of quality veg and fruits.)

JEY100 Thu, Nov-02-17 05:55

Is the new book out???

No, not even for pre-order. I'll post any update from his newsletter.

JEY100 Mon, Apr-02-18 13:59

Update from today's newsletter:

Sorry for the long absence, but MD and I have been feverishly working on Protein Power 2.0 amidst fires, floods, mudslides, and debris flows. We've been evacuated from our house for over six weeks out of the past three months due to one natural disaster or another. Through it all we've been plugging away at Protein Power 2.0. I'm hoping we'll be through in the next few weeks and have it ready to go.

I gave a talk at the Breckenridge Low-Carb 2018 conference a few weeks ago in which I went through in some detail some of the info in PP 2.0. When I signed up months earlier to give the talk, I figured the book would be available by lecture time, and we could officially kick it off.

Alas, Mother Nature had other plans for us. I think (hope, hope hope) all the rain is gone and we won't have to have the sheriffs beat on our door and tell us to get out. When the talk is up on video (soon, I think), I'll send it out to everyone.

But 2.0 is still not on Amazon Books ? However, Protein Power 1.0 is available on Kindle for $1.99 now (he does not know for how long).

JEY100 Mon, Jul-16-18 11:49

We are almost at the one year anniversary of Dr Eades last blog post Aug 2017. What he placed in the last April newsletter has also not come to pass. PP 2.0 is still not even on Amazon for pre-order.

However, for fans of Dr Eades, DietDoctor has posted his talk at LC Breckenridge mentioned in his quote in last post. I enjoyed his approach to the data and humor in the intro and conclusion but was completely lost by the science in the middle third. Like Nina Teicholz, many fingers point to the processed seed oils in our diet in the context of high carbs for the rise in obesity. He makes interesting connections out of all the science, e.g. why McDonalds french fries in beef tallow did not make us fat, while fried in vegetable oils they do. Net down...don’t eat out. :lol:

sharonef Tue, Jul-17-18 04:25

Yup, I'm patiently waiting for PP 2.0 to be published.

LizardQuee Tue, Jul-17-18 08:39

Dr. Eades has always been my favorite low carb doctor, and I really miss his blog entries. I hope PP 2.0 is published soon and he gets more active again!

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