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Evil-Twin Wed, Aug-14-02 07:50

One Month on Atkins, No loss
Today is one month on Atkins. The scale has not moved..
Carbs under 15 a day
all areas of the program 100% followed
Still no weight loss
Fitday shows I am burning 1000 calories a day more than I am eating.
I'm still as committed as ever..
My exercise program is intact.
I may exercise every other day.... I am not sure what to do...
I am really not concerned about the scale or the ketostrips.
I am on this program for life..
My clothes do not any different.
I am not trying to be negative/// or discourage anyone.. On the contrary.. I am trying to say I am committed to this WOL. and even with no loss at this point I am sure my body is doing better without the pizza, bread, pasta, cookies, fast foods, cake, pasteries, icecream, candy, donuts, etc.
So hang in there, it will happen I am sure...
We are all different, some of us take longer than others...I am sure i am much healthier than I was a month ago

GatorGal93 Wed, Aug-14-02 08:02

Same boat
I am with you, Evil. You have a great attitude. Keep it up!

We will all be healthier in the long run.

:agree: :agree: :agree:

havanah Wed, Aug-14-02 08:07

i am in no way an expert, but i believe you should be eating no less than 20 carbs a day, minus the fiber...
but i will tell you as i have told others i had a friend who did this WOE for three straight months with absolutly no loss, then all the sudden dropped 45 pounds... so be patient, you will see the results, but congrats on feeling better.

Belle Wed, Aug-14-02 08:08

What are you eating?
The best advice I have seen given on here to me and others is put what you are eating in your journal. One of the members that have been here for the long haul will take a look at it and tell you if you are eating enough. If you aren't, your body will think it is starving, it will hold onto the weight. I have only been on the program since April 22. Good luck and don't give up.
Sincerly, Belle

lstockma Wed, Aug-14-02 08:21


I looked at your journal on Fitday and I do have one bit of advice. I was loosing pretty steadily until I added Macadamia nuts to my diet. That caused a one-month stall for me. You might try removing them from your diet for a few weeks and see if that helps... I did the same, and I am back to losing.

nrgerard Wed, Aug-14-02 08:41

What a great attitude you have!
I am so impressed by your wonderful attitude! I hate to say this, but I would have given up and binged by now.
I agree with the above posts-I think you are not getting enough carbs. Your body may be in starvation mode and being stubborn about losing. A question though-are you losing inches? A pound of fat is much bigger than a pound of muscle.
Keep up the good work-you are a great example for all of us!

Evil-Twin Wed, Aug-14-02 12:01

Carbs may be a necessary Evil ( pardon the Pun ). the fewer Ihave , the better my sugar level is.. MY journel and the link to my fitday journel are both in my signiture..
I eat six meals a day.... calories between 2200 and 2600.. I am Not hungry
I drink 120 oz of water..
My food intake ratios are 70 to 75 % fat.... 2 to 5 % carbs.... 20 to 25 % protein.... it is difficult to maintain the fat levels without the macadamias.. and because they are a source of diatary fiber..the carbs from them are almost free..
I just started on the Macadamia's about ten days ago..
I removed most of the cheese from my diet as some suggested.. I won't forget about your idea to lose the macadamia's...
I am going to up the protein alittle a lower the fat alittle because I work out an hour a day six days a weeks.. so I think the protein adjustment might be something to do..

nawchem Wed, Aug-14-02 14:41

Hi Evil
Have you investigated other parts of your life-style and health, like the chapters on metabolic resistance adding supplements, etc?

When I started low-carbing I didn't lose weight the first 5 months. I would have sworn I didn't have a medical problem but I did. I called the Atkins center, they made some suggestions, for free, which were very helpful.

I admire your determination and I think if you continue to seek the solution you will eventually find it.

Good luck,

Evil-Twin Wed, Aug-14-02 15:05

Nancy, thanks for your good words an suggestions. I"ve read many articles about metobolic resistance. As my journel has stated, I take 1500 mg of L-carnitine a day . This, according to Dr Atkins, is the number one metobolic resistance breaker. I take vitamin suppliments daily.. I am confident my health is improving.
You didn't mention what the Atkins Center said to get you moving in the right direction.
Happy L-carbing
Bill ( ET )

plum Wed, Aug-14-02 15:35

first of all, congratulations on carrying on.
I thought Id share my experiences, just in case it applied to you at all.
By trial and error I discovered the ratios that suit me best are 60/35/5. But on 25 - 30 % protein I never felt quite right somehow. Ive has much more success with extra protein.

I note in PP it says if you are stuck, lower the fat slightly. This was scary but as soon as I dropped fat to 60 % and raised protein to 35% I was away.

my other trick of benefit to me is I eat more in the mornings, which fuels me up for the day.

I am also doing 10 x my body weight. Have you tried going up to 12 x ? Didnt work for me but I know from reading it has for many.
best of luck to you

Evil-Twin Wed, Aug-14-02 17:38

Thanks for the support and the suggestions... Your thoughts on the protein are the same as mine.. the fact that I work out seems to tell me if I'm working out and building muscle.. I need muscle building protein.. if my workout eats up all my protein.. the fat to carbs to protein ratios get out of balance. So I am going to up the protein... I was eating macadamia nuts to add fat to my diet the fat level became difficult to achieve..

Here is the average of calories, and the ratios of fat, carbs, and protein computed over the last 14 days

Average Calories
source grams cals %total
Total: 2401
Fat: 194 1748 73%
Sat: 62 554 23%
Poly: 26 235 10%
Mono: 93 838 35%
Carbs: 20 51 2%
Fiber: 7 0 0%
Protein: 145 581 24%
Alcohol: 0 0 0%

my 10X calories should be 2200
my 12X calories should be 2640

I think my caloreis consumed are right on..
I am burning 3400 to 3500 caloreies a day ( source

Dawn, Fl. Wed, Aug-14-02 21:48

Way to stick it out Evil,
I always enjoy reading all your entries you give me such a desire to keep plugging away....And your doing it all so right, I'm sure a loss is due in the very near future for you.

Good luck, and thank you for posting so often as you do! :wave:

Evil-Twin Thu, Aug-15-02 06:58

As I have said so many times... I am on this for life... I have never been so NOT hungry. I have no sugar cravings.. I feel 1000 times better than I did a month ago.. This is actually fun..
The scale and the ketostrips mean nothing to me.. I know something is happening.. it just isnt happening at the scale.. atleast not at the moment.. All That junk I use to eat.. I do not miss it at all.. I am not waiting to go off this way of life so I can go back to eating all that junk.. I dont need it... The fact that I was a 300 carb a day guy for years is part of the reason the weight is coming of slowly... Ive read that carbs act like little protective cells.. which teach your body to store fat... I feel my carb protection is the reason for the stall... I am confident when my body realizes I am not playing here.. it will give up the resistance.. because I know I wont... Ive also stated my goal is to lose a pound in one year.. anything more would just be gravy...So I have 11 more months to lose that pound .. so a right on track
Thanks again
Keep L-carbing
Bill ( ET )

nawchem Thu, Aug-15-02 14:20

Hi Bill,

My major problem seems to have been thyroid. I had it tested by TSH which was normal. But when I called the Atkins center they had me take my temp in the morning before eating and it was 95.3. They said anything below 97.7 indicates low thyroid, they recommended a holistic doctor. This doctor tested the actual amount of thyroid hormone T3 which came out low. After a few months taking thyroid supplement I felt so much better it was incredible and I started slowly losing weight. That was the first time that I stayed in ketosis while eating lowcarb.

Other stallers for me were taking a beta blocker and antihistamines.

I think I also had problems because I went for the lowcarb products especially the bars, those seem to really slow things down for me even now.

Somewhere on the Atkins site I read that some people are so metabolically resistant that they have to eat less than 15 carbs per day to lose.

Do you take any meds or have sugar intolerance problems that might be slowing things down?

Keep with it I know you can figure this out. Do you think your a slow loser and your building muscle at the same time is a factor?


agonycat Sat, Aug-17-02 06:58

Hey Bill :)

Congrats so far on your weight loss. You are doing fantastic so far. Weight stalls are the normal. I stalled out for 8 months, but like you found I was feeling fantastic, my blood work had improved greatly, so I stuck with it. I was having fun experimenting with different foods, like what made me retain water, what made me lose a few pounds, it was an up/down ride.

Now well into it over a year, I look back and see I have lost 50 pounds and 6 dress sizes, and find I can eat so many different foods without having to worry about gaining 10 pounds. I KNOW now what foods made me gain weight and I avoid those foods like the plague they are :)

Have fun experimenting and learning about this WOL. Rest assured that the weight will melt away while you enjoy so many different foods people will envy you for eating while they are locked into one of those boring other diets and not losing a pound. :D

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