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wbahn Tue, Apr-02-02 15:40

Well, I'm one of the April Foolers and started on 01 April 2002. I'm also officially entered in the BFL 12-Week Challenge. Of course, it has yet to be seen whether I make enough progress to actually submit the final packet (which arrived yesterday).

It's certainly going to take some time to get into the swing of things and I'm trying not to get overly into planning every minute detail. Instead, I am trying to firmly establish the guidelines in my mind and then learn to live as close to them as I can. It will take time, but will be infinitely more sustainable over the long haul.

wbahn Tue, Apr-02-02 16:10

C1W1D1 - UBWO #1
(Reps/ Planned Weight / Actual Weight / Intensity Reached)
  • Chest
    DB Press
    1. (12/10/10/5)
    2. (10/10/10/6)
    3. (8/15/15/7)
    4. (6/15/15/8)
    5. (12/20/20/9)

    DB Flies
    1. (12/15/15/9.5)

  • Shoulders
    Side Raises
    1. (12/10/10/7)
    2. (10/10/5/7)
    3. (8/15/5/8)
    4. (6/15/10/8)
    5. (12/10/5/9)

    Seated DB Press
    1. (12/15/10/10) ****

  • Back
    DB Pullovers (laid on bench - will choose different exercise)
    1. (12/10/10/7)
    2. (10/15/10/8)
    3. (8/15/15/8)
    4. (6/20/15/8)
    5. (12/15/15/9)

    One Arm DB Rows
    1. (12/15/15/8)

  • Triceps
    DB Extensions
    1. (12/10/10/8)
    2. (10/15/10/9)
    3. (8/15/10/9)
    4. (6/20/10/8.5)
    5. (7/10/5/10) ****

    Lying DB Extensions
    1. (12/15/5/9)

  • Biceps
    Seated DB Curls
    1. (12/10/5/5)
    2. (10/15/10/7)
    3. (8/15/15/8)
    4. (6/20/15/9)
    5. (12/15/10/9)

    Hammer Curls
    1. (12/15/5/10) ****

Overall, I'm pretty pleased. I definitely have some tweaking to do and I really need to keep in mind that the first set is for starting the muscles moving and blood flowing and should be at virtually no effort level.

wbahn Tue, Apr-02-02 16:16

C1W1D2 - Cardio #1
I'm using an Aerobic Rider that I've had for a number of years and it works out the quads and the biceps as well as the cardio aspect of it. Presently there is a distinct mismatch and my legs get rubbery before my carbio starts peaking. But that is something that will correct itself over time. In the mean time, this is the approach I am taking:

Try to stay on profile as best I can until me legs and arms start giving out - the get off, rest 30 seconds to a minute and get back on and work for another minute to two minutes trying to build intensity if possible. Repeat this pattern as long as I can for the duration of the 20 minutes.

Today I did so-so. I had to get off after about 7 minutes and then was able to work the pattern for only a total of 17 minutes. My muscles probably reached a 9 but my cardio probably only reached a 7.

Again, this will work itself out over the course of a few weeks so I'm going to just keep going like this.

Natrushka Tue, Apr-02-02 18:13

Bill, just skimmed over your first two days - love the format and thoroughness of the weight routine, of course I'd expect nothing less from you ;)

Only one thing jumped out at me - for shoulders, unless theres a physical reason for it, you'd be better using the shoulder press as your main exercise and the side raise as the second. It has to do with the type of exercise each is - the press is a mid-range exercise and works more 'helper' muscles. The same goes for the chest exercises - (just FYI) never do flyes as your main exercise, they are more a stretching move and not a mid range exercise.

Looking forward to reading more!

Muse Thu, Apr-04-02 06:40

Way to go Wbahn,

Sounds to me like you're off to a great start!

You know, I have one of those aerobic riders too, (I think it's the same) and I just love it...mine's called the "Iron Horse" II, by DP. Nat's even seen me demonstrate it's use in a restaurant, (no, they didn't kick us out, LOL). I found it at a church yard sale for 15$ and it's one of my favorite machines. I hadn't thought about using it in the way you are for BFL, but I think you've got the routine down pat. Great idea, may just try it myself!

I enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing how you progress with your challenge, just may one day have your pictures on the next BFL book! Way to go! :wave:


wbahn Thu, Apr-04-02 15:46

C1W1D3 - LBWO #1
(Reps/ Planned Weight / Actual Weight / Intensity Reached)
    DB Squats
    1. (12/5/5/6)
    2. (10/10/10/8)
    3. (8/15/10/8)
    4. (6/20/10/9)
    5. (8/15/5->0/10) ****
  • Leg Extensions
    1. (8/40/40/10) ****
    DB Deadlift
    1. (12/10/5/7)
    2. (10/15/5/7)
    3. (8/15/10/8)
    4. (6/20/15/8)
    5. (12/15/15/8)

    Dumbbell Lunges
    1. (1/15/10/--) (too ackward - must practice)
    Angled Calf Rise
    1. (12/10/10/5)
    2. (10/15/10/6)
    3. (8/20/20/7)
    4. (6/20/20/8)
    5. (12/15/20/9)

    One Leg Calf Rise
    1. (0/20/20/--) (too ackward - must practice)
  • ABS
    Floor Crunches
    1. (12/6)
    2. (10/7)
    3. (8/8)
    4. (6/9)
    5. (12/9)

    Bent Knee Leg Raises
    1. (2/9) (legs weigh too much right now)

I need a lot more tweaking on this one than the UBWO, but I learned a lot. I also learned that it will probably take a few weeks for this one to come together.

wbahn Thu, Apr-04-02 15:52

C1W1D4 - Cardio #2
Had to really improvise. My quads (and others) are screaming pretty good from yesterday's workout and I couldn't handle the aerobic rider for more than a couple of minutes. So I went for a walk. It was a hilly route so I hit a solid 8 near the peak about 9 minutes into the walk. Total walk took right at 20 minutes. Not a particularly good HIIT, but could have been worse. The important thing was that I found a way to get in some type of 20 minute aerobic (okay, that may be stretching it a bit) workout. I'm comfortable with the idea that it may take a month before I have good workouts in place. I have plenty of time.

tamarian Thu, Apr-04-02 16:22

Way to go Bill! :thup: No pain no gain :)

If you haven't, you might want try powdered L-Glutamine, it's great for helping muscles recover.


razzle Thu, Apr-04-02 16:36

good job, bill!

lunges are danged hard, balance-wise. Are you holding dumbells in your hands at hip level?---that's the only way I can do them. I started with body weight and putting just a finger onto something stable for balance--funny how just a touch of balancing like that helps so much. There's a female BB'er that lifts the same time I do...she puts a 50 pound bar on her shoulders and goes at it. If I tried that, I'd careen off the weight rack, stumble across the room, slam the weights into the mirror and break

Natrushka Thu, Apr-04-02 20:51

Ouches it what they should be called ;) I just started using them as a main exercise and boy do I know why I waited.

Try a few variations, Bill. A standing lunge - no step out (you start and end with legs extended) and use something for balance, as Raz suggested. You will get a good workout w/o using any weights - your body as resistance is more than enough. Lunges w/o any weights have left me unable to climb stairs.


wbahn Fri, Apr-05-02 02:12

Thanks for the suggestions - I'll try some of them on Monday (my next LBWO).

wbahn Sat, Apr-06-02 21:04

C1W1D6 - UBWO #2
(Reps/ Planned Weight / Actual Weight / Intensity Reached)
  • Chest
    DB Press
    1. (12/10/10/5)
    2. (10/10/10/6)
    3. (8/15/15/7)
    4. (6/20/20/7)
    5. (12/20/20/9)
  • DB Flies
    1. (8/20/20/10) ****
  • Shoulders
    Side Raises (plan to use this as alternate later)
    1. (12/5/5/6)
    2. (10/5/5/7)
    3. (8/10/10/8)
    4. (6/10/10/8)
    5. (12/5/5/9)

    Seated DB Press
    1. (12/10/10/10) ****
  • Back
    DB Pullovers (did them properly this time - will continue)
    1. (12/5/5/5)
    2. (10/5/10/6)
    3. (8/10/15/7)
    4. (6/15/15/8)
    5. (12/15/15/9)

    One Arm DB Rows
    1. (12/20/20/9)
  • Triceps
    DB Extensions
    1. (12/5/5/7)
    2. (10/5/5/8)
    3. (8/10/5/9)
    4. (6/10/10/9)
    5. (12/5/5/10) ****

    Lying DB Extensions
    1. (6/10/5/10) ****
  • Biceps
    Seated DB Curls
    1. (12/5/5/5)
    2. (10/10/10/6)
    3. (8/15/15/7)
    4. (6/15/20/8)
    5. (12/10/15/9.5)

    Hammer Curls (did improperly once - redid a couple minutes later)
    1. (12/5/5/9.5) (as done improperly - level 7 when redone)

Good workout. Felt very good.

TeriDoodle Sat, Apr-06-02 21:09

Well, Bill....tell me, how was your Week #1!?

I'm going to ease into it starting Monday (as TrainerDan advises) so that I don't over do it right off the bat and get used to the routine. I am SO proud of you for jumping in this way!! How do you feel?

wbahn Sat, Apr-06-02 21:19

I still have to do my cardio tomorrow since I ended up using my Free Day yesterday.

I don't feel much of anything yet - which I think is good. I'm not sore at all anymore. There is a slight "difference" where I can tell that my muscles have been recently worked - but they aren't stiff or tender or sore at all.

I haven't noticed any earth-shattering changes, of course. Haven't noticed any changes at all. Again, I wouldn't expect to and don't expect to for at least another three to five weeks.

I've gained weight - but some of it came off today. I'm not worried about this - I figure it's water being retained for one reason or another.

I am happy that I am sticking to it and still very enthusiastic about what I hope to accomplish by the end of the first challenge.

wbahn Sun, Apr-07-02 15:15

C1W1D7 - Cardio #3
Was better today - which I expected.

Made it five minutes on the rider before having to take a one minute break. Then made three minutes before another break. After that it was rougly one to one and a half on and one off. Was able to finish with a final minute and a half. Made a total of 400 strokes over the twenty minutes.

The first (and last) time I used the rider started back in the June of 1996 (has it REALLY been nearly eight years?! Sheesh) at my same current weight. I started off with three sets of 100, 60 and 70. So I'm already well above that. My first set was about 125 and my second set was 110. After a couple of weeks I was up to a single set of 500 strokes and after a month I was doing 800 strokes in three sets or 500 strokes in 12 minutes - which is a healthy pace on that thing. So I suspect that in a couple to three weeks I will be able to do a proper 20 minute HIIT routine on the thing.

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