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BoogieBlue Sat, May-15-04 19:33

Passed My First Big Test !!!
Well my youngest son turned 4 on friday...My X wife was gonna have a party for him friday night....dinner..than cake and presents...well never being one that had much will power I was scared of screwing up my diet....Plus the Woman is one of the best country cooking cooks I have ever seen...I had to work Friday night so I took the easy way out...Dropped of his presents during the day and told her I couldnt be there because of work... :mad:
About 7 oclock I called to talk to Joe and wish him a happy birthday...Dag gum little fella...all he kept saying was you coming to my party Dad...over and over...Who could say no to this...NOT ME....I blew off work and headed that way....When I got there she was serving up dinner to my older sons and some friends...Fried Chicken....Mashed taters....Homemade Biscuts and gravy...I did good ate a chicken breast minus all the good crunchy stuff a few green beans and a glass of water instead of sweet tea or beer...Than came the hard part...she brought out a HUGE!!! Ice cream cake 3 layers soft cream...devels food...sat it in front of me put 4 candles in it and fired it up....I was ok untill she started cuting pieces of it....Iam a sucker for sweets...I wanted to grab the whole cake and run off with it stuffing my face with it hollering HA HA HA HA....Well beleive it or not I just sit there putting toys together for Joe and playing with them with him....Every one kept saying how good it was you need to try it....I just said no thanks...after a few times they guit and I had a great time the rest of the night..
Looking back on it here is my take on it...If I had been on a regular Low fat low calorie diet I probably would have eaten everything there and a huge piece of cake and said tommorow is another day...But being on Atkins you are forced to make a harder decision...The amount of time and Effort it takes to go thru induction and get Ketosis going...Is it worth it to blow it for one piece of cake....My answer was NO!!!
Well today I was rewarded....I weighed in at 395 thats eight more pounds I have lost...a total of 37 lbs since April 20,2004...Say goodbye to 400+ forever I hope....I know I will slow down soon but untill it does Iam basicly staying on the Induction about 20 grams a day...usualy two meals a day with salad stuff for carbs...A walker shake...and one or two Atkins Advantage bars a day.....after the second week even bought a half gallon of Carb Options Chocolete Peanut butter....Its so good I felt like I was cheating everytime I had some....Have stayed In Ketosis the whole Time....Big John

jillinmo Sat, May-15-04 21:19

Nice job!!!! My mother has recently moved in with us due to her health and she is the #2 Greatest country cook in the world, aside from your X. I know all about ham -n- beans, fried taters and cornbread, etc. HA!HA!
So, I can relate to the extreme temptation. I was reading your stats and I can't weight to get where you are on your loss. Keep up the good work, reading your post keeps me all fired up.

:) jillinmo

massive Sun, May-16-04 04:14


Well done,you did really well not having the cake,etc, but what i noticed about your post, was that it seems you spent some really quality time with your son, so you should be proud for two reason.
take care

tulips Sun, May-16-04 06:01

You did so well, John PROUD of yourself!!!!!! Your son is really going to appreciate it when you can run around with him soon!!!!!

batty Sun, May-16-04 09:33

Great job! It's really tough when you have people around BEGGING you to eat something you DON"T WANT! Think about what a great example you are setting for your sons! You gave your little more than one birthday gift this year. WAY TO GO!!!

Marieshops Sun, May-16-04 09:47

CONGRATS! :cheer: You gave your little boy the best birthday present ever - a better you. That is wonderful that you were able to avoid temptation and concentrate on what is important. Getting to spend time with your son and you feeling better are worth so much than that cake. I'm proud of you and can't wait to see how you will be looking for his 5th birthday!


Imber Sun, May-16-04 11:18

I love reading your posts, John! Great job!!!

HeMe2Kids Mon, May-17-04 00:26

I remember when you first posted, and was really touched by your story. All I can say now, is WOW, what a fantastic change!

Your attitude is so positive, your outlook is seeing beyond the numbers, and I know you must be feeling better with the insulin problems you used to experience. Way to Go BoogieBlue!

I am so proud of you! Keep it up and you will see 300 really soon!

nikotyme Mon, May-17-04 03:11

Great job John, I knew you would do it, stick to your guns, you really want to do it this time, its what you can taste, victory.

No piece of cake or any food can quite match the taste of victory over something that's controlled us far too long.

Good work.

jemman Mon, May-17-04 06:59

great job! :D

norrodb Mon, May-17-04 07:25

Great post John. You done good.

These scenerios are presented to us on a daily basis. We must have the will power to overcome them, as everyone around us sticks the sweets in our face. As you see, the results of our success are much sweeter , and the years you add to your life will be the best reward.

Stay the course brother !


Renkin1990 Mon, May-17-04 07:31

Wow! I am impressed by you! I always LOVE reading your posts. :D You are so descriptive.

It was my son's 16th birthday yesterday (5/16) and I was not as good as you were. :( But I will pick myself up, brush off and copntinue along. As this is not a diet but a way of life.

Keep up the good work and congratulations on you loss so far!

CindyG Mon, May-17-04 10:42

Congratulations John! Isn't it amazing how you can say "No" to cake now! You're right about how much different lc is to lf. Great job. It sounds like you really enjoyed that time with your son, so you are doubly blessed :)

Crone Mon, May-17-04 11:12

Great job, John! :cheer: I, too, said no to cake last week. While there was a twinge of really wanting it while I was turning it down, it felt good later to know that I had been strong!

JanJ Mon, May-17-04 11:31

That's great John. It would be great to see a picture of you minus your 47lbs...

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