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tbanks Thu, Jul-05-01 07:47

new to form
Hi, my name is therese and I joined the forum after browsing for several days and being inspired by so much support and knowledge. I am trying lo-carb after many years of low fat, near vegetarian. My main goal is to develop a healthful way of eating which enables me to maintain my weight without the constant struggles I had on low fat (always hungry, cravings, gaining weight slowly over the years even though I was doing all the right things). In fact, when I was eating low fat (vegetables, whole grains, some fruits, very little protein) it seemed I had to be near starvation to maintain my weight and not gain. I woke up many nights hungry. I have been reading about and following the Atkins plan, and I am feeling well and seem to have lost some inches (I don't like to weigh myself too often). I am not experiencing hunger or cravings. I am able to enjoy a meal in a restaurant and still eat lo-carb. My energy level is good and steady. The hardest part is putting all my old thinking about "the right way to eat" behind me. I still think I'm killing myself when I have a few eggs for breakfast. Wish me luck!

r.mines Thu, Jul-05-01 08:10

Good luck, Therese, and welcome to the forum!

It sounds like you're off on the right track. Keep us posted on your progress!


debbiedobson Thu, Jul-05-01 08:43

hi therese! welcome aboard!:D you have the same name as my youngest daughter. we pronounce her's teresa. how do you pronounce yours. i was just like you before ultra low-fat, part-time vegetarian. i was worried about eating eggs and meat at first too. i got over it quickly, once i say the weight coming off!:D good idea not to weigh youself too often. it can become obsessive. good luck lowcarbing! hope to hear more from you!:D

doreen T Thu, Jul-05-01 10:01

hi therese
Welcome to our forum. Being a former macrobiotic ultra-vegan myself, I understand exactly where you're coming from. I was a meat-eater all my life, but I turned vegetarian for health improvement ... and after nearly a year of chronic health problems getting worse and worse (the holistic practitioner I'd consulted kept insisting that the crappier I felt was a sign the "whole-foods diet" was working -- a "cleansing reaction" or detox .. :rolleyes: .. fine, except isn't it supposed to end at some point, like a few weeks or a month??) It wasn't till I visited an environmental allergist ... turns out I'm allergic/sensitive to most grains, and also have Candida Yeast sensitivity in my gut. Prescription - eliminate grains and all sugars from my diet. Eat real whole foods like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and some fruits, and go easy on the dairy.

Right now I'm trying to lose weight as well; I've been lowcarbing (Protein Power) for over a year. Doubtless it will be another year till I reach my goal .. but I already know that I will be eating lowcarb for the rest of my life! Grains will not be entering the picture (what, do I want to get sick again?) but perhaps someday I can add back starchy high fiber vegetables such as squash, yams, peas and lentils. And more fruits too.

It is my sincere hope for you, that as your health and well-being improves with lowcarbing you'll be able to abandon the lowfat thoughts that propagandize your subconscious. It's all a learning process ...

All the best to you, and keep us posted how you're doing.


Lara Thu, Jul-05-01 10:05

Hi Therese. I'm almost two months into lowcarbing and feel really well. I'm down inches as well as pounds and find this a great program. I come to the forum everyday for inspiration and to get tips from the pros! Good luck and looking forward to hearing from you here. Cheers.

sylvie p Thu, Jul-05-01 10:40

Hi Therese
Welcome aboard. I know what you mean about trying to shed the old ways of thinking ie. low-fat, high-carb drilled into our heads by all medical institutions. You'll get over it soon. I'm having a heck of a time with my husband. He still asks me to cook more chicken (5 days a week) because he doesn't want too much red meat. I tell him he's being silly and explain the Atkins wol and how the body processes protein in the absence of carbs from sugar and starch, but he give me the ol' "deer in the headlights" look. Give me time and I'll eventually convert him to all the joys of low-carbing. I still get a chuckle when I see him make himself eggs. He uses 1 whole egg and about 3 egg whites. I tell him to use all parts of the egg. Ahh, but a thousand mile journey begins with the first step!

Keep us posted.

tbanks Sat, Jul-07-01 11:53

Thanks to everybody for all your replies. As I am not talking to most friends and relatives about what I am doing it is great to come to a site where I can have support and questions answered. I am reading Protein Power (very helpful) and have Schwarzbein Principle on reserve at the library. Every day I am learning something new about lo-carbing. So far, so good!

fiona Sat, Jul-07-01 12:30

Welcome - and ditto
Hi Theresa and Welcome. :cool:

I ate a mixed meat and veg diet for the first 20 years of my life. Then allowed myself to get sucked into the vegetarian diet being healthier. That's when my BIG problems really began and continued.

I started the Atkins two months ago and it felt like a plant that is wilting away for lack of feeding feels when suddenly I notice and water it. Suddenly it comes to life and recovers - almost within minutes. It's wonderful.

And you are right to not go on about it with your friends and relatives, especially if they are vegetarian too. They will do their best to get you back in their camp. But you CHOOSE for yourself. Go on how YOU really feel.
Take care and good luck - not that you need it after the first couple of weeks.

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