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STALLQUEEN Fri, May-16-03 07:17

Is anyone having severe mood swings and depression
I have been really down for weeks and people are commenting on my mood. I have been very unhapoy, and I dont know why, is there connection with the diet.

Everything in my life is fine, no reason to be miserablke, but I am,
hoping im not turning into a manic .

Talon Fri, May-16-03 07:28

My mood has improved since eating this way.

Could it be possible you are just experiencing a down time? Might be the time to talk to your doctor.

AprilB Fri, May-16-03 07:46

a good friend of mine did Atkin's a couple years ago and had to stop because she felt very depressed and unhappy while on the diet. She had very bad mood swings- almost like she was PMS'ing all the time!! :rolleyes: (her words not mine!) As soon as she stopped the diet, she was back to her same ol' self. I hear on this board that the diet effects people differently. Maybe this is how it effects you? Hopefully, you can talk to your DR and maybe he'll have suggestions for you...

Good luck!

LCBarbara Fri, May-16-03 07:47

Depression often has no tangible cause. People who seem to have no problems at all can become depressed. I agree - you may want to visit your doctor or a counselor to get a proper diagnosis and treatment if necessary.

BTW, I have depression and have for many years. Mine is successfully controlled with medication and counseling.

Javy Fri, May-16-03 09:06

For me, I have been completely stable with my mood. Probably more stable than I have ever been. I think that for some, a cutback on sugar and carbohydrates has a profound effect on seretonin release in the brain. This lack of seretonin could be the reason for your depression.

Louisa Fri, May-16-03 09:11

I am the queen of depression! :) Seriously though, I know mood swings----I know a blue funk. And I know real, clinical depression. How long has this been going on? Are you the type who has mood swings or depression? And, is this the first time it's affected you while on the diet? Those are just starter questions..........more later, because the answers make a difference.

PS...I am NOT a doctor! But, I've studied so much on this topic because of my own issues with it, that I feel well qualified to at least give an decision based on study and experience.

I.W.Gurl Fri, May-16-03 09:16

Does anyone take a certain supplemant that helps to regulate moods? Is St. John's Wart a good one?

Kathy54 Fri, May-16-03 09:26

This way of eating has really improved my moods, and I have alot more patience.
Just a suggestion, but from many of your posts lately,you quite often fall off the program, so it's kind of hard to judge whether it's this woe, to be fair to yourself.
Maybe it's more the on again off again with the carbs and sugar doing it? Like I said just my thoughts.

Cheers Kathy

BarbCA Fri, May-16-03 09:27

I had the blue funk yesterday but I had a legitimate reason. Otherwise I've been feeling good on this WOE.
Are you getting any exercise? I know I feel better after my walk.

Louisa Fri, May-16-03 09:30

Re: Supplements?
Originally posted by I.W.Gurl
Does anyone take a certain supplemant that helps to regulate moods? Is St. John's Wart a good one?

I am hearing really great things about the herb "Rhodiola"......There are several great articles about it's affect on so many different things: mood,'s from a plant grown in Russia, and sounds really interesting. My local health food stores don't usually carry it because it's so new here in the states, but the ones who do carry it are sold out (it's popular!). You can get it on the internet, plus read some really great articles about of the articles was from Time magazine (I think in February????)-----so see if you can find that one through the search engine as it was a great article.

I keep meaning to order some of it via the internet......

LCBarbara Fri, May-16-03 09:56

I work in the mental health field and know that well meaning lay people can give bad advice. Certainly a lay person can guide another to seek medical intervention, but should not be counseling on how to treat, especially over the internet.

No one other than a medical professional or professional mental health counselor should be attempting to diagnose or assist anyone with ongoing symptoms of depression. The original poster says she has been depressed for weeks which indicates possible clinical depression and that can only be diagnosed by a doctor or counselor.

Depression is treatable and there is no reason to suffer with it any longer that one must.

cocoapuff Sat, May-17-03 20:56

Have you been exercising? Exercise releases endorphins which help with moods. Some docs acutally have patients try an exercise regimine before they will perscribe medications for depression. I was amazed at the change in my moods and energy level when I started exercising regularly. Now I experience the mood swings and depression when I don't exercise! Try it, once you find something you like, you will really look forward to it (I really love Tae Bo). I am actually getting up 35 min earlier every day to exercise! Good luck!!

STALLQUEEN Tue, May-20-03 13:58


I have always had an anger problem and after 2 car accidents that left me hurtin bad for years, I went on Prozzac and changed into a happy person, they dont seem to be working at all anymore and I am not pleasant to be around.

Its been 10 years since the car accidents and my back is good now. But I am miserable and cranky and it is causing me problems with my dh and work people too.

Actually I havre a great job and want to quite because I would rather be home. I need to snap out of it, but I cant seem to.

Louisa Tue, May-20-03 14:53

[QUOTE]Originally posted by STALLQUEEN

I have always had an anger problem and after 2 car accidents that left me hurtin bad for years, I went on Prozzac and changed into a happy person, they dont seem to be working at all anymore and I am not pleasant to be around.


Well, I know the prozac route.....and I also know that it worked for me for sometime, and then stopped working. I have basically used an "assault" type way to combat my depression. What I mean by this is that I've researched meds (have a GREAT book if your interested) that talks about the different medications that are appropriate for your type of depression, I have been in therapy, I write (I posted the other day about this---writing therapy is FREE and amazingly productive. Just write about your emotions-minimum 3 pages a day---for you I'd start writing about the anger you are feeling....insights should be quick in coming). I have spent "alone" time with myself looking deep into my psyche asking myself what my issues are. YOU know----your subconcious knows what the matter must slow down, be quiet and ask for answers. I also know that losing weight is KEY to me in the battle against depression. Keep it up. And, send me a message----we can correspond if you'd like. I'll quit now cuz' I could write a 300 page book on this issue! :spin:

Pooh_n_Me Tue, May-20-03 15:22

StallQueen - I doubt very much that Adkins is making you depressed. I think it's much more than that. The best advice given was from LCBarbara. Don't just sit and be depressed when you don't have to. There is depression which can be from having a bad hair day, losing someone - and then there is the clinical depression. You can't treat that yourself. I suffer from clinical depression and it can become so very painful. Everything in my life can be the greatest and I can still get horribly depressed. I do take medication so things are much better. But I'm treated by professionals and I take blood tests often to be sure that the drugs aren't creating health problems.

I know that my anti-depressants may be slowing down the weight loss progress - but I didn't put this weight on overnight - so I'm willing to be patient. I don't look to see if I've lost weight - I just stick to it and know that someplace down the road - I will have lost some weight - and I'll also be healthier.

Take good care of yourself. I had noticed your depression since I've registered on this forum. Probably because so many of your notes sound like I wrote them.

And, make a decision about your job. It sounds like you're very unhappy there. I wish you good things. St. John's Wort and SAM-e can help a person who is "just depressed". Go find out which kind you are dealing with before you treat it yourself.

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