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digwig Wed, Mar-19-03 15:18

Help for my Dad
Hi everyone,

I've finally convinced my parents to try low-carbing and they are following Dana Carpender's Careful Carb diet. It allows a serving of berries or cantaloupe and 1-3 servings a day of low g.i. carbs like steel cut oats, sweet potato, etc. Most low g.i. veggies are a free food and it's a moderate fat diet (fat in foods is fine, separated fats like oil and mayo are used more moderately). I'd guess the carb intake is in the 50-60g a day range.

They both haven't been losing very well on it. My mom is on Beta-blockers for her BP so it's not surprising, but my dad only wants to lose about 15 pounds, so I thought he'd be one of those guys who just whipped the weight off.

The real reason I'm posting is that my dad is having trouble with heart palpitations that seem to be getting worse over time. He was having some trouble with a little fluttering before starting lc (2.5 weeks ago) but it's gotten much worse since starting the diet. His heart just beats uncontrollably at times and makes him feel as if he's about to pass out. He's already seen his doctor once for it who has scheduled a treadmill stress test for him sometime this month.

He's on a multi-vitami w/lutein and I've gotten him to add potassium as of this morning. He was on Lipitor, but discontinued that w/his doctor's approval before starting the diet. His palpitations are worse than ever this morning, even after adding the potassium. My mom said she's fairly sure he's not dehydrated because he is drinking fluids and isn't complaining of thirst or mouth-dryness, etc.

I've got him eating three meals and two snacks a day, so I don't think it's low blood sugar levels...he's also not eating too many nitrate containg foods as far as I can tell.

I've tried everything I can think of, but I know the pros will have some more theories, things to try and I'd love any input or insight you have. He's about to call it quits, so I need answers as quickly as I can get them.

Thanks a million,

Iowagirl Wed, Mar-19-03 15:23

A stress test for later this month? Sounds like a long time to wait in my opinion.
Is there a possiblity your father is having some kind of panic attack? Those who suffer from these often believe they are having an actual heart attack, they are quite scary.
I'd get a second opinion.

Good luck to you and your dad.

(PS. Love the pic with the dumbbell - it's adorable)

lkonzelman Wed, Mar-19-03 15:30

Lisa... no idea.

Honestly, if he feels that it was diet enduced (onset started at the same time) I would have him add some more carbs just for now and of course contact the doctor to see him asap to rule out anything organic.

Paleoanth Wed, Mar-19-03 15:50


I would have him call the doc immediately and see if they can look at him fairly soon. It might just be coincidence that it has gotten worse when he started lc since he was having problems before hand. It could be due to anything. Let us know what happens!

I love your pic too.

Pat S. Wed, Mar-19-03 15:53

Hi Dig,
I am a little concerned about his symptoms and wonder if he shouldn't try to get an earlier appointment. At the least he should probably eat in a way that makes him feel comfortable. I know my DH is 65 and at that age men sometimes are resistant to change in their diet and in almost everything ;) . Does he like lowcarb eating?
Pat S

lperk002 Wed, Mar-19-03 15:55

I came I saw I Googled
And found this by Lisa N:

Since that time, I have noticed that the palpitations show up again when I'm low on potassium, calcium or magnesium. These are important supplements for many to take when low carbing. Because of its diuretic effect, especially during the very low carb phases, you tend to lose a lot of electrolytes through urination.

In addition to potassium the other thing most often associated with heart palpitations is a thyroid issue...

Even if you Dad isn't thirsty, he still might not be getting enough fluids... I think actual "thirst" is the last sign of impending dehydration. And when you mom says "fluids" she means plain ole water, right? Not coffee, tea... whatever?

But yep, I have to agree a call to the doctor might be in order since this started before LCing and most people report a reduction in heart palpitations and other symptoms once they go LC.


RGale Wed, Mar-19-03 16:52

I have noticed that the palpitations show up again when I'm low on potassium, calcium or magnesium.
I would definitely suggest that he take some magnesium along with the potassium. That can't hurt, and it might help. I know it helped me.

I found a few articles that might be of use. This one describes the various types of palpitations and suggests possible causes.

Most of the articles I've seen say that the most common benign causes of palpitations are stimulants (a reaction to caffine, alcohol, OTC medication, etc.), stress, and a lack of sleep. I only saw a couple of articles that suggested a food connection.

This one suggests a possible link to GERD, and this one suggests another possible gastric-related cause for the sensation of palpitations.

If either of the last two fit, you might consider suggesting a regular LC plan or something like Schwartzbein instead of Dana's plan -- those low-impact carbs are also the most volatile ones, in my experience.

All that being said, I agree with everyone else that he should move up that doctor's appointment if possible. Hope some of this will be useful.



digwig Wed, Mar-19-03 18:01

Thanks you guys. The stress test guys just called my dad to make an appointment so he's in good shape there.

He's at work until 10 tonight and it's bothering him so I told him to go and get a Gatorade and drink it to see if that helped. The electrolyte thing really makes sense to me. I couldn't tell him to go and buy cal/mag because he's a little uncertain when it comes to buying supplements and would probably want my help. I'm going to be with him tomorrow and Friday, so I'll make sure his a$$ gets right back on the low carb wagon.

I was interested to see the information about GERD. My dad takes Xantac, which I forgot to mention. Heartburn was a way of life for him before he started taking it. Now I'm wondering if the Xantac is causing his slow loss...hmmm, time to google.

Thanks for the compliments about the avatar. I use it to put pressure on myself when I don't feel like exercising...

Thanks so much everyone.

Peace, Dig

chemlady Wed, Mar-19-03 20:33

I wish i could help but my only advice is to see the doctor...he would know whats best...even a decrease in carb consumption would probably ease the symtoms and still see the scale move in the right direction. Let me know what happens dig.

KoKo Thu, Mar-20-03 08:20

Hi Digwig

Hope your Dad is feeling better. Does he smoke? I was having palpitations before I quit smoking - I had to go to emergency once and they did a cardiogram that showed some abnormality, that started a whole series of tests including an ultrasound of the heart and wearing a halter monitor for 24 hrs. In the end they found nothing physically wrong with my heart but the readings of the monitor still showed an abnormality - in the end the decision was that I was producing too much adrenalin - and that anxiety and panic attacks were the cause of these palpitations and that smoking was aggravating the problem. I have since quit smoking and the palpitations have ceased. I disagreed with them that I was overly anxious so maybe the adrenalin thing was just a wrong diagnosis by the Docs as there was no test to find out adrenalin readings.

The thing is they told me that even though the heartbeat was abnormal it was not in anyway lifethreatening. They prescriped a very mild tranquilizer to be put under the tongue when these palpitations occured (not nitro pills)

Hopefully it is something similar your dad is having. :)

Jec Sat, Mar-22-03 03:51

I know I'm late and I have very little to offer- the two things that came to mind were "potassium" and "water" I've had the heart flutters too, mildly and at night but they seem to have passed by themselves- generally they've appeared when I think I may have, ahem, overeaten

Stopping the Lipitor (yep- used to sell it!) shouldn't be related I wouldn't think, ditto Zantac (yep- used to work for Glaxo!). Just puh-lease don't ask me for advice on ED (I can't see him sharing that somehow :rolleyes: ) as I'm well and truly off duty here LOL

Keep us posted on how he gets on?

lperk002 Sat, Mar-22-03 08:27

The Caffeine Connection
No doubt in my mind that chemicals effect you differently once you start this WOL. The last few times I had to take meds (either OTC or Rx) they seemed to have an effect akin to street drugs. It took literally two days after taking a dose of RX cough syrup to feel as though I should be driving (in fact, I made my dad take Madeline to school).

And don't even start me on alcohol... now that I am exercising a drink or two in the presence of the opposite sex could be very dangerous ;) .

digwig Sat, Apr-19-03 18:02

Hi All,

My dad just had his second stress test and it seems that there's nothing physically wrong with his heart. We're trying to figure out now if it's coffee/tea or just the Splenda that he puts in it. His use of Splenda has increased since starting this plan, so it may be that.

I'll keep you all updated. It does seem to have diminished in severity since his cardiologist had a look at him. I think his fear and anxiety as it occured, probably served to make it worse.

Thanks again,


BarbCA Sun, Apr-20-03 06:34

I was having palpitations several years ago. Cutting out coffee helped a lot. I'm on Atenalol to keep it regulated. It now happens only once in a while. I can drink a cup of coffee now and then but don't have it regularly. Also hope they do thyroid tests because that set me off the very worst when my thyroid was waaay to high.

chewie1012 Sun, Apr-20-03 13:30

Maybe it has been covered above but how is his protein intake. I know Doctor Schwarzbein says if your having heart palpitations or sleeplessness sp your probably getting too much protein. I should have some palpitations tonight. First of all I am married to a beautiful woman and secondly I ate way too much ham.


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