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Ebbie.B Fri, Aug-01-03 03:25

Wheat Intolerance???
I have also posted this else where on the forum, so sorry if you end up reading it twice.

I suffered from severe eczema when i was child which often ended up with hospital stays for treatment. This gradually improved as i got older and i haven't suffered from it since i was about 11 years old.
Not wishing to get too personal but i have always had problems with stomach cramps and loose bowel movements. (always put this down to stress)

I cut wheat out of my diet about a week before i started the Atkins diet so i have been wheat free for about 4 weeks. However it was my Birthday wednesday and my children had got me a birthday cake from Thortons. I'm afraid my childrens feelings are far more important than not cheating and i had 2 slices of it Wednesday evening.
Early Thursday morning i was in agony and spent about an hour on the toilet, this was on and off throughout the day and i just thought i picked up a bug. I didn't eat anything through the day, and just had some plain fish for my dinner. This morning if anything things are worse, so much so i have had to come home from work. And to top it all i have a rash which looks very much to me as eczema all the way up my left arm.

I have also never had any testing or been told i may have an intolerance to wheat. But i cannot think what else it could be. I have come on this morning to also see if i can find anyone with similar stories. Or anyone who knows an informative site on wheat allergies/intolerance.

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pepsi max Fri, Aug-01-03 03:40

hi ebbie,
i think i have an intolerance to wheat.have always had hay fever, nasal congestion,itchy ears and eczema and since l-carbing everything has gone.the only time it comes back is if i,ve been a bit of a pig and ate something from "the dark side"who would believe that changing your diet could have such a drastic effect.


lucyr Fri, Aug-01-03 03:49

I am sure you are wheat intolerant. Is this good news? (you can regain your health) or bad? (no more wheat) !!!
Your story is exaclty like what happened to 2 of my sisters and me to a lesser extent. I had vile stomach pains, like acid indigestion, which I put down to stress. Since going wheat free no more antacids, and no more other unpleasant digestive problems!!! Also I was always puffy faced in the morning. No longer..

One of my sisters is a doctor and was always v unsympathetic to the 'intolerant but not allergic' patients. then she stopped eating wheat. Total change of heart and mind. she is now a different woman, digestively speaking. Like you she had put it all down to stress before. also like you she is drastically ill if she has even a little wheat. ( I am less hair trigger)

I think we are lucky to have realised in time. You can do damage to your insides by continuing to eat something you shouldn't. A friend has some quite serious effects of undiagnosed wheat intolerance.
My other sister has an amazing range of recipes for lovely things without wheat which I will start to try when I have lost the weight and can afford a few more carbs.
Sorry do not know of any sites about this. I just know that I am so much happier and better without the evil grass!!

Best Wishes

Ebbie.B Fri, Aug-01-03 04:05

Wow thanks Guys for such a quick response to my post.
I had planned to stop eating wheat before i started the Atkins diet as from reading articles it was blamed alot for weight gain and various other things, spotty skin, lack of energy etc.
Then i read Atkins and decided to follow that, but when i read the carb amounts in wheat free pasta, bread etc i nearly fell over as they are much much higher.
So i then changed my mind and thought when i'm maintaining i would allow myself to eat some wheat. So obviously i've changed my mind again and will just have to say goodbye to pasta etc.

Mind you i like the way i'm blaming the wheat for this problem, this was also the first time i ate chocolate in quite a while, but i'm sure it couldn't possibly be :D

pepsi max Fri, Aug-01-03 04:25

anything with sugar in it makes my mouth tingle,especially tomato sauce.weird eh!

Ebbie.B Fri, Aug-01-03 04:34

That doesn't sound good Christine, that could be an allergic reaction.

My friend has a slight allergy to nuts (thankfully this is only a slight allergy) when she has something that conatins nuts she can tell straight away as her lips tingle, and she knows then she must stop eating it or it could become more severe. Though in her case this isn't as severe as some people but she does get quite a swelling and can look like Mick

pepsi max Fri, Aug-01-03 04:51

pleased i gave up the sugar then. don,t want to look like mick jagger.
its odd that if you listen to your body it will tell you things.
i,ve never been able to peel potatoes. makes my hands itch-so does touching baby rice.i used to just put up with things, so pleased i found this woe.

lburnikell Fri, Aug-01-03 10:14

My god I will never eat sugar again if I was too look like Mick Jagger!! lol

Ebbie.B Fri, Aug-01-03 13:24

LOL i feel like i should appologise to Mick just in case he is a LC'er too :D

I always have to wear gloves when peeling potatoes or i'm scratching for hours, never had a problem when eating them though well at least i don't think i had a problem. This woe is giving all sorts of surprises which is good really, just goes to show my diet wasn't right in the first place.

lburnikell Fri, Aug-01-03 16:43

Mick jagger cant be a low carber his lips are way to fat lol

Ebbie.B Fri, Aug-01-03 16:51

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::l ol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol ::lol::lol::lol::lol:
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::l ol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol ::lol::lol::lol::lol:

pepsi max Sat, Aug-02-03 01:37

isn,t it odd about the reactions we get to the foods we,ve eaten all our lives.i just never put the conection i reacted to tomato sauce, i thought i was intolerant to tomatoes, didn,t think about the sugar in the sauce.when we would go out for a meal, i would usually have a desert-something very sweet, and i always would start to sneeze and have a runny nose within 15 i know it was high glycemic carbs that caused my intolerances.i,m diabetic, for gods sake!!
i look back now and it was obvious but it wasn,t then, i was a low fat queen.once i went l-c and cut out bread, pots, sugar, rice and pasta, everything was fine, and just changing the foods you eat can cure so many problems, its amazing.
as for mick, he could be a l-carber, hes thin, and has lots of energy, always doing something, in and out of bed!!don,t fancy him though.


lburnikell Sat, Aug-02-03 03:10

You know youve got me thinking when I used to eat my favourite sweets Haribo (the jellies) or a boiled sweet. my tounge would become very sore, it looked like it had been burnt with blisters and have my taste buds where missing, ( I was worse with the super sour ones, they where cover in sugar!!) I thought it was just a reaction to the e number or colourings, now I am wondering if it was sugar!!

pepsi max Sat, Aug-02-03 03:37

you could be right linda,
its a well known fact that we crave the things we are intolerant to, and i craved that time i just thought i was a greedy pig!still would be i if ate any of those things now.friends sometimes will say, just have one cake or biscuit, it won,t hurt.well maybe it wouldn,t if i could stop at one but i know i can,t,its like going on autopilot,i would have to eat more.i see it now like an alcoholic cannot have just one drink, and i can,t have just one biscuit.much easier it cut them out altogether.

lburnikell Sat, Aug-02-03 07:52

Its amazing after all these years just finding out what we are all intolarant to!!
I know what you meam about chocolate and biscuits and things, I have to say No cause I wouldnt know where to stop and before you know it youve just about eaten the whole bloody packet, leaving too so you dont get accused by others for eating the whole pack!! lol

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