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Orang Wed, Dec-17-03 06:09

Protein Power Pals - Wednesday - December 17
Welcome to the daily Protein Power Pals thread. All are welcome here who are using, considering or just curious about the PP WOE.

BTW - today is my 48th birthday. I'm going out to dinner tonight - anybody got a suggestion for where I might want to go?

BawdyWench Wed, Dec-17-03 06:12

Hi, Orang! We posted at the same time. I'll go delete mine.

:Party: :bday: :Party: :bday: :Party: :bday: :Party: :bday:

Throw caution to the wind and go wherever you like, and eat whatever you like! ENJOY!!!!!

sasquatch Wed, Dec-17-03 06:31

:bday: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :bday:
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Orang Wed, Dec-17-03 06:41

I'm just finally getting back on track after the surgery so I'd like to keep my eating at least kind of clean --

I'm in the mood for some serious seafood -- thinking about Red Lobster in Knoxville -- I used to love it, but the lack of decent side dishes has kept me away since I started the WOE. We have an even better seafood place - Up the Creek - locally. Their steamed lobster is fantastic - I don't know what the do differently than other places, but it is much better. I may call them re: what veggie side they have today (they only have one veggie besides the usual french fries & baked 'tators and their salads / dressings are worse than fast-food salads). The veggie side is often corn on the cob - obviously not a good choice for me - corn nearly always make my ketones go haywire.

Orang Wed, Dec-17-03 08:48

Found something you will enjoy while looking for another graphic

Lissette Wed, Dec-17-03 09:13

:Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:

[COLOR=DarkRed]HAPPY BIRTHDAY ORANG!!!!!!! :bday: :bday: :bday: :bday:

Does Red Lobster have salads there??? You should indulge alittle bit , after all that you have gone through with you surgeries! But I do know how rotton you can physically feel if you over carb! That is a good idea to call ahead and see what they can do, maybe they can swap the sides and for alittle extra just do the seafood! :) AT our Perkins they are doing that now, instead of being stuck with the pancakes and muffins ect.. I can get something lc! :thup:

Well you have a Great Day Renee!!!!! :agree:

Bawdy, Are you still sore?? Glad to hear that things are working out with your bowflex!!! :) I have not done very well on the workouts this week, haven't been home then if i workout to late at night I can not sleep! i do plan on getting on the treadmill every night until we leave Sunday!

Rob, Good to see that you are all better now!! :yay:

Well I need to get choring, the calves are getting restless! :rolleyes:
HI TO ELAINE! ELLIE,ROBIN, MARNIE, and to our missing WENDY, I can imagine how busy you are with the last week of school! I am thinking of you!! :roll:

ewinpa Wed, Dec-17-03 11:02

Happy Birthday Orang!!!!!!!! :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party: :Party:

Tomorrow I am going out to lunch with a friend and we are going for Chinese food! I have had a real craving for that for a while and will eat as sensibly as I can.The funny thing is, the place is right next to the new low carb store so guess where we're going afterwards, haha.

It's raining like crazy here today. I have been aching since the first snowfall two weeks ago.Everything hurts. If it MOVES it hurts.

Hello all, including Ms head 'em up-move'em out in Dakota!!! :lol:

Orang Wed, Dec-17-03 11:22

Weight- 177.5 lbs (still getting back to signature weight after the surgery) - measurements unchanged from last week.

Yesterday was a very strange day for my WOE - I felt awful until dinner so didn't eat much:

Total Calories: 1583
Fat: 97 gms 873 cal 56%
Sat: 32 gms 285 cal 18%
Poly: 29 gms 265 cal 17%
Mono: 28 gms 250 cal 16%
Carbs: 33 gms 112 cal 7% ECC 28 gms
Fiber: 5 gms 0 cal 0%
Protein: 142 gms 566 cal 36%

1 cup cottage cheese
1 oz Velveeta
2 scoops Chocolate Protein Powder
12 ozs coffee

4 chicken drumsticks
1/2 cup breaded and fried okra
1 cup spinach salad - full-fat version.

Liquids - 12 ozs coffee and about 64 ozs water

ewinpa Wed, Dec-17-03 11:24

Interesting book out on Amazon, may explain why the 'Wendy' plan works with all the dairy-

CityGirl8 Wed, Dec-17-03 14:31

Hey ya'll. I just wanted to say hi. I'm an old LC'er who fell off the wagon (and yes, gained it all back, plus). But reading PP really made me see the light, all those eons ago. So, I'm back, to give it another shot, and I'm new to this board.

Happy Birthday!! Celebrate with that lobster.

Chamellie Wed, Dec-17-03 14:56

:Party: :dazzle: :dazzle: :Party: :dazzle: :dazzle:

Happy BirthdayOrang!!

:Party: :Party: :Party: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :dazzle: :Party:

I found some good information on Peri-menopause. I am going to try a progesterone cream and see if that helps. Many women have had much relief from this. PMS is really kickin it is so bad that I want to peel off my skin :cry: :cry:

PS....Orang... :thup: :thup: Red Lobster!! Remember, a serving of mashed potatos is only about 18-20 carbs, very affordable. When I went a few weeks ago they had mixed veggies and it was very good.

PS again :lol: Welcome Citygirl!!

BawdyWench Wed, Dec-17-03 17:05

Hi, CityGirl! Welcome to the group!!!!! We love new faces and new stories. Jump right in and tell us all about you. How long you've been at it, what you've been doing, what's working (what's not), etc. Feel free to ask any questions you like. We have a range of tweaking going on here. Mostly we all follow PP guidelines, but with a little tweak here, and a little tweak there, here a tweak, there a tweak, everywhere a tweak tweak!

So who's going to buy that book on the Calcium diet? Anyone know anything about it? I'm certainly not ready to move to anything else (since PP is the most common-sense plan out there), but I'm always open to new ideas. Ok, well maybe not the "blood type" diet. :rolleyes:

Menu was good today. Two slice of LC toast (4 carbs per slice) with butter and SF peanut butter for breakfast. I know that sounds like excessive fat, but I simply can't eat peanut butter alone on bread.

Mid-morning snack was a 6 ounce non-fat plain yogurt with Splenda.

Lunch was 4 ounces white meat chicken and 2 cups of the broccoli/cauliflower salad. And it's all gone! I made it Sunday morning from an entire head of cauliflower and an entire head of broccoli. And it's gone!

Snack was half a piece of black birthday cake (co-worker's 40th birthday). It turned everyone's teeth, lips, and tongues black. We were laughing so hard half of us were crying!

Another snack was 1/2 cup full-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner will be 4 ounces of pork cutlet and a veggie of some kind. Are there really veggies other than broccoli and cauliflower?

Oh, and an Irish whiskey. (What's new? :rolleyes: )

Tomorrow I'm taking the day off. I really have nothing to do, so I think I'll take a play day and go down to Kittery -- a big outlet town. I need some new sweaters and tops to wear to work. I don't want to buy any slacks or skirts or jackets just yet. I'm on my way down again, and no sense in wasting any money. Tops should fit fine as long as I don't get them too big.

Anyone else have trouble gauging size anymore? I bought a sweater a couple months ago in a Large. I was tired and didn't want to try it on. I held it up and figured it probably ok -- might be tight, but hey, I'll fit into it soon.

When I got home I tried it on, and I was literally swimming in it! I'm finding I can't trust my eyes anymore with clothing.

I'm starting to think about our end-of-February trip to Florida. I still have 10 pounds to lose. Or at least tone up to where I look like I've lost 10 pounds. That shouldn't be too difficult with the Bowflex. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my Bowflex? I'm feeling tighter already.

If any of you haven't tried weight lifting, I urge you to try it. Even after the first couple of workouts, you start standing up straighter, holding your gut in, and just struttin' around!

Well, this is getting a little long. I'll check in one more time before nighty-night.

CityGirl, still want to be part of our group? :lol:

BawdyWench Wed, Dec-17-03 17:08

OK, so I'm back.

I just wanted to add a note to Ellie. I've read a number of posts regarding the estrogen cream. Here, check out this link on this board:

If that doesn't work, go to the Daily Low-Carb Support forum, and then click on the General Low-Carb sub-forum. Look for the post titled "For Gals 40+ Who Are Having Trouble." Lots of good info there.

Chamellie Wed, Dec-17-03 19:01 is where I got the info from :lol: I also did a post for info on the old board and did get some good info there as well. I didn't find any at the store but my wonderful neighbor has an appointment tomorrow near a herbal store so she is going to see if they have some there, Hope it works :)

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