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HelloKitty Thu, Apr-18-02 12:23

4 goals reached....and still going!!!!
I'm very proud to be able to say that "I did it!!!!"
When I started LC I never thought that I would ever be under 200 lbs again, let alone accomplish the things that I have accomplish in the past 4 months. I've set goals along the way that seemed unattainable at the time, but I figured that it gave me something to reach for, although I thought that it was an exercise in futility.

Goal #1 - my husband's black jeans (34's): When I was 145 lbs, they were so loose. :( All I wanted to do was be able to pull them up past my knees again. I hadn't been able to wear them since 175 lbs (and that was pushing it.......) In December 2001/Jan 2002, I was finally able to get into them (Mind you, not comfortable, but breathing wasn't important if I could get into them. :D ) As of this date, I can no longer wear them because they're too big!!!!!

Goal # 2 - get into my size 12 levis from 5 years ago: Goal achieved February/March 2002. They were really tight at the time and I haven't tried them on in awhile, but I'm sure they fit better now (hmmmmmm, a project for later!!!!!!!! :D)

Goal # 3 - to be smaller than my husband: When we met I was so much smaller than he was. I was tired of being bigger than he was. Now I'm to the point that, after wearing his clothes for a few months because mine were too big, I can't anymore!!! They're so baggy!!!!! :yay: (heck!!! To be smaller than guys in general!!!!!!! I actually had some guy pick me up (litterally off the ground :D ) last night!!!! I was so shocked because it was like effortless to him!!!!!!)

Goal # 4 - My ULTIMATE non-number related goal: to be able to buy Calvin Klein clothes again I loved wearing them when I was thin. They were comfortable and looked great. I went shopping yesterday, (I have no clothes to wear and I've shrunk out of my husband's clothes.......... :rolleyes: ) with the intent of having to get 14's or 16's (heavy heartedly, I just wanted to get into what I was when I was 145, which were size 12's and the RARE,skin tight 10's :( ) I got up the courage to try on some CK's (14's of course, expecting them to be too tight), They were really baggy!!!! I didn't want to have to wear a belt, so I chanced it, waiting for the inevitable "these won't button or zip" of the 12's glarring at me. Shockingly, THEY FIT!!!!!!!!!!! comfortably, baggy in the hinder (which I can deal with) and looser in the waist (Of course, it's been YEARS since I've had pants WITH a waist) Yet they fit like jeans are suppose too!!!!! I was so excited!!!!

I've just been so happy about reaching my goals that I had to share them. For those people who think that it's impossible to get the weight down, it's not!!! It takes time, patients and desire. Everyone falls off once in awhile or stalls, but don't let it get you down.
I've accomplished so much more on this WOE since I've been a member of this forum. It's a great place and I wish it much longevity!!!!!!!



TeriDoodle Fri, Apr-19-02 11:39

Thanks for posting your successes, Melissa.... it keeps us ALL going and getting better every day. Sounds like you've conquered quite a bit and have so much to be proud of!!


HelloKitty Fri, Apr-19-02 17:03

Thanks Terri!
It's nice to be able to write about my success after so many failed attempts. Looks like you're getting close yourself!!!!! WTG!! :thup:


prsloan Wed, Apr-24-02 09:28

HelloKitty - can you plz tell me what you mean by "Modified Atkins?"

I have seen this a time or two but am clueless...congrats on your successes!


HelloKitty Wed, Apr-24-02 10:20

Modified Atkins
Thanks for the congrats, Prsloan. :) Looks like you've been pretty successful yourself!!!!!

As far as "Modified Atkins", it means that I've made personal changes to the Atkins plan that suit my needs. For example: I drank as much coffee as I want, my maximum carb intake for a day was 7 grams and at the end of every 1 - 2 weeks I would have an off plan meal to shake up my system. Kind of a tweeking to fit my body's needs.



prsloan Wed, Apr-24-02 10:25

Hmmm...sounds like me - I have lots of coffee in the morning with cream, then switch to water all day long after that.

But did you just stick to 7 grams of carbs the WHOLE time or did you ever increase it, aside from those 'off-plan' meals?

And one more thing, does 'off-plan' mean whatever you want for an hour, a day...???

Sounds interesting.


HelloKitty Wed, Apr-24-02 10:39

Yep, I'm the same way on the coffee!! :D I refuse to give it up!!!!!! :D
As far as the 7 grams, I stayed there for about 3 months (aside for an occational 10-15 gm day from too much cream :D and from the "cheat" meal. At that point my body stalled and needed more carbs.
And as much as I hate to admit it, I was using the low, low carbs as an excuse to not eat..... :( and for that period of time, except for my off plan meal, I was basically starving myself. (Which proves that you can have an ED subside, but you can't ever get rid of it completely. :( )
I had also started working out more. Now I'm not sure how many carbs I take in a day now, but I try to have veggies with every meal all day long (I try to get in 5-6 meals a day ala Body For Life.)
My off plan was 1 meal (generally the last meal of the day) I would usually add in whole wheat bread or rye bread and some french fries, occationally, I'd have fast food. (YUCK!!!!) I ALWAYS stayed away from sugar and fruit though.


prsloan Wed, Apr-24-02 11:04

So how long altogether did it take for you to lose the 31 lbs? And one more thing - did you ever drink alcohol? I'm going on a wine cruise thru' the south of France the end of next month and am really trying to figure out how I can modify and at least not gain...

GatorGal93 Wed, Apr-24-02 11:12

Way to go!
Great job, Melissa! Congratulations!

I know exactly what you mean about Calvin Klein clothes. When I went on the Atkins WOE a long time a go, I managed to purchase a size 10 pair of Calvin Klein black jeans. They looked awesome (my boyfriend at the time thought so, too)! They don't help me now at a size 16/14, but after reading your success, I have faith. Thank you and congratulations again!


HelloKitty Wed, Apr-24-02 19:21

prsloan ,
I've been on LC a little under a year (mind you, I've been on and off plan a LOT), but I can say that I've lost 25 lbs since January. Sadly, I'm sure that I could have been at goal if I had stuck with it.
As far as alcohol goes, I rarely drink (ok, this past weekend was an exception. :o ) and with that I retained soooooo badly. :(

You're welcome and thank you! :) I LOVE CK!!!!! :Party: I think that's what's keeping me on track right now with all the stress in my life: the clothes!!!! I want to stay being able to wear the CK's, the short skirts, the long jackets and look good in them. Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a slave to clothes!!! :D
It is the BEST feeling to be able go in to get some clothes and be able to get something completely unexpected!!!!!



MistyBee Sat, Apr-27-02 10:37

Wow, Melissa!

I can't imagine being able to say "don't care" about my weight.

Good to hear that having coffee can work, I drink a few cups a day and I have quit 6 times in my life - but I am in sugar withdrawal now and I don't want to give up anything else... I'm probably in wheat withdrawal too, come to think of it...

I think Sugar and wheat areso bad for me, I just have to admit that they do nasty things to my digestion, never mind my weight.

Anyway, thanks for sharing your success. i am on about day 3 and am gaining confidence...


Bloom Sun, Apr-28-02 15:37

What a great story thanks for sharing. I too want to be smaller than my husband , hes only 5'6" (same height as me) and about 145 LB . Im getting there :)

HelloKitty Mon, Apr-29-02 08:30

Not so easy.......
Hey Misty,
It's not easy for the weight to be "don't care". I just know it's probably better if I learn to believe it. (KarenB is helping me with that.)
This is the best board for support. Good luck on your LC journey!!!!

Hi Bloom,
You're getting so close!!! I can't wait to weigh less than my husband too, but being physically smaller than he is is good enough for me right now. :D



AngelaR Mon, Apr-29-02 15:26

Wow Kitty, You've made great progress!!!! What a wonderful success story. Fitting into those smaller clothes is one of the most rewarding feelings. Congratulations. :thup:

MistyBee Tue, Apr-30-02 06:24

Smaller than "the guy"
Originally posted by HelloKitty
Hey Misty,
It's not easy for the weight to be "don't care". I just know it's probably better if I learn to believe it. (KarenB is helping me with that.)
This is the best board for support. Good luck on your LC journey!!!!

Thanks Melissa!

I would love to be a similar size or smaller than the BF, he's never seen me like that. Although I am finally smaller than my kids' dad, but then again he is a foot taller than me <lol>. Still, it's something because I weighed more than him at one point.

My BF is about 155-160 and he is 5'6". He is very supportive of the weight loss which is a relief as he has never known me when I was lower than 220 (and we met at a fat rights meeting so at first I was afraid that he would not be happy with my weight loss - some men don't like thin girls, you know...)

I am looking forward to wearing some of his shirts, I've never been able to do that! I used to do that with the girls' dad, back before the girls were born, but I have been heavy since they were born with just one exception. I went to Overeaters Anonymous after my second was born and I lost 110 pounds, which I then put back on plus some...

Now the girls are teens and I'm still big, and I'm ready to try the lo carbing... very, very ready. The last few days have been an epiphany. I have felt so wonderful!

I have a cold and usually that is an excuse to binge. And I did eat extra food last night, but I DIDN'T eat the chocolate cake than Jen baked and left out right in my way! I had some Mock Danish (choc flavor) instead and wow, what a difference! Chocolate without the sugar drop afterwards is an amazing thing. I know that SP calls for no diet sweeteners but wow, they really helped last night, I have to say!!

Thanks for listening! This board is awesome, I feel like I can sign on and write whatever is going on. If there's no relevant thread I can always journal!


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