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KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 19:22

So Mad Right Now
My husband, my daughter and I started this diet three days ago and it's hard. I'm the one who thinks up the meal plans, keeps everybody fed and motivated and gets up at 4:30 AM to make his breakfast. He went to watch the Jets game today and HAD to have a Bacardi and Diet Coke. I know it's no carbs, but the induction rules say NO ALCOHOL. Does he have to start again? Sorry to ramble, I just had to vent. I'm just tired. It's hard enough to do this myself without having to coordinate 3 people with three different schedules.


UrbanZero Sat, Jan-15-05 19:28

Kryssi, post you menus so we can give some feedback, or even better start a fitday journal to track your eating ( As far as alcohol it depends on the person, if he gains weight from it, then obviously he can't have alcohol. Dr A says no b/c most of the time it stalls weight loss.

Brsuga71 Sat, Jan-15-05 19:30


According to the book, yes, he does but IMHO, if he is not serious about it, perhaps you should just coordinate for yourself and your daughter. At the very least, you do deserve help/credit for trying to change the lifestyle of your family but you can't do it alone.

And you can't want it for them more than they want it for themselves. To be fair, perhaps it was just a slip up on his you know, it requires discipline to change and do this WOE. For some of us, it takes a few tries to get it right.

Anyway, that was my 2 won't buy you anything but...

Good luck!!!

KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 19:35

Thanks for your help! I'm going to just do it for my daughter and myself for now and leave him to himself. I could deal with it if he slipped up and ate something, but I'm not going to go through this hassle because he decides to party. I just love this board. You're all wonderful, strong people.

AndreaBash Sat, Jan-15-05 19:59

If it were me, I would be thrilled if anyone wanted to do LC with me for even 1 day. I can't imagine how awesome it would be only having to cook one meal instead of 3. You might want to rethink kicking your husband off the wagon. How much easier will it be when you are making 2 meals instead of 1?

AndreaBash Sat, Jan-15-05 20:03

btw, I can't help but notice your goal weight. Even if you have a very small frame, 100 pounds would make you quite underweight. In fact, it would make you underweight even for a woman who is 4' 10". How did you arrive at that number?

mickster Sat, Jan-15-05 20:40

IMHO, I don't think it's that big of a deal to have one bacardi and diet coke. It will just take him a little longer to get into ketosis. Unless of course you WANT it to be a big deal...;)

KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 20:44

I'm not understanding what you mean about making 1 meal instead of 3. I get up at 4:30 to make his breakfast, then make mine after I work out, then my daughter's. I make his lunch while he's in the shower. Then I have to make my daughter's etc. I've been making alot of meals and I thought he was really inconsiderate. I thought that was what these boards were

As far as my goal weight, I have a very tiny frame and prefer to be very lean as opposed to muscular. Been under 100 lbs my whole life while eating anything I want. Now that I'm older my metabolism has slowed and I need to kick start it. I gained a whole 20 lbs over the past 3 years and want to be a size two again.

Funny, my doctor told me it was a go for my goal weight without mentioning being underweight. Was she wrong? What chart are you using? I hope not BMI because it doesn't really take frame as a factor.

KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 20:48

Hey Mickster, does he have to start from day one again? Because this would throw off everyone's schedule.

mickster Sat, Jan-15-05 20:58

How much weight does he have to lose? How many carbs was he eating before?

I dunno if he needs to start over again, I drank alcohol while I was on induction. I still lost my weight. I would say just keep on your schedule, and don't worry about him. He'll lose, just maybe not as fast as you.

AndreaBash Sat, Jan-15-05 21:04

Well, I see that you just want to be angry. Whether your husband has a bacardi and diet doesn't impact your cooking schedule in the slightest. However, if he goes off the diet, I assume you will still be responsible for making him breakfast and lunch, which will undoubtedly differ from yours. More meals, not fewer.

If you won't be responsible for his meals, why are you now? Was this a condition of going on this "diet"?

BTW, the charts I use are the standard ones you will find in about 100 places if you just search on "body weight charts" -- just take your pick.

KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 21:09

Silly me figured that I would be the one who would be everyone's rock since this diet is so hard. Usually the woman's job anyway. We have to be everything...or so we think...usually to our own detriment. The idea of Superwoman is probably what put me in this predicament in the first place. LOL.
As far as the standard charts go; that's the problem; they're standard. When I say my frame is small; I mean really small! My wrist right now is about 4.5 inches and my wedding ring is a size 4 1/4. The weight I've gained does not look right on me. Like I said, I've always been under 100 lbs. Around 87 lbs pre and post pregnancy. Then 35 hit. YUCK! Maybe I don't need a diet, I need a time reversal machine. LOL. Anyway thanks for the support, but I have set a realistic goal, I feel, for myself. Good luck in your quest.

Dodger Sat, Jan-15-05 21:11


The only effect the alcohol has is to replace fat burning with alcohol burning. It will delay weight loss by only a slight amount. If he did it everyday, then it could add up, but if it is only during an occasional sporting event, then it won't be woth worrying about. Go ahead with the eating plans you have made and include him in.

Why can't your husband make his own breakfast? I've made breakfast almost every morning for over 30 years and it hasn't hurt me. As a matter of fact, while you are working out, he can also fix his own darn lunch. Another option would be to have the lunches fixed the evening before and tossed into the refrigerator. There is no reason for you to have to get stressed out in the morning by doing something that you could be helped with.

There is nothing wrong with your weight goal. Heck, it is just one pound below the BMI level of normal. I bet you could get a hair cut and lose that much!

UrbanZero Sat, Jan-15-05 21:24

Did he cook his own meals before, and now you are the only one who knows how to make it low carb? I can see how that would be a burden-- make everyone read the book, that way you don't have to be the live-in LC cook.

Another suggestion would be to make some type of cassarole dishes- that can be heated up later, there are tons of recipes for this type of thing.

You say this diet is hard- is it b/c you are always cooking? Or do you find the choices limiting?

I, along with most others LCing, find it the easiest diet we've ever done. It shouldn't be so hard.

Feel free to rant all you want. That's what we are here for!

KryssiMc Sat, Jan-15-05 21:30

Thanks, Dodger. I guess I was trying to helpful since you reallly need to cook breakfasts like eggs and the like and he has to get up so early. He used to grab a quick breakfast at the deli. Don't want him doing that since you're never really sure what goes into their food.

I'll keep the haircut thing in mind if I stall. LOL

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