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fiona Sun, Feb-10-02 13:39

Get-Together 2002
1. Who can and would be happy to meet up - any time before Easter?

2. When can you definitely make it?

3. Where would you like it to be?

4. If you are suggesting outside London would you be prepared to help find a suitable location to meet up? This would involve checking out a location, seeing its suitability in wet or dry weather, is LC food available, full directions.

5. Any special needs, ideas or suggetions?

Daschnook Tue, Feb-12-02 05:55

Get Together

I would love to meet up with other dieters in London. I am able to meet up (if you allow me to) before Easter provided it is in London somewhere.

The only place I know where they have good food that we can eat is nearly everywhere for me as I can moderate my Atkins diet to fit nearly all restaurants!

Nice to meet you all and keep up the good (dieting) work! Support is great*


fiona Tue, Feb-12-02 13:07

Andy: March 23 and 30 : Cambridge

Ken & Margaret : March 23 and 30: Cambridge

Fiona : March 23 and 30: Cambridge, if we can find someone local to sort out the venue. Otherwise I would prefer to stay with a venue that was good: Golders Green, London NW3.

Daschnook are you free on these two dates?

Take care.

Daschnook Wed, Feb-13-02 04:01


Thanks for the response

March 23 and 30 are both ok for me but I would also prefer to be in London. Dont think I can do Cambridge on either of those days but I will do my best.

Golders Green/Hampstead area is GOOD for me!



davinababe Wed, Feb-13-02 14:14

i would love to get together on 23rd or 30th March------Golders green or Hampstead is great for me as I live in Elstree and spend a lot of time in the area----its so exciting that there are real people out there that live so close to home that have the same interest!
bye for now----Davina.

fiona Thu, Feb-14-02 01:55

Veering towards London
I am sorry Andy but it does look like London Venue is winning.

I am assuming of course that Ken and Margaret are equally happy to come to London as Cambridge.

Take care.

ezandreth Thu, Feb-14-02 16:20

Hi folks,
I'd like to come and meet up with you all but before Easter is a bit hard, probably can't do 23rd and will be away 30th. I live in Reading so for me, London is easier. Coincidentally, am invited to a party in Cambridge on 23rd but don't know if will go. If not this time, hope to get to a meeting in summer perhaps.
I'd be happy to meet up for a meal - most restaurants are great with this WOE as compared to low-fat, for intance.

Ken Fri, Feb-15-02 01:36

Re: Veering towards London
Originally posted by fiona
I am sorry Andy but it does look like London Venue is winning.

I am assuming of course that Ken and Margaret are equally happy to come to London as Cambridge.

Take care.

Of course London will be OK Fiona, Golders Park will be just as lovely in the spring as it was in the autumn :) .

Keep smiling :daze:


fiona Fri, Feb-15-02 01:54

Yes it is
Ken, that's great.

Yes Golders Hill Park is just stunningly beautiful in Spring. All the daffodils are blooming - if you are lucky. There are two or three weeks when it is at its peak, and a few weeks before leading up to it.

There is a wonderful fresh growth and "new start" feeling - I just love being in fresh air (even if it is cold) at that time of year.

Feel bad about Andy though. Perhaps we could have one in his home town. Andy, any good venues where you are?
Take care

fiona Tue, Feb-19-02 13:43

2pm 23rd March 2001 (Saturday)
Okay I think we have enough people to finalise this. 30th March is actually Easter weekend and I suspect people might wish to go away.

Shall we make it definite for Saturday 23rd March 2001 - 2pm at Golders Green Underground Station as before?

I am really excited as I have just persuaded Sandra, a dear friend of mine to just come and talk to other LCers. I know an LC diet would do her the world of good but she has not yet decided on it.

Looking forward to meeting you all.

davinababe Wed, Feb-20-02 03:15

hi Fiona
is that inside the station near where you buy tickets?

fine Wed, Feb-20-02 15:05

oh well....
Hi guys,
I would love to meet up with you all but London is a bit far right now, and the 23rd is definately out for me..... (I am a scout leader and it is a weekend scout camp that weekend), I can do another time though....hopefully Cambridge (I side with Andy D on that one....) lol
Fi :daizy:

fiona Wed, Feb-20-02 15:16

Golders Green Stn or the Park
Yes Davina somewhere near the exit.

I'll copy the message I posted last time.

"Parks are generally colder than other places so do come prepared with lots and lots of warm layers. I am hoping to hear from Jon soon - this location was meant to fit in with his schedule as he is "guest of honour", travelling furthest and has a tight agenda for his two days in London.

Golders Green is only a tiny little station with one exit (it does have two exits but the other one is closed for the moment) and surrounded by lots of little shops and a bus depot (no parking I am afraid - especially on a Saturday afternoon).

Would people like to meet at the station at 2pm (maximum wait 5mins for late-comers) and walk on to the park 15 mins fast uphill walking and take it from there?

I know it is difficult to time journeys so perhaps those who wish to (or anyone who gets there after 2.05pm) can make their way direct to the restaurant in the park?

The way to get there is to turn left as you exit the Station, walk through the bus depot - walk past the Golders Green Hippodrome - BBC Philharmonic concerts are held there so it is quite prominent - and keep walking left up North End Road until you see a gate and restaurant on your right . If it is nice and sunny you can't miss it 'cos it will be full of children and families sitting on the benches and tables outside the restaurant. "

I'll be wearing the same LC badge I was last time. We had no problems at all last time. Everyone (except Kay who never did show) turned up on time. I really think we will somehow be drawn to each other as we were last time.

It is helpful to know exactly who is DEFINITELY coming so it would be nice for those who are coming on 23rd to just confirm it.

Thanks. Do hope it is not as wet and windy as today has been. I nearly got blown away!!

Take care.

Doodle Thu, Feb-21-02 10:18

My DH and I are planning a couple days in London around that time, would you welcome an Irish Low Carber? ( I must warn you, I am in the advanced stages of being Irish...).

Ken Thu, Feb-21-02 16:28

Hi Fiona :wave:

Margaret and I are OK for 23rd.

See you then :)

Keep smiling :daze:


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