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macadamia Thu, May-01-03 00:35

What about our supplements??
A bit scary about the supplements from Aus :eek: .
About the worst sensation for me has been heartburn after taking them -just as well I'm thinking !! :daze:
Hopefully we'll soon get an up-to-date list (in the media) with all the brand names.

trisharau Thu, May-01-03 04:57

Hmm I am wondering what the real story is :exclm: The cynical side of me wonders if it is a set up to discredit the alternative profession. Interesting timing to with the Medicare change happening in OZ. The recall has certainly got peoples minds off Medicare.

I went into my pharmacist a couple of days ago and found most of the things I am taking are on the list. I rang the hotline and went thru individual items and the girl said none of the things I am taking are on the list. :confused: Well I decided I am not getting any adverse effects from anything and I am still taking them for the time being (well until they run out).

All this has made me wonder though whether it would be safer to just eat food and not pills. I still may revise what I put into my mouth.

jaddles Thu, May-01-03 17:35

The thing is that this whole thing has been known about since October - if there was any grave danger they would have recalled everything then, like they did the travel pills.

I usually buy Blackmores anyway, and they aren't supplied by Pan.

To check if your vitamins are on the list you need to check the P# on the label - the list just says 'Dolomite 100mg' or whatever - there might be 10 different brands selling Dolomite!!

Jaxx Thu, May-01-03 20:32

:D I'm with you Trisha, Its really made me look at trying to get the 'good' stuff from food instead of pills. Although being the procrastinator that I am I will keep taking them until they run out as well.... I have not had any effects that I have noticed!!

The media have certainly been having a field day out of it..- imagine all the false lawsuits that will eventuate from this...... seems a bit over the top to me!

Big call though to recall everything, there must be something to it..... total contradiction to my last paragraph I know - just the thoughts scambling around in my head..... :daze:

Oh - maybe they are scrambled because of the vits I've been taking - hee hee - just joking! :D :D

trisharau Fri, May-02-03 06:57

Heys guys!! Am I peeved today!! :mad: I tried to buy some herbal tabs that I have been taking for menopause type symptoms and they are off the shelf too!! These tabs I want to keep taking as they work wonders for me!! Now when my partner and children say that I am a changed person and not a grouch anymore then that makes them worth buying.

I might have to take a visit to the homeopath instead as her remedies shouldn't have been affected by this scam! Darned expensive and time consuming though as she is a good 45 mins from where I live and a consult is $50 and then there is the cost of remedies. :(

trisharau Fri, May-02-03 07:02

Jaxx your last sentence cracked me up. I have often wondered the same myself the last few days. As in has all the stuff I have been taking is causing my brains to get scrambled. I usually blame it on all the study I do!! :D or menopause :rolleyes: Child birth :rolleyes: etc

Rosebud Sun, May-04-03 17:34

Hi all,

I don't know if any of you watched the "Sunday" programme yesterday - they had a story about Pan. Scary stuff! They (management) were more interested in productivity than quality. Several former employees say they were obliged to collect any white dust off the floor and add it to whatever batch was in progress at the time. And they weren't allowed to take the time to clean the equipment between different batches - of different drugs.

I'm now sticking with Blackmore's - they're safe!

If you want to check the lists of what is safe and what isn't, they are here:



macadamia Sun, May-04-03 19:24

Thanks for that link Roz - there was a list in our Sat morning paper over here - but the print was that bloomin' small I could hardley read it even with my specs on!!! Must need a supplement for that or more carrots!!!
I had heard the bit about the floor sweepings on the radio one morning last week from an Aussie journalist who speaks to the Kiwi journo on the radio here a couple of mornings a week. Apart from the health issues - what a rip off! Don't you feel cheated?
Natuer's Own is a big seller here I think.

Rosebud Sun, May-04-03 19:37

I feel cheated, worried and very cross!

Apart from anything else, the Blackmore's stuff costs more. And they don't make enteric coated fish oil capsules, so I'm back to the yucky "fishy burps" after my fish oil. :(

They said at first that the problem was confined to OTC items, but they now admit to one prescription item - an antidepressant. Some pet items, too.

How much more?? :daze:


trisharau Wed, May-07-03 05:25

They are expensive compared to some other supplements but they are also very good products. Unfortunately when our range and choice of vits/mins/herbs is restricted we can't always get what we want.

I am missing the meno-eze tabs I was taking - they were super and kept all the menopause type symptoms away and also reduced PMT considerably. Nothing I have found remaining on the market comes close to those.

I do remember the enteric coated fish oil capsules by Natures Own were good too. Natures Own was a very affordable product (apart from the L-Glutamine).

trisharau Wed, May-07-03 06:03

Decided to change my stats to kilograms 'cos that is how I relate to my weight. Also put my weight at its correct amount rather than 3 kilos lower which it was weeks a go now. :rolleyes: It is a reality hit to see that I now still have a way to go. Better than bluffing myself I suppose. :p

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