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GirlGeek Mon, Jun-02-03 09:04

POLL: How many pounds gained back after cheating?
I've noticed some talk on the boards of planned cheat days, and such.

I haven't had one yet, but was thinking about it for an upcoming function I will be attending. However, I have read that some people say it is not worth it after the weight you gain back, and it taking 2 days for you to start losing again.

So, that is the reason for this pool. I'm wondering how much I would gain back from one day of carbing out completely, and determine if it is even worth it.


yvonne326 Mon, Jun-02-03 09:33

After a cheat day I gain 1 lb usually the next day which is most likely water that is sponged up by the carbs I eat. That goes away within 2 days back on LC.

Bobbst Mon, Jun-02-03 09:34

If we're talking healthy carbs - bread / pasta, I tend to just plateau for a couple of days.

If I indulge and have a bowl (or two) of ice cream then I tend to put on a few pounds. It's mostly water which you lose again, but it just sets you back 3 or 4 days which is a pain

GirlGeek Mon, Jun-02-03 11:10

So, basically what I'm hearing is that it just stalls you, or puts on water weight. Doesn't seem so bad.

I still can't decide whether or not to do it!! :confused:

Bobbst Mon, Jun-02-03 13:01

Personally, I don't suggest you do it. I'm not sure how bad it was for you to start this diet originally (I found it VERY difficult both times), but having a carb meal, for me, is like quitting smoking and then smoking one after a couple of months - it just sets it all off again. Cheat meals have forced me back into my old style of eating more than once, and I now avoid them at all cost.

However, if you have good self control and don't crave carbs too much, you should be fine.

If it's a matter of indifference and you know the carbs you will be eating will not be INCREDIBLY good, I'd say don't do it :D

Katana Mon, Jun-02-03 13:18

What is the point of cheating?

It means that you are thinking of something that is BAD for you, as something GOOD - as a treat.

It means you haven't internalized what low carbing is all about - that you still have cravings - have not really adopted a way of life.

If you cheat, at BEST, you set back your progress, and deny your body the opportunity to cleanse itself of its carb addiction.

At WORST, it leads to a slippery slope of carb binging - this time didn't hurt too bad, so next time is okay, and then the times get shorter and amounts get larger...

LOTS of people who cheat fall off the wagon completely. Then you don't hear from them anymore in the forum. Sometimes, you will hear from people here who admit how much cheating damaged them. But you usually hear the most from people who say that cheating once in a while is okay, no big deal. So allow me to state loud and clear that it isn't okay, it is dangerous, and I urge you not to do it.

Here's to your continued success!

Bobbst Mon, Jun-02-03 13:30

I agree with Kat.. temptation is often more powerful than self discipline. Cheating has forced me off this diet many times the second time I started it.. I'm into it and haven't cheated in two weeks now but it wasn't easy to start again.

There are times when I have HAD to cheat, like I've been invited to someone's house for dinner and they served Pasta - you can't exactly tell them you don't eat PASTA.

Unless it is for an AMAZING meal that you know you won't be able to have again, I don't suggest you do it. ..

acohn Mon, Jun-02-03 13:47

I may not have gained weight, but I felt sluggish the entire next day. I also lost some of my self-respect temporarily, as all my old "bad, fat boy" tapes started playing again.

Now, when I feel the urge to cheat, I'll eat extra protein and fats.

Bobbst Mon, Jun-02-03 13:51

I never felt different physically - if anything I feel better after carb meals


This isn't a WOL for me, it's a temporary WOE until I can get back down to a good weight

Katana Mon, Jun-02-03 14:19

Personally, I have NO problem telling people I have dietary restrictions. I can offer to bring something, or in other ways smooth it over, but I don't see how you HAVE to eat something just because other people don't know you are low carbing... people have been very positive about it in my experience.

jude Mon, Jun-02-03 18:35

Sorry to be a killjoy, Girlgeek, but I think you're playing head games with yourself. Say you don't gain anything or only gain one pound. Isn't that going to make it easier to cheat next time? Next time say you gain 2 lbs. You'll be telling yourself, "well that's not bad, it's only one more than the last time". And before you know it, you're back on that miserable path we've all been on over and over again.

On the plus side, how are you going to feel the day after, if you don't cheat at this function? Petty damn powerful that you didn't let the "Carb Devil" beat you! You deserve to be successful! Don't let outside forces influence you.

Cheating the first time is hard, but after that it gets easier and easier.


praxis3 Mon, Jun-02-03 20:59

Well, i have been on the Atkins induction diet for a little over 2 weeks now, and intend to continue it for another 2 weeks as i have lost at least 10 pounds and another 10 will almost have me at my goal.
I did however cheat on the 15th day of my diet. I was at a Birthday party and actually some of the incredibly sugary birthday cake. And dont you think i wasnt wracked with guilt about it. But it seems it didnt affect me too badly.
I certainly didnt lose any weight that day, and i figure the late night at clubs and such musta burned it out of my system before it could do any harm. I did however feel an almost hangover the next day which i can only attribute to the sugar blast my body got as i had totally avoided all alcohol that night.
Anyway, have been back to LC'ing for 3 days and the weight is dropping again.
I am only new to this and have very little experience. But it does strike me that the cheating theory can be fraught with danger. I am sure ppl with naturally high metabolisms could have a cheat day and barely notice a blip. While other people could be set back in a serious way for a week or even longer. Particularly if the carbs get a grip on your appetite again.

Marlaine Mon, Jun-02-03 23:06

Originally posted by GirlGeek
I still can't decide whether or not to do it!! :confused:

Only you can make the decision, but how about considering a couple of things?

If you decide to "cheat", who will you be cheating?

Would a cigarette be an appropriate reward for quitting smoking? Are carbs an appropriate reward for quitting eating carbs?

I'm voting NO CHEAT!!


acohn Tue, Jun-03-03 12:27

In the past two weeks, my anxiety has grown, which is usually a signal that my diet needs alteration. At first, I ate some carbage,and had the predictable emotional reaction (see above), but the anxiety remained. I decided to push past my fears about eating a lot of calories, and for one weekend, not to let myself get hungry and eat until I was fully satisfied on healthy, LC foods. Technically, I thought I was going to cheat.

I ate 50-90% more calories last weekend, mostly in the form of protein and fats. I ended up eating about every 2 hours. My anxiety died down, and last night, I checked my weight -- I had lost a pound. My belief at this time, assuming the weight stays off, is that the leptin-ghrellin hormone pair was operative, and that I'd just signaled my body that I was not starving (increasing the leptin by eating more), so that it was OK to release some fat stores.

I plan to continue to use my anxiety as a gauge, and repeat this pattern as necessary. I learned that so-called cheating, if I do it thoughtfully, may be a necessary dietary adjustment.

justcindy Tue, Jun-03-03 16:10

Tonight I was raving starving mad!! I ate and ate...all low carb though. Had a huge steak salad with a dozen of hot wings w/blue cheese. I suppose I could have easily eaten carbs, the kids have stuff here that is tempting but I don't want it now at all. Gee even a glass of water now would bust my gut! LOL
I do not plan on doing "cheat days" at all. I plan on continuing to eat this way for the rest of my life. When I get to goal I will have a high carb food once in a great while but I really don't want them anymore.

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