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Drake Sun, Dec-21-03 08:31

Will Atkins Influence Your Christmas Shopping and New Years Resolution?
If someone told me at the first of the year that I would have been buying a treadmill for Christmas, I would have laughed in their face. I would have said I was gonna buy one of these flat screen televisions or a new computer. Atkins comes into my life and now I see a treadmill would benefit me more than anything else. The weather is starting to bite outside on my nightly walks and so the treadmill is the more practical choice. I know I am gonna get some ribbing from my friends but Santa doesn't bring me the cool toys at Christmas anymore. Far as my New Years Resolution, "I want to be in the best shape of my life." I have seen people on television many times say, "they were in the best shape of their lives." I would look at these people and wonder how could this be the best shape of their lives? But now, I can relate to them. Its not only about the outward appearance but also what kind of things they are putting inside their bodies. No more junk foods, soda pop, and the like but now lots of water, whole foods, and the right vitamins and supplements. Finally, a New Years Resolution that won't be just empty words for a change.

I have noticed there seems to be a lot of us here that are from North Carolina. It must be the Smithfield BBQ or the Angus Barn that did us in. I admit the buffets at Golden Corral and Pan Pan didn't help. The Chinese restuarants on every block played a role in it as well. :lol:

"Learn it, Know it, Live it" ....(Brad character portrayed by Judge Reinhold) in Fast Times at Ridgemont High movie. Words to live by for sure!!! :thup:

JeannieM Sun, Dec-21-03 08:49

Hi Drake!

The Angus Barn is probably VERY Atkins-friendly! I remember going there and having some wonderful sauteed broccoli with my steak. But I hear the Pan-Pan Diner has closed (true?) so you won't have that temptation anymore. :) I lived in Durham for 6 years while I was at Duke (GOOOOOOO Blue Devils!!! :cheer: :cheer: ) and you're right -- Southern cooking (though delicious) can be deadly!!

Atkins won't affect my Christmas shopping this year. DH and I decided a few years ago to add peace back into our Christmas -- we don't travel to see our families, don't spend money (except for gifts for the dogs), and we spend the day together surrounded by peace, harmony, and good cooking. Christmas has gone from a dreaded holiday to one I adore.

As for New Year's :Party: -- gosh, my New Year's Resolution has ALWAYS been to lose weight, for as long as I can remember! This year I will simply resolve to continue on the healthy path I have chosen. Another New Year's resolution will be to weigh what it SAYS I weigh on my driver's license by my birthday in April. :lol:


LaReina Sun, Dec-21-03 09:12

Low Carbing has already changed my Christmas, but I WAS (thank God it's in the past) addicted to sugar, but it causes me to rage and mood swing so bad...causes bipolar. So, I'm glad to be living in the land of "even" as far as my blood sugar levels are concerned...and to me Atkins is part of Christmas, because God blessed me by showing me "why" my body was doing what it was. I thought I was a bad, rotten, mean person...take sugar and hidden sugars out of the picture and I'm not that person anymore. My kids are on the LC path with me and I've noticed that they are nice to each other now, too.
We don't turn on the tv, except around 7:00pm...until the news and that makes for a wonderful day!
As far as Christmas this year...We are not making the "traditional" lay out of goodies. Each person has picked the favorite, and we will make just one batch...and quarter it for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day, and I'm sure the kids will "enjoy" their treats, but they have all learned to eat plenty of protein with any sweet...but I'm also putting out atkins candy bars and low carb cookies...and fruit, nuts, and meats and cheeses and a veggie and dip platter. Now that sounds good. I'm glad I'm not craving sweets and I've been ready for this change...I've FINALLY found what works for me!
I've yo-yoed on every diet for the last ten years...I've lost and gained the same weight over and over.
In January of 2003 I weighed 211 lbs. and got down to 188 by April...then back up to 199 by July and from then had got down to about 192 where I stayed pretty much til November and had gotten back up to 202...thought I'd never see the number 200 again, but I did. Tomorrow is my weigh in day, but sneeked a peek and have lost 3 lbs. this week and want to just keep going. I'm in induction and plan to stay there holiday or no holiday...Christmas is about Jesus, not sugar! LOL
Anyways...this should have been a journal instead of an's ssoooo long! Merry Christmas!

Kristine Sun, Dec-21-03 09:27

Yes - I'm buying myself a second coffee grinder for my flax seeds. If you would have told me that a few years ago, I'd have laughed in your face. :lol: :lol:

StarOrchid Sun, Dec-21-03 09:52

My fiance and I put up stockings for each other this year. Thought it would be fun! How strange it will be to not have any candy in a christmas stocking, with low-carb bars instead... lol!

potatofree Sun, Dec-21-03 10:32

Aside from not lugging home massive amounts of sugar and flour for Christmas baking (I'm making a couple things, but used to go WILD on it) I guess things haven't changed much.

The biggest difference isn't in what I BUY, but rather the fact my feet and knees don't hurt so bad I can't move when I come home from shopping. It used to nearly make my cry for a day afterward, but now..nada, zilch!

Drake Sun, Dec-21-03 11:07

Jeannie I will forgive you this time for being a Duke fan. I figure you must have spent too many days in the summer heat walking down Towerview Drive wondering why you weren't a Carolina fan instead. C'mon, I have seen better high school gyms than the one Duke plays in. NOTE: BUY A/C!!! :lol: GO HEELS!!! The DEAN DOME ROCKS!!! Yep, the PAN is a goner. We all should discover that "peace" is the true essence of Christmas but most of us think food, lots of guests, and PRESENTS. You and the DH have the right idea. I don't need a new license until 2005 so I know the picture will look like night and day. When I hold the two licenses beside one another, I might just shed a tear. :cry: LaReina, great job of kicking the SUGAR TROLL out of the house. When they take up residence in your house, they are SO hard to evict. Sounds like the "in-laws" but I don't want to go there right now. :nono:

Shel Sun, Dec-21-03 12:51

Yep! For Christmas this year, I bought myself "The Firm" workout tapes and some weights. :yay:

I have a Bowflex in the garage, but it's getting too cold to workout there in the mornings... well, maybe not actually too cold, but cold enough to affect my motivation. :rolleyes:

Anyway, my gift to myself is to be able to workout in the warm, snug house this winter, instead of in the cold garage.

And, as always since I started this WOE, I buy a few more Low Carb candies and goodies this time of year, so I won't be too tempted by all the sugary stuff out there! :yum:

BlondeGirl Sun, Dec-21-03 13:15

Not too much has changed for me this time of year now that I eat low carb. Generally I would have been a preferred customer at See's Candy, what with all the truffles I used to buy and munch on throughout the month of December but I've not had a one since I started low carbing again in October.

Usually I am a huge junkfood baker around the holidays but I've postponed it as long as possible this year. I AM going to make some caramel corn and probably a few cookies to have for non low carbers who insist that eating veggie trays and meat and cheese platters is NOT a holiday treat but, hey, they have to choose for themselves to LC. I won't have any of those things, though. Actually, in reading through some of the recipes in Atkins for Life last night, I have decided to make the Holiday Yule Log so I might even get a sweet treat, too.

All in all, save for my eating habits, nothing has changed, though.

Marieshops Sun, Dec-21-03 13:32

Drake - great thread. Sorry you couldn't get into State and had to settle on being a Tarheel, but you can't have everything :) Go Pack! Christmas presents haven't changed much this year, just am putting more planning into family visits to make sure I bring enough LC food so as not to be stuck with only cakes, cookies, pies etc. at inlaws. Happy Holidays and enjoy the treadmill.

JeannieM Sun, Dec-21-03 14:14

Originally Posted by Marieshops
Drake - great thread. Sorry you couldn't get into State and had to settle on being a Tarheel, but you can't have everything :) Go Pack!

Marie, you stole my line. :) Whenever someone gives me flak about my support of Duke sports, I ask them how many times they applied to Duke and couldn't get in. :lol:

Anyway, I thought that the Duke/UNC/State thing was a huge rivalry, but MAN, it's nothing compared to how much Duke is hated here in Tucson...apparently due to some championship game won by Duke a couple of years ago. Sheesh, get OVER it, people!! I really don't follow the men's teams anyway -- I'm a HUGE, HUGE fan of the women's bb team -- I'm flying to Durham for the Tennessee game in January.

ACC RULES!!! (I think that we can agree on this) :cheer: :cheer:


TarHeel Sun, Dec-21-03 14:54

Hello....My father taught at State, and I went to and worked for UNC. So I root for State unless they are playing the Heels. By the way, last night's game was great right up until the middle of the third overtime.

I grew up in Raleigh, and have never eaten at the Angus Barn. Missed out on the Pan Pan diner as well. I'm blaming Allen and Son's barbecue and Hardees fried chicken. And the fried onion rings at Breadmens.

The main change for Christmas will be lc candy in my stocking, and all lc veggies for Christmas Eve dinner. New Year's we boil whole lobsters with friends, and melt lots of butter with lemon juice. I'm really looking forward to that!


BlitzedAng Sun, Dec-21-03 15:30

It sure does for me.. I no longer buy the white poison for all the kids,lol

Drake Sun, Dec-21-03 15:49

Glad you ladies like the thread first of all. Secondly, my girlfriend graduated from NCSU and she doesn't have such fond memories of it. She said she hated having math classes on the top floor of Harrelson Hall. Also, she hated having to wait in the cold for the Wolfline bus and then once she got on it, it would stop for no reason at the basketball courts on the side of Carmichael Gym. I myself hated the pesky campus patrol that were kids pretending they were real cops. So parking was always my biggest challenge there. It was easier for me to get into the buildings without an escort than it was to find a legal park. Back then, if you needed to get into a building, just wait and a student with a key would be around in a minute or so. Say, "hi" and catch the door when it swings open and you were in. Hopefully the students don't still do that anymore. Times have changed alot since then. By the way, GO PACK.....c'mon....they will have a problem beating Clemson this year and they can forget beating FSU in basketball this year. Fire Sendek, ask Chuck Amato if he knows anyone, and tell the guys that talk on 850 the Buzz AM to stop crying about losing. :roll:

JeannieM Sun, Dec-21-03 15:51

Originally Posted by TarHeel
I'm blaming Allen and Son's barbecue

Oh Kay, that was mean...Allen and Son's...YUM!!! You set my stomach to growlin'.

But it seems to me that the BBQ itself would be just fine. The hush puppies, though, that's another story. :nono:


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