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Katzue Thu, Sep-03-15 10:04

Any pregnant LC mamas here?
Baby #3, about 6 weeks along. Keeping carbs around 75 grams per day. :wave:

AnneChoco Thu, Oct-15-15 13:58

I hope to be soon. I have already decided I would just up my carb count, since I am very strict right now at 20 or less a day. Hope you are feeling well and enjoying this time!

mscarrigan Tue, Oct-20-15 08:53

:wave: Almost 11 weeks with our first baby. I've been low carb for almost a year now, and lost 60 pounds prior to conceiving. Shamefully, I did go off the wagon for the last two weeks, but I made a fresh start yesterday. It's just amazing how much better I feel when I ditch the bad carbs.

Racquel Sun, Dec-20-15 16:14

I'm 19 1/2 weeks pregnant with unexpected baby number 6. I was low carb before getting pregnant but I haven't been eating healthy since about 5 weeks pregnant. I feel terrible and I've already gained 20 lbs. It's time to eat healthy.

mscarrigan Mon, Dec-21-15 09:31

Hi Racquel,

My situation is pretty similar to yours... right down to the fact that I'm 19 1/2 weeks as well! This is my first child, though. I've been low carb since February of last year, and --though my husband and I are thrilled with our unexpected gift-- I really hoped to lose at least 20 more pounds before becoming pregnant. I've actually done fairly well at maintaining up until last month, but the holidays officially triggered my pregnant lady cravings and things have gotten a bit out of hand. I'm giving myself until Christmas, and then it is back on the wagon for me.

I'm not sure if you're interested in an accountability buddy, but if you are I'd love to have someone in the same pregnancy stage as me to help stay in line. :)

Racquel Wed, Dec-23-15 09:26

Hi mscarrigan,

I would love an accountability partner. I cut carbs back slowly this week but yesterday was my first complete day low carb and I woke up today 7 1/2 lbs lighter! I know it's water weight loss because I've had ALOT of edema but even that is a huge relief right now. I can see my ankles again and my toes don't look like little sausages. My joints and back aren't aching like they have been. I feel like a completely different person this morning.

How are you feeling so far? Do you have a plan for how many carbs you're going to eat? My due date is May 11th. What's your due date? Sorry I'm full of questions.

mscarrigan Wed, Dec-23-15 14:22

Hi Racquel,

7 1/2 pounds is awesome! Even if a lot of it is water weight, I know it feels great to see on the scale. Plus it shows that you're on the right track.

I'm actually doing a lot better than I expected. I haven't had any morning sickness at all, thank goodness. My back has really started to bother me in the last week or so... my doctor told me at my most recent visit that I have a rear-facing placenta, so I'm going to have even more back issues than most. I guess it's a decent trade-off for the lack of sickness, though. My due date is May 13, and we're having a little boy. We decided on a name this week... Daniel Stanley, with the Stanley being for my father. Have you found out the gender of your baby yet?

One thing I can definitely tell is that I feel SO much better when I'm eating low carb. My heartburn the last week or so has been awful, and up until I went off track I really hadn't had any indigestion issues at all. I'm actually looking forward to going back to my normal way of eating on Monday, after we get back from our Christmas visiting. I'm going to try and stay at 50 carbs or less, sticking as close as I can to Atkins induction. I'm nervous about keeping them that high, though... it seems like I'm kind of an all or nothing person. The more carbs I eat, the more I crave. I do great keeping them around 20, but I know I'll be in ketosis at that level. Of course, I'm not really convinced that it's bad to be in ketosis while you're's got to be better than pigging out on sugar all the time because of the cravings. How many carbs are you shooting for?

If you celebrate it, Merry Christmas! I was going to send you a PM, but I think you have to have 25 posts first. :)

Racquel Wed, Dec-23-15 21:09

Oh yeah, I definitely know what you mean about heart burn. I was dealing with it daily until I cut the carbs again. I guess if I think about it I had a lot of pregnancy symptoms that are suddenly gone since starting low carb. Heart burn, edema, body aches, nausea, headaches, fatigue, crankiness, being emotional. All gone. I really do feel like a completely different person when I eat right.

I'm having a baby boy too. I think his name is going to be Declan Kyler. I have an anterior placenta with this baby. Apparently that means it'll be harder for anyone to feel him kick and it's harder to get a good look on the ultrasound. I have felt him allot but so far it's been nearly impossible for anyone else to feel him.

I plan to try to stay at or around 20 carbs to begin with until I get my edema completely under control. I don't believe ketosis is harmful to the baby either. Actually I think it's healthy for them. And it's definitely better than sugar and wheat and the high insulin levels that come with eating that junk. If I don't feel comfortable with my carbs that low I will bring them up until I feel better.

I've been a member here for over 4 years but I'm more of a lurker than a poster. We do celebrate Christmas here, we had ours early because I work both Christmas eve and Christmas day.

Merry Christmas,


mscarrigan Mon, Dec-28-15 09:03

I would probably do much better at 20 carbs than 50. It seems that when I tried to up my carb count to maintenance level, that was when all the food temptation began. I was doing fine on my normal level--no real cravings, no nausea, nothing. Then I upped it to 50 and things suddenly got a lot more difficult. It was so tempting to say, 'well, I'll let this high carb item that I'm really craving just satisfy my 50 for the day.' It was all down hill from there.

My doctor actually recommends a paleo style diet while pregnant. It seems like the medical community is slowly starting to embrace low carb eating, even if it's just a little at a time.

I'm back on plan today! Hopefully I will be able to kick the pregnancy cravings to the curb. I've pretty much felt terrible all week due to heartburn and other stuff, so I'm just going to try and remember that. Hours of misery versus a momentary high from chocolaty snacks... It really should be a no-brainer, shouldn't it?

Katzue Sun, Mar-06-16 19:47

HI :) I am due May 5th. I can't believe how close we are!!!

Racquel Tue, Apr-19-16 18:59

Hi Katzue, I haven't been on here much lately. How are you feeling?

GreenFern Sat, Apr-23-16 12:29

Me! I'm due late july/August.. doing no sugar and no grains. Limited starchy veggies but not counting carbs per say.

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