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JudyAH Sat, Feb-02-02 17:53

Scwarzbein newbie
I feel like I have just hit the motherload. It took me a while to get here (on many levels) but I have arrived. I have just read many of the posts in this section and I am amazed to see myself on so many of them. I have a few questions to pose. Has any one had to deal with Dairy allergies and SP? How do you keep up the regime day in and day out? I work on average 12-14 hours a day around the food industry. I own a cafe that sells all the wrong kinds of food for my health. It keeps the profits up, but the temptations while on the job are staggering. Any thoughts?

YogaBuff Sat, Feb-02-02 18:49

Welcome, JudyAH! I happen to think SP is the motherload, too. I don't see anyone on the SCHwarz. board who has YET commented on dairy allergies, only grain aller. and such, so far. But, if your posted question is on here, you're liable to hear from someone about it. :D
Keep asking here and on the main board and somebody will have an answer. Put the question to Doreen T, Karen or Tamarian. They know just where to look. I would say that lo-carbing (esp. SP) w/ your allergies and your workplace situation might be a CHALLENGE, but never impossible. People even do this w/ a vegetarian diet, but it takes knowledge and practice. This site is a FONT of knowledge. I was really clueless till I read and found this site. (Still am, but I'm not finished reading ;) ).

Great to have you!
yb :daze:

lisaf Sat, Feb-02-02 19:47

Hi Judy --

Check out Karen's voluminous journal -- I know she was having a addiction issue with dairy and decided to eliminate everything but a small amount of cheese this past fall. I would find it difficult to survive w/o dairy myself but that's just my crutch to get through the day.

As for your must be so great to be self-employed! But I can see how the temptation would drive you nuts. All I can suggest is plan, plan, plan...bring plenty of food to work with you and keep munching on it whenever the cravings hit...prepared meats, celery sticks, carrot sticks, hummus, high fibre crackers w/ margarine/butter, soya nuts and pumpkin seeds.

The other thing is that your dairy allergy may actually be something else? Like an insulin issue, for example. All my allergies are a million times better now that I've cut out all that flour and sugar. Take your time and see what happens. I should caution you, however, that if you are lactose intolerant (vs. allergic) that probably won't go away.


JudyAH Sun, Feb-03-02 02:43

Thanks Lisa,

I do have to get organized. I'll try some of the things you suggest. I just learned about soya nuts.

Mine is a dairy allergy. It manifests itself with sinus congestion and headaches. Iaquired this allergy in the past 10 years. Do you suppose healing my body will give way to this getting better. I sure miss chesse, and now its okay to eat it. Some times I wonder if anything is ever good for us.

lisaf Sun, Feb-03-02 05:32

Some times I wonder if anything is ever good for us.

I hear you! If you check out the Schwarzbein site...apparently she thinks this too. All those supplements are designed to give us the nutrients that are lacking in our food supply.


Jilly Sun, Feb-03-02 10:27

Hi Judy
Hi Judy,

I'm new, too.

All I wanted to say was, you may be quite surprised what your system is like without sugar.

All my life I thought that fat irritated my gallbladder - because my doctor said so. The evidence was different. How come I never reacted to steak or butter or cream? How come I was rolling in agony after chocolate, cake etc? I assumed it was the FAT content, but it was the SUGAR content. I ate fat expecting to explode, but nothing happened. However, I cheated one evening and ate a meringue shell (oh wicked girl), blew up like a balloon, and rolled around the floor in agony for three hours. How I wish I had known, all these painful years, which was the true culprit.

In addition to the above, whenever I had a gallbladder attack (and remember this meant going to hospital), I was put on a very strict low fat diet and just got worse and worse. I am angry about that too.

You may well have a dairy allergy, but equally - well who knows?

I find SP easy to stick to because I don't want the pain of sugar bloat! I don't know if you have ever read Far From the Madding Crowd, but it was like in that sequence where the sheep get a weird bloating from bad grass, and have to be stabbed with a knife to save them! LOL!

This diet would turn world health back on track if doctors would remember they are scientists first and foremost. They set out to find results that arent there, but that accord with their wishes. It works, and I really think they should find out why, whether it works for everyone, and if not, which groups do benefit. Simply sticking to the old LOW FAT LOW FAT record just makes intelligent people's blood boil.

Phew, off soapbox. Stay with me for the long haul. We all need each other!

Good luck!


JudyAH Sun, Feb-03-02 14:35

May the schwarz be with us.
Thanks for the info. I'm off to the market to get some supplies to get me through the week. I knew sugar was evil, but the vastness of the problems are incredible. My husband, bless his soul is tall and thin. He doesn't quite get it. He brought home white bread and juice to go with breakfast this morning. I explained to him what I was doing and he is the greatest most supportive guy in the world, but he wants his cake and eat it too so to speak. I want him to read the book, so at least he will have a working knowledge of what I need to do to get healthy. In two years I will be 50 years old and I would like to enjoy the latter part of my life with hubby instead of being a stick in the mud stay at home can't do anything pain in the ass. I think it will take all of that time to get healthy. Thin is a bi-product of this program for me. I want to feel good and not ache every time I move. I don't want to be a diabetic in 5 years. I need to break the cycle and get back on the wagon. I have been on it a few times before, but falling off is easy and getting back on the hardest thing in the world. I can't do that any more.

Thanks for the encouragement. This forum is wonderful.

Appley Sun, Feb-03-02 15:19

I just started SP myself a few days ago.. I have to admit that after trying everything out there I am very worried I'll go thru yet another failure.

Reading post after post of encouragement has been nothing less than a ray of light

YogaBuff Sun, Feb-03-02 17:16


So well put!!

We really do have to take a deep breath and try this WOE in order to know which foods were REALLY bothering us.

yb :daze:

Jilly Sun, Feb-03-02 17:27

Drugs, what drugs?

I have to pinch myself to believe that it is true - but it is. In just over a month I have been able to abandon two asthma inhalers, no longer need my stomach coaters, have stored away my anti-inflammation tablets since my gallbladder is behaving for the first time in years, and have saved a fortune in prescription charges. I would usually have had at least three or four migraines normally - I have had one tiny headache, and it went quickly.

After a successful career, much in the public eye, I had begun to live like a sick person. I started refusing invitations because I never felt I had the energy to go anywhere, to do anything. I had become virtually agoraphobic, even though I used to be very gregarious. All that changed within days of starting Schwarzbein. Weird!

I promise this is not some psychological trick my mind is playing on me. There is no greater cynic about dieting than I. The more acclaim, the more I am suspicious. BUT I am I hope intelligent and logical, and I cannot argue with the evidence of my own eyes, ears, and feelings. I haven't been this well for around twenty years.

I don't know this me at all. It is going to be interesting to find out what I am really like free from illness, because I have almost forgotten those days.

Good luck everyone. You are all doing so very well. It inspires.


YogaBuff Sun, Feb-03-02 18:10

It's true.
hardly ever use my inhaler
No more- ahem- tummy bloat
no more indigestion
sleep very well
menstrual and hormonal disorders so much improved
Blood sugar stable (I'm not diabetic, but hypoglycemic)
energy improved
weird hunger swings gone
concentration better, less fogetfulness

the motherload, as someone put it

and no more starvation!

yb :daze:

JudyAH Sun, Feb-03-02 19:47


You mean my mind may find its way back to me. I can't remeber anything any more. Oh this is good news.


MistyBee Thu, Apr-25-02 22:43

You said it, Judy

I look
forward to all this

Thanks for all the inspiration guys!!


PS. How much carbo do you guys usually eat in a day? :confused:

thanks again...


judy130 Fri, Apr-26-02 04:17

I know what you mean about the tall thin husband, Judy! My husband is the same and can eat whatever he likes and I really snapped at him when he last offered me chocolate - he knows better now LOL

The kids are also slim and I would like to get them off sugar but am trying to set an example first. So I have been successful for about a month now. I tell myself that the first bit of sugar to touch my lips will be the end of me. That way I have managed to stay off it.

I must say I am not counting carbs like I should, I am just trying to break the sugar addiction first and then I'll get stricter. However, I am not going mad on carbs and only have the occasional potato or rice in the evening.

MistyBee Fri, Apr-26-02 07:34

Family in the Way...
I have 2 teens who eat everything in sight and on site and use their allowance to order thnings like pizza <aargh!>

I am hoping that starting this diet will help with the cravings...


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