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ccmarketer Thu, Apr-04-02 11:13

Health and wellness day - made me feel not so healthy
Went to our health and wellness day at school yesterday and got myself tested for body fat, BP, cholesterol, blood sugar. Here are the results.

Body Fat: 32.6% (4 point caliper)
Body Fat2: 27.8% - with a digital tool you grip.

Cholesterol: 225 (I've never had it taken before so who knows)
Glucose: 79
BP: 110/80

Anyway - the girl doing to cholestrol was a nutritionist and immediately started saying how bad Atkin's is for me and that's why cholesterol is so high etc. She was real downer and said all low carbs are for short term use only for the morbidly obese.

Really ticked me off - even when I told her - that I'm exercising, eating better and have gotten rid of daily acid reflux. There's this perception that low carbers are eating nothing but pork rinds and ground beef when basically we're eating just the same just without the carbs.

The only thing she could emphasize is that we need carbs for fiber and energy - I guess she's never heard of brocolli.

UGH! It just frustrates me everytime someone starts bashing my eating habits. :exclm:


tokenyanke Thu, Apr-04-02 11:40

I agree
So many people bash things and they don't even know the facts and haven't so much as read a book on the subject they are bashing!

A girl that works for my hubby had started Atkins and then the "big boss" was in one day and she was telling him about it and he told her how bad it was for her(mind you, he goes to the gym and takes all these supplements and some of them are, as he puts it, "on the verge of being illegal"), so she got scared and quit! She is about to bust out of her clothes and gets married this month and has already outgrown her wedding dress and has to have it altered!

I saw her a couple of weeks ago and she was amazed at how much thinner I am in spite of only losing 9 lbs. I told her I feel fine and plan to stay on Atkins, so now she is ready to go back on it after seeing living proof that it works!

I wish some people would SHUT UP :eek: when they don't really know the facts. I agree Atkins isn't for everyone, but who are they to make the decision as to who shouldn't be on it??


agonycat Thu, Apr-04-02 12:38

Don't you sometimes feel like telling these people that:

Unlike them sticking to a diet based on scienfic reasearch done 30 years ago, at least you are trying a diet based on 21st century research.

Atrsy Thu, Apr-04-02 13:23

Reminds me of my husband
He never really chastised me for being on it, but never would cut back on carbs himself. Now he weighs 285 (6'5" tall) and takes medicine for high blood pressure. The last time he was at his vascular surgeon, she told him that his other doctor will probably put him on cholestrol medicine as well. Funny, how I now see him cutting back on the carbs. He often tells me that all he had for lunch was a cup of soup and a broiled fish sandwich.

I just tell him that if he ever wants to go on this with me, he should let me know he is serious and I will tell him how to do it. I do think that he has shed a few pounds in the past few weeks though. If I am successful, maybe he will believe me! :)

ccmarketer Thu, Apr-04-02 13:44

Count our blessings
I'm lucky that my BF and I are doing this. When we start cheating we help to rein eachother in.

He's actually lost more weight than me, but I'm exercising and things are starting to move back into the right places!

I agree about the outdated diets - what's funny is that when you read women's magazines nowadays - some star is trying to get back in shape for movie they used to cut out meat now the first thing they do is cut out carbs.


animaldoc Thu, Apr-04-02 14:06

About that cholesterol...
CC was that a fasting cholesterol that they took? I think that the results can be artificially inflated unless you were fasted for 12 hours before the blood sample was taken....

Regardless, since you've never had it checked before, it could be coming down! I would have it checked again for sure before you worry about it too much.

Congrats on being 50% of goal!

-animaldoc :wave:

Bevb Thu, Apr-04-02 19:13

To get the real results of a colestral test you really need to get a fasting test. And then find out all you numbers. On this diet my colestral was 218 after a month, but my hdl was in the high 70's. My dr. is not worried about my numbers as the hdl is so high. Actually the colestral has dropped slightly. It was always in the 220's and this was in a month :roll:

agonycat Thu, Apr-04-02 19:34

My test results after a year of being low carb:

Blood pressure 110/75

Trigs: 76
LDL: 142
HDL: 50

Total 207
Ratio 4:1

To be doctor was shocked. I had told him that 70 to 80 percent of my diet consisted of nothing but fat. He was expecting me to drop dead of heart failure I do believe in his office.

ccmarketer Fri, Apr-05-02 09:39

Good to know that it might be okay
It's nice to see that some of you guys have high cholesterol but in a good way. I'm hoping that's what mine is. :thup:

I had not eaten anything before I did it so I'm pretty sure it was fairly accurate.

Just made an appointment to get the full test next Wednesday - it's just eating me up that it was so high -

Everything else was good - so fingers crossed either that test was inaccurate or hopefully I'll have high HDL - we've been LCing since end of January so - now of course regretting that I didn't get this done at the beginning for a baseline - :(


Heather Fri, Apr-05-02 13:04

Nutritionists and Low Carb
I have talked to two Registered Dieticians about low carb recently and they both had the same reaction, that it is absolutely the worst way to eat. I attribute that to their education, which is all based on American Dietetics/Diabetics research (funded by interested concerns) and the almighty Governmental Food Pyramid. Egads!

My own primary care physician, through my HMO, recommended that I start restricting carbs(sugar/flour - not vegies) to get healthy.
This is not the same doctor that I had already previously paid a lot of money to, who told me the same thing a few years ago, when I had lost 100 pounds.

Doctors say one thing, nutrionists another. Everyone has their own opinion about what everyone else should be eating. Very frustrating, to say the least.

I say, go with what works and what makes you feel good. The test results will speak for themselves.


phonemarsh Fri, Apr-05-02 23:18

All of these so called know-it-alls act as if the rest of the world is eating a perfectly balanced diet!!!!!!! I'd love to see one of them storm into a McDonalds and lecture the rest of the supposed "informed and educated" public! Hey you with the super sized fries shame on you........ (No they save their advice for us LCers)
My diet is probably not as balanced as some lo carbers and for that I take vitimins. BUT......... It's sure as heck better than the rest of the free world's normal diet of doughnuts, fries, pizza and nachos :rolleyes:

L Fesler Sat, Apr-06-02 13:45

Thanks for writing the bit about your husband. Mine has responded the same way. He does not worry so much about it any more and never interferes with my preparation of food etc. He and I both cook and he accomodates my needs in his cooking and I in mine.
He has high blood pressure and is on med. I am hoping that he will begin to see a big difference in my energy level and loss of FAT~ I am small boned and tall so my weight sounds fine to every one (who cares) ha but my body fat is 30% or higher. I work out and have for most of my life....dancing, running in my earlier days and have taught aerobics classes for years. I have added weight lifting again. Had a break of about 8 years when I had two back surgeries and could not return to my teaching. I finally JUST did it. I have been teaching again for 10 years and have worked through a lot of back aches.....I was up around 168 when I started teaching again and have come down to 152 or so but I kept eating lots of carbs so I found Atkins and am determined that this is my new way of life.
You have encouraged me about my husband....thanks a lot. You are doing wonderfully well, keep at it.

DebPenny Sun, Apr-07-02 13:13

Scientific opinion
Agonycat wrote:

Unlike them sticking to a diet based on scienfic reasearch done 30 years ago, at least you are trying a diet based on 21st century research.

Actually, there is little or no scientific research that supports a low-fat diet. I hope you can get to it, but follow this path to an article that describes the history of the government's food pyramid:

1. Go to
2. Scroll down to the article dated April/May 2001 and click on the "this link instead" link.

The article is titled "The Soft Science of Dietary Fat" and subtitled "Mainstream nutritional science has demonized dietary fat, yet 50 years and hundreds of millions of dollars of research have failed to prove that eating a low-fat diet will help you live longer."

As I said, hopefully, you will be able to get there. It's an article at Science Magazine and that link should get you past the registration. If not, you may need to register.

In a nutshell, the article says that the food pyramid was based on a layman's opinion and was "supported" by a researcher who had done some questionable (which he later admitted) research to support his own "radical" ideas.

It's a long article, but well worth the reading.

And there's another, related, article at:

part 1:

part 2:

Happy reading!



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