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Strudel182 Fri, Nov-14-03 03:57

Doing well, but thinking of giving up...
I think I'm doing very well right now on Atkins - absolutely no cheating. I'm in Induction still, and I'm on Day 10. I'm quite satisfied with the pounds I've already lost.

I should be really happy things are going so well, but actually I'm feeling just the opposite. I don't know if I can continue. I can't find any of the "approved" artificial sweeteners here, so it's sugar, aspartame, or nothing. And, in future, from time to time I'd like to have a dessert as a treat. So, I keep thinking "what harm would a teaspoon of sugar do?" That's got to be the kiss of death for this diet...

I realise this is a way of life, but can't help but wonder how to continue for the rest of my life with limited fruit, little or no oj, and without a slice of bread once in a while. This is depressing to me, especially because I have a small farm with a fruit orchard (apples, pears, cherries, plums, blueberries, kiwis). I like having fresh fruit, and making a variety of things with the excess produce.

Are there people out there who do add back the "banished" list foods, in moderation, once they are in Lifetime Mainenance? Can I eat my fruits without ballooning, after I get to my goal weight?

So I'm having doubts. Is this normal at this stage? Is this just a phase? What can I do to get through the next 4 days?!

cab Fri, Nov-14-03 05:22

Don't give up on this, it will change your life...

These craving you have will stop and your whole mindset will change.

The best things in life are worth working for, just be prepared for bumps in the road before hand and you will be fine, create goals for yourself, and reward yourself when you reach them.

If I can do Atkins anybody can!

MaryToU Fri, Nov-14-03 05:30

You could also check into other low-carb plans. The are many that include more fruit. Click on the right side of your screen "Which low-carb plan is right for me" and read it over. There are many plans out there with many choice. I am sure you will find one that suits you just fine. As far as the aspartame goes, if that is all you have avaible to you, and you are still losing using it then I wouldn't worry to much about it.

MamaSara6 Fri, Nov-14-03 05:33

I imagine you can eat your fruits in moderation once you get closer to goal. What a wonderful place to live!

I don't like any artificial sweeteners, but splenda gives me a major headache. So, on rare occasions I use aspartame. It's better than sugar, but you can't use it as much as you used to use sugar!

If you're still struggling, you might look into somersizing. She lets you eat fruit alone. Carbs w/ no fat. Protein w/ fat. Good luck! :-)

AshGrrrr Fri, Nov-14-03 06:49

Why dont you check on a moderated low carb plan? I know that lots of people on here can still lose weight while eating around 80 carbs a day. Dont just throw the diet out the window.

ferkin1 Fri, Nov-14-03 06:55

I seem to be able to eat some fruit with no adverse effects, but in moderation. Half a banana or a small apple, or a piece of peach cobbler for example.
Why don't you try to get some Splenda (or other low carb food) on eBay, many sellers ship internationally.
After such progress in 10 days it seems this woe will really work for you and it would be a shame if you quit.

redawn Fri, Nov-14-03 07:13

I really don't think the idea of this WOL is to NEVER eat fruit again. . .first of all it was my favorite thing I added after induction. . .and once I lose this weight and I will. . .my WOL will include carrots and apples and sweet pototoes and lentils and red kidney beans. . .but in moderation and with protien. . .and i am thinking this WOL after weight loss can handle an occational trip to the dessert cart. . .just be aware of the effect on the body and be prepared to wean it off the sugar for the next week. We are addicts. . .can you just taste a little and not have the monkey on your back? redawn:)

Strudel182 Fri, Nov-14-03 09:59

Thanks for your advice and words of encouragement. I was really down in the dumps today (yet I should be rejoicing - I think Induction is working for me, and the scales proves it). You are right. But, I can't help wonder if Day 10 is the "day of dispare" everyone faces?

Sara, you are right, I do live in a wonderful place. Problem with Belgium is they are fantastic cooks and real gourmands. They pride themselves on their chocolate, beer and french fries.

I have a challenge on 6 December - dinner at a friend's place. I don't know them well enough to say "hey, no high-carb stuff please!", so I'm going to have to wing it. Normally we have people to our place (this way I can control the menu).

A neighbour asked if I lost weight! Apparently my face is thinner. Great, I want to lose it from my hips and a$$ and it goes from my face!!!

I looked into getting Splenda shipped. No can do, not to Belgium (someone said it hasn't been approved here, and people won't ship it as a result...). I will just have to go without. I think aspertame stalls me. I had some sf jello last weekend, and just stalled for two days.

But, I don't think I'm addicted to sugar. I'd just managed to get myself into a vicious cycle of eating lots of the wrong foods, trying to "keep up" with the fast-eater I live with (I'm very competitive - weird, eh?) so having too much, and ended up letting treats become the norm and not just for special occasions. I think Atkins can help me with that. I think it has.

Only 4 days (well, 3.5, I am 6 hours ahead) until a 1/2 bowl of strawberries. Day after, 1/4 bowl raspberries. Can't wait! And thanks for your encouragement. Really. It's helped.

Strudel182 Fri, Nov-14-03 10:02

BTW, first mini goal - to lose 10 pounds by 5 December.

Alina Fri, Nov-14-03 10:14


I wouldn't even think of giving up because of this.........of course you can have fruit but not right now! I've started adding fruit like kiwi, avocado and apples (recently) after reaching 50% of my goal. I added berries after induction. We can have those but in moderation.
I hope you won't give up.........ask yourself how badly you want to be healthy and thin? There is so little we have to give up......and so much we get in return!

Best of luck


Strudel182 Fri, Nov-14-03 10:27

Alina, have you found either sucralose/Splenda or Stevia in Germany? I go often to Dusseldorf for work, so maybe can find some there?

ferkin1 Fri, Nov-14-03 10:48

It's not cheap but (UK based) will ship to Belgium, or so they claim on their website.

Sango Fri, Nov-14-03 10:48

I just wanted to say that it's a good thing your face is looking thinner! I've heard many times that is the first place your weight loss is apparent, it means you are on the right track. The rest of the body will follow :)

Strudel182 Fri, Nov-14-03 11:13

ferkin1, thanks for the link! It's great - I've been searching the web for 2 days to find something like this. Of course, Splenda is out of stock... but still, now I know I can get it. Gives me hope. Thanks again!

Mua'Dib Fri, Nov-14-03 11:33

I agree with what other people have said. Even if you can't follow the diet to a T, trying your best is still better than totally giving up and going back to your old ways. Throw in some fruit or other little treat every once in a while. While still a little high in carbs fruit is still a much better choice that a quart of ice cream or a pastry. Hang in there!

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