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Cinammo Sun, May-18-03 09:41

When will others notice?
When you have a lot of weight to lose I know no one can tell when you have lost 10 pounds and to be honest when my overweight sister-in-law said she had lost 22 pounds I couldn't tell. So at what amount of weight lost do you think others will be able to start to actually notice a difference? 30, 40lbs?

liz175 Sun, May-18-03 10:52

People started noticing my weight loss after I had lost about 40 pounds and also after I had bought new clothes. As long as I stayed in the old, baggy cothes they did not notice. Each time I go down a size and move from baggy clothes to clothes that fit better, I get a lot of comments telling me that it looks as though I have lost more weight.

My best guess is that you have to lose over 10 percent of your body weight for people to notice. For me, that was about 40 pounds. Since you are smaller, you will lose 10 percent of your body weight faster and people will probably start noticing sooner.

DarB Sun, May-18-03 10:53

I think that is a hard question...but the nice thing about the Atkins diet is that sometimes your weight loss is not reflected in the numbers on the scale, but more in inches...and the scale may not be moving, but your clothes are fitting better. I seem to be stuck right now...only 16 down, no movement, but the clothes are loser, and while it is not a big difference I notice it. So, if the inches come off, people, I think, will notice sooner than if you wait for the scale to move. A bit of a rambling answer, but I think I got my message
I tend to jump on here first thing in the morning when I wake up and several times during the day, and last thing at night. It is such a great place to visit and look around...and this is from someone who was always afraid to send much information over the internet in fear that someone could see it and crash my computer!!!
Anyway, enough from me this visit, perhaps more
Have a great to you again soon

mrschmelz Sun, May-18-03 11:06

It took about 40 lbs before anybody started noticing me. One day when I hit around 300 a friend of mine just shouted, oh my god you have lost a lot of weight. Don't forget the fact some probably have noticed yet are too scared of saying anything. It's kind of an akward thing to say something about somebody's weight, you know?

thebigman Sun, May-18-03 12:38

10% sounds about right.

I have just lost around 42lbs and it's only now people have commented mainly that my face has thined down. I have just began to wear some new clothes, but tend to wear the same things to college everyday. I think those that see us day in day out don't notice it gradually creep off, and any compliment from someone who knows your trying to loose weight does not have the same impact. I am looking forward to the first comment when you meet someone you have not seen for a while!!!!

summer10 Sun, May-18-03 12:38


I started out at about the same weight - people started noticing at about 20 lbs. But it depends on how you carry your weight and how tall you are, but even if no one else notices, you will. I haven't lost in ages, yet people keep saying I look like I've lost more. New clothes definetly help people notice. It's nice to get compliments - but it's even better to feel like you're doing something good for yourself, don't you think? Soon everyone will notice and it won't be just your size.


Talon Sun, May-18-03 12:48

For me it was about 30 pounds or so.

I agree with that some people notice, but will not mention because they might think it would be rude, probably because they feel like if they mention it, they would be impying that I was huge before. :) Also, I think it this day and age, some people are worried about bein charged with sexual harassment.

One of the VP's were I work, didn't say anything until I had lost over 50 pounds. And I beleive the only reason he said anything is because I am so open about it.

I understand some people aren't comforatble with mentioning it, they don't want to hurt my feelings. But really, did they think it escpaed my notice that I was so overweight? :lol:

Cinammo Sun, May-18-03 13:52

Okay! you've given me atleast an idea of when I may start getting comments. That's what I was looking for and yes I feel good knowing I am doing this without the comments but lets face it . It feels good when people notice something that we have worked at. To me it will be an added reward in addition to feeling better.

redawn Sun, May-18-03 14:38

Well as far as other people. . .it probably depends on how often they see you. . .those seeing you everyday won't notice as much as those who haven't seen you for a while. As far as myself. . .the amount is 35lbs. . .now the clothes have been fitting nicely and I am fitting into things I haven't dreamed of wearing or if I wore them they came off right away cause they were so tight. But I was in the grocery store the other day in the froozen food aisle and caught the full body reflection of myself in the freezer door (something I try hard not to do, scared myself a while back) and it stopped me. . .and I went back to get a full look. . .OH MY! I am no longer a walking circle. . .lopsided oval. . .but not a circle. That felt good. redawn:)

charsangel Sun, May-18-03 17:53

Gosh the only people who noticed at first was my MOM, Hubby and Grandma, but these are all people who care alot about me and take special notice of things. When I first started LCn I didnt tell anyone but my Hubby, I wanted to see what others would say. And I have come to the conclusion that most people do not notice and may not say anything in fear that they would be putting there foot in there mouth.
I was sooo suprised that my Best Friend didnt say anything after she hadn't seen me in awhile, when I asked her why, she said that it was the fear that she would have been mistaken and made me feel bad. Ok I can except that. I also have noticed that we really as a whole.,,, people are just sooooo preocuppied ( or how ever you spell it -kinda doing this fast) with there own lives that they lose site of others and its not that they mean to but it just happens. Don't let it get to you, sooner or later they will notice and it will be worth it.
Take care
Stephanie :wave:

liz175 Sun, May-18-03 18:29

My favorite story of noticing my weight loss was the guy with the office next to mine. We're friendly -- we chat for a couple of minutes most days -- but not friendly enough that I had mentioned anything to him about my change in eating habits. One day when I had lost about 40 pounds he looked at me and said, "You look different. Have you changed your hairstyle? No, that's not it. You've lost weight, haven't you?"

Actually, when I weighed about 310 or 320, quite a few people asked me if I had changed my hair style. (I had not.) They knew something was different, but they could not pinpoint it. I was still fat, so perhaps that is why they did not think of my weight first. Now, I have lost so much weight that people I don't even recognize come up to me and ask me about my weight loss. I guess that proves that, back when I weighed over 350 pounds, I was not as successful at blending into the woodwork and being unnoticed as I had hoped!

Laika Sun, May-18-03 20:38

I have lost 25 pounds or so, and nobody has noticed. I have to admit, I keep wearing my same clothes, afraid to buy a smaller size. I am also tall (5'10"), so maybe that has something to do with it.

Still wish somebody would notice though....

LittleAnne Mon, May-19-03 01:48

When will they notice I've lost weight?
This is a difficult question. Those closest to you might notice very quickly, especially if they see you in the nude!

Those who see you everyday may not notice until you've lost 40 or more pounds and started wearing more fitted clothes. For them your change is gradual and they may not recognise it. I have found that at work.

People who you only see once every few months are the people most likely to notice the difference. When I went to see a friend last Easter I had lost around 30 pounds, but she did not notice this. What she did notice was how much fitter I was. This year I had lost a further 20 pounds since I last saw her and she could really see the difference. I've also noticed this from the photos I've taken along the way. So for me, it was nearly 50 pounds before I really saw excellent improvements.

We all tend to dress in baggy clothes to hide our shape and it is having the confidence to dress in more fitted clothes as we lose weight that makes the difference show and hence people are more likely to comment and compliment.

tgill32177 Mon, May-19-03 11:35

Buy new clothes!!!
My hubby noticed right away. He is VERY observant. We have a very close relationship so I would say when 5 lbs were gone he noticed. (of course I lost the first 5 from my boobs!)

My other family members really took notice after 20lbs were gone. My brother in law was the first to notice- he jumped on the Atkins diet right then and there. So far he has lost 40 lbs.

My coworkers took notice when I came in wearing NEW clothes. I had lost 40lbs by that time and HAD to do something or I would be walking down the hall with my pants and skirts around my ankles. LOL!

And it gets better from there. Now I have perfect strangers who work in the Hospital with me who want to know what I'm doing to lose weight.

I am short and have a chunky butt and thighs, but it seemed like the weightloss is more evident in my face and upper torso. I have a waist now. And believe it or not- I tuck my shirts in.

It won't be long for you- they will take notice.

Be blessed,

mkathy6 Tue, May-20-03 13:50

I have to agree with everyone that most people don't mention anything because they are not sure of the reaction. I have lost 44 so far and really only 1 person has said anything to me at all. Everyone else that I am close to I keep updated almost on a bi weekly basis on my weight and inches lost. Hey - I need the feedback - it keeps me going! :)

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