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Patina Thu, Feb-23-12 09:14

Day 4 Smoke Free!
I quit smoking last year for 6 months and it took only smoke to get me hooked back in big time. So when I came back to LC this January, quitting smoking was back on the table but...I kept playing the little mind games with myself like .."oh I'll quit next week because I have <enter anything here> going on.." or "next month things will be less hectic so I'll quit then"...etc.

Well, I've had a roller coaster February including a biopsy cancer scare. I'm cancer free fortunately but geeezzz... what a wake up call! I had already started on Chantix but had been on it more than a week and was still smoking.

So beginning Monday, 2/20, I have been 100% smoke free! I'm extremely proud of myself for ditching cigarettes again. Along with weight loss, quitting smoking is one of the hardest things I've ever done for myself because I've been a hard core smoker for 35 years and had a hard time envisioning my life without smoking.

I have to say though...having quit for 6 months last year and then starting up again, when I was smoking again, I realized I actually liked being a non-smoker better! That totally surprised me.

I love not feeling enslaved to a pack of cigarettes... I don't have to plan where I can go or what I can do based on a need to smoke. I don't stink like stale cigs anymore...when I put perfume on in the isn't replaced with cigarette smoke. I don't have to hunt for my cigarettes and lighter all the time so I can take them with me when I leave the house and best of all...I don't have to get in my car and make a special trip to the smoke shop to get them!

The key for me is focusing on, and embracing the positives and not dwelling on the little voice that creeps into my head that says "I want a cigarette". I squash it immediately and replace it with "No you don't because you don't need cigarettes anymore". Seems to be working and in just 4 days I'm having very few moments of strong cravings.

Of course I credit the Chantix for making this much easier for me to do...not sure I could do it cold turkey.

Doesn't matter though, the important thing here for me is that I've done it. That I got over that initial step of smoking my last cigarette and saying "no more".

becky7474 Thu, Feb-23-12 09:43

Good job!! Keep it up. :agree:

Patina Wed, Feb-29-12 09:00

Update: I'm on day 10 and still not smoking and definitely think I'm through the worst of it.

My biggest challenges have been not smoking in my car. I get bored silly sitting in traffic and smoking was my way of keeping myself "busy". Now I just turn on the radio. Still not as entertaining as smoking was but certainly much healthier.

Now the only time I get in the car and REALLY want a smoke is when I leave work to head home. I know this too will get better with time.

The things I don't miss?

1. The smell
2. Having to run out to buy more cigs
3. Always looking for a lighter
4. Letting smoking decide where I could and couldn't go because I might not be able to smoke.
5. No longer coughing all the time
6. My sense of smell is better (not always a good thing!)
7. Don't have to stop what I'm doing all the time because I need a "smoke break".
8. Saving lots of money!
9. Feeling I'm doing something good for *me*
10. Not feeling like a social outcast because I smoke (those anti-smokers can be down right vicious!)

So for sure, the benefits far out weigh the desire to smoke. I find I'm thinking about cigarettes less each day and that helps.

LauraBird Sun, Mar-04-12 08:45

Congrats Patina! You're doing wonderfully. It is interesting that you say you prefer being a non smoker. I do too. I smoked heavily for over 30 years, and after several 'practice quits' have recently crossed the 5 year mark with no smoking. Three things that I don't miss are tobacco in the bottom of my purse, a stinky car and house, and sleep interrupted by having to wake up to cough. That really scared me.

raven132 Fri, Mar-16-12 13:12

Hope you are still doing well on your journey!

Patina Sun, Mar-18-12 08:51

Almost a month smoke free and still going strong!

I quit taking the Chantix last week after about 5 weeks on it. It just causes me way too many problems with insominia and I didn't like having to take a sleep aid every night.

I still have my moments of strong cravings for a smoke but they pass pretty quickly. Yesterday morning, I had my first cup of coffee and I had this overwhelming desire for a cigarette with it. So I put the coffee down and started focusing on what I would have for breakfast and within a minute the urge was gone.

In a wierd sort of way, some health news in my life is also helping me stay away from cigarettes. I'm facing surgery next month which requires a 6 week recovery period so one more reason to be a non-smoker while going through that experience. Plus not coughing all the time will be a blessing during recovery!

raven132 Sun, Mar-18-12 20:26

That's how my aunt quit. She was having surgery on her spine, so she quin in favor of quicker healing. Best of luck on your surgery and I'm glad you are still doing well.

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