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libra81 Sat, Jul-10-04 14:01

question about fat fast
Okay, I know a lot of questions have been asked but I must ask another. I've been stalled for awhile and want to lose some more before basic training for my weigh in. I figured the last week from Sunday July 18-July 25 of doing the fat fast. Sunday I'd have to go off it and go to induction b/c Im having a going away dinner, of course extreme low carb and induction friendly foods. Would that be okay? How many days are you supposed to do the fat fast? I have the book of Atkins Diet Revolution and have read the entire thing and the fat fast in it but he gives only a few foods as examples. Are these the only foods you can have while on it? Is there a good website that has more info on it?

Thanks everyone

Fhyreworks Sun, Jul-11-04 06:13

It tells you precisely in the book how long each phase (there are 2) should be done.

However, I really wouldn't recommend it. I know you want to get down lower before you get to basic but I think that being at your current weight and maintaining and/or possibly losing when you get to basic would look much better than maybe losing quite a bit of weight on a Fat Fast then gaining most or all of it back when you got to basic.

Just my 2 cents.


tofi Sun, Jul-11-04 07:11

Agreed. I have read lots of posts here and on other boards about people doing the fat fast. They may lose 3-4 pounds but it has always come right back when they went back to regular LCing.

It's only supposed to be for 3 days, 1000 calories (not unlimited) and is to get metabolically resistant people into ketosis. It's not for fast losing. Sorry.

Try drinking more water.

LadyBelle Sun, Jul-11-04 10:46

My main worry is if you go on the fat fast and then strait into basic you might end up passed out the first time you have to run a mile and booted out.

Pandora23 Sun, Jul-11-04 13:09

I'm not sure why people feel the need to be so discouraging about the fat fast, but I have read an equal # of posts where people did not gain the weight back, max they gained back 1-2(water) and had lost up to 15. If you truely think it is right for you than go for it. Try this link for more info

I hope that works and good luck with whatever you decide to do!!! Also, you will see that it states that you should follow the first phase 4-5 days.

Pandora23 Sun, Jul-11-04 13:11

Yes, ladybelle has a good point there, your energy is going to be very low and I would recommend having a recovery week of at least induction levels before you goto training.

Skweezzy Sun, Jul-11-04 13:29

what the heck is a "fat fast"?

Skweezzy Sun, Jul-11-04 13:32

oh. i see. i followed the link above and read. (duh!)

Pandora23 Sun, Jul-11-04 13:34

LOL! Don't worry, I ask stuff all the time and then realize the answer is right there. :lol:

Fhyreworks Mon, Jul-12-04 07:21

Originally Posted by Pandora23
I'm not sure why people feel the need to be so discouraging about the fat fast, but I have read an equal # of posts where people did not gain the weight back, max they gained back 1-2(water) and had lost up to 15.

Mostly because the situations where people want to use it seem inappropriate (in our opinions of course, everyone eventually has to decide for themselves).

In this specific case Libra has lost most of her weight already, is about to go into the military and seems to want to "crash diet" to get her weight down a few more pounds before she goes in (at the military's encouragement to lose just a few more, from what I've read in previous posts).

Having been in the military (albeit eons ago ;) ) I know how stressful making those weigh-ins can be and how much pressure can be put on you by your superiors if you are even close to being overweight. It's one of the reasons I am still struggling with my weight to this day. Here's a quote from the first entry in my journal that summarizes it:

After leaving Tech School my weight headed back up again and continued that way. Over the 9.5 years I was in the Air Force I did many awful things to destroy my metabolism in order to make required weigh-ins. I abused diuretics and laxatives, I starved myself (the longest I went was 8 days with nothing but water – and doing aerobics every day at the same time), I’ve exercised in clothing designed to make me sweat then gone and sat in saunas to make me sweat more. I just about did it all except throw-up (not for lack of trying, I just couldn’t stand it). I tried every diet under the sun and some that only existed in my imagination.

This is one reason I have followed many of libra's threads and often posted warnings. I don't want to see what happened to me happen to someone else. I was virtually forced out of the military after 9.5 years because of my weight. I would have done my 20 (or more) and retired if it hadn't been for that. I still regret it to this day.

Sorry to get up on ye olde soap box again :)


GREYTSCOT Mon, Jul-12-04 07:36

libra81, I'm not familiar with any of your other posts about joining the military so I only have this one to go by. Your current weight sounds fine (136). In fact, our stats are very similar as I too, am trying to lose about 10 more pounds. By the time you're done with basic training you'll weigh considerably less than you do now. Maybe even less than 125! You will also be a lot healthier from all that extra exercise.

I read that link Pandora23 offered and here is a quote from it:

Caution: The Fat Fast is actually dangerous for anyone who is not metabolically resistant. For people who lose weight fairly easily, the rate of weight loss is too rapid to be safe. But it carries very little risk for people who can barely lose on any other regimen.

Judging from your stats, it appears you are not metabolically resistant. Personally, I think you'd be endangering your health.

LadyBelle Mon, Jul-12-04 15:42

Yes the fat fast can be endangering, but I have heard much more extream diets to make a weight requirment for basic or trianing. Starvation, liquids, purging, duretics, steam rooms and so on.

If it has to be the weight gone or nothing, then maybe try it. Like suggested get back to regular eating for energy before you actually enter basic though, and be prepared for some of the weight to come back once you are on base foods.

potatofree Mon, Jul-12-04 15:51

Ladybelle-- just because there are even LESS healthy ways to drop weight, doesn't make it acceptable to abuse the fat fast. It remids me of a friend's child who got caught smoking pot and used the "Hey, OTHER kids are using crack!" excuse.

LadyBelle Mon, Jul-12-04 19:48

Depending how much you have to go down before the weigh in another option could be to check out the Stillman's plan. I don't have any experience with it, but many report alot of success. It also is higher protien so it would be muscle sparing and not have the health risks associated with the fat fast.

Potatofree - I agree, and think the fat fast is way over used and abused in most cases. If it came down to the person is going to do it one way or another it could kill them the slowest at least. I like the other kids are doing crack line though. That's when you pat the kid on the head and explain that is why the other kids will grow up to be cashiers at mcdonalds still and living with thier parents at 40. That threat should scare any teen.

nowonder Mon, Jul-12-04 20:11

I'm wondering if all these fat fast inquiries are because people aren't leaving induction level carbs? If you never leave 20 carbs a day you can't go back to induction to break a stall, leading to these more drastic measures.


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