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amtuamor22 Mon, Sep-01-03 10:08

Sooooo Confused........
Ok, I was heavily working out daily in the beginning of August with running almost everyday. I slacked off almost 2 weeks of no exercise, and now I started up again as of yesterday. Some days I really stick to eating low carb/high fat, and other days I just cheat and eat cookies. :nono:

Here's the confusing part, I woke up this morning and weighed myself and was SHOCKED to see that i weigh 124lbs (down from 132lbs.) I couldnt believe this, I thought there must be something wrong with this scale (it is quite old) so I went and got my 5lb dumbells (2 of them) and they weighed accurately. How can it be that i have LOST weight, yet my clothes still fit tight and I have a slight (and I do mean slight) belly?

I'm so confused...........

NickFender Mon, Sep-01-03 10:31

weigh yourself at the same time each day for four or five days and compute the average; that might give you a more accurate sense of where your weight really falls.

manucpa Mon, Sep-01-03 14:55

If there is a calibration problem with your scale, it may not show up when you only weigh something in the 10lb range.

IwillLose Mon, Sep-01-03 15:09

Sometimes when you work out, you gain weight, mostly water weight in the first few months. How long had you been working out before you slacked off?

J.J. Mon, Sep-01-03 15:21

Muscle weighs more than fat so that might be where the difference is coming from. But that's great news, a wonderful surprise that you lost that much! I thought my scales were wrong also, but I weigh myself every other day and it has to be right!

One thing I wish I had done when I started out was to measure myself. Although I wasn't losing much weight, I went down a few pants sizes. I also lost weight in my back and legs and face before I lost it anywhere else.

Our bodies are so different and unique that it's a different experience for all of us. That's why this message board is so important. It reminds us that what holds true for one person won't neccessarily be the case for the next!

Throw away those cookies and make your own using recipes you find on low carb sites. There are some great recipes out there just waiting to be tried!!!! :yay:

mem2 Mon, Sep-01-03 15:45

Well, I'd believe it, maybe its not too good to be true. Keep up the good work and leave the cookies alone.

amtuamor22 Tue, Sep-02-03 00:16

Originally Posted by manucpa
If there is a calibration problem with your scale, it may not show up when you only weigh something in the 10lb range.

Calibration problem? :confused: I guess i'm going to go buy a new scale, all though I really like the numbers on this one. :lol:

I had been working out for about 2 weeks heavily and then slacked off for 2 weeks with lots of "cheats". :cry:

J.J. Tue, Sep-02-03 07:31

Hang in there amtuamor22!

You're a pretty lady and I HATE YOU FOR THAT AND WHERE YOU LIVE!

Just kidding!!!LOL! I've been so tempted to cheat because DH and I started out together and he's already hit his goal! He's added a lot of carbs back into his eating and I just sit there and drool!!!

BTW, I tried a new recipe last night that I thought I would share! It was delicious if you like Spaghetti Squash.

Spaghetti Squash Au Gratin

1 Spaghetti Squash
1 can Fiesta Cheese Soup (Campbell's of course)
1 8 oz (small container) sour cream

Cut squash in half and scrape out seeds. Put into shallow baking dish with water and salt.
Cook at 375 for about 1 hr. 15 minutes.
Scrape out cooked squash with a fork and add sour cream and soup and mix thoroughly.
Pour into covered baking dish and bake for 1 hr.

I'm not sure what the carb count is, it wasn't given on the site where I got this. DH and I added a few Durkee's Fried Onions w/Cheddar Cheese on top and it was yummy! You could probably also crumble up some pork rinds for the top also.

I also found that Skyline Chili in the can is very low in carbs and we use it over spaghetti squash quite a bit!

Happy LCing everyone!


donchka Tue, Sep-02-03 10:35

Nice recipe. However, that soup has 16 g of carbs per serving as a soup, probably more without all that water. Plus, the onion rings are probably pretty high also. I wonder if we could come up with a soup like this one without the carbs?

serrelind Tue, Sep-02-03 10:46

lol you forgot to add to your post "don't try this at home!" :)

if i did that, i'd most likely be gaining weight.

Natrushka Tue, Sep-02-03 10:56

Originally Posted by amtuamor22
Ok, I was heavily working out daily in the beginning of August with running almost everyday. I slacked off almost 2 weeks of no exercise, and now I started up again as of yesterday. Some days I really stick to eating low carb/high fat, and other days I just cheat and eat cookies. :nono:

How can it be that i have LOST weight, yet my clothes still fit tight and I have a slight (and I do mean slight) belly?

I'm so confused...........
I think the thing that was missed here is that the weight went down while the clothing stayed tight. While muscle does not weigh more than fat it does take up less volume than fat does - replacing fat with muscle will leave you weighing the same but occupying less space, just as replacing muscle with fat can leave you the same (or lighter) but occupying more space.

Also, keep in mind that carbs attract water - to the tune of 3 to 4grams of water per gram of carbs, if you've had a few cheats that can translate into lbs on the scale. These water gains will make you feel bloated and make your clothing tight - and they can show immidiately afterward, or many hours later. They can also last quite a few days.

I'd bet my money on a combination of the cheating, the bloating, perhaps a little fat gained and a faulty scale. Keep the water intake up and stick to the plan and get a new scale :)


amtuamor22 Tue, Sep-02-03 19:43

ok, i'm still soooooooo lost. I went and bought a NEW SCALE from Target. I stepped on it, and SHOCKED once again. It said 123.8 lbs. What the heck is going on? I know i'm gonna get chewed out for this, but i have majorly been cheating eating, cheesecake and cookies, etc. :rolleyes: I hate myself for this and feel like crap. It def feels like i've gained weight, my clothes are tighter and i feel so bloated, but the scale seems to show different. WHATS GOING ON????????

I know I need to stop with all the cheating now and get back on track. But I just cant understand why do i feel like i've gained weight and the scale says different? I guess I just need to tone up then and lose my slight belly.

i'm so lost. :confused:

J.J. Tue, Sep-02-03 20:23

Okay, I checked on the carb counts for the ingredients in the Squash Au Gratin.

Fiesta Cheese Soup 9 net carbs/serving size 1/2 cup (before any other ingredients are added)
Squash (cooked) 6.5 net carbs/serving size 1 cup
Durkee Fried Onion Rings w/Cheddar 3 net carbs/2 tbsp.
Sour cream 1 net carb for 2 tbsp.

This makes a big baking dish full so I would imagine if you break it down into the amount of servings you eat, the carb count is pretty good. Portions mean a lot!

Wasn't there a website somewhere that you could figure this out???

amtuamor22 Wed, Sep-03-03 14:28

So i think i may have solved my mystery. I lost weight due to the fact that i lost MUSCLE. :cry: My clothes are still fitting tight so i know i lost muscle, not FAT.

LadyBelle Wed, Sep-03-03 18:20


At 5'4" It may be that you can't get down to 118 without losing muscle. Instead of focusing on the scale so much, why not get your body fat checked, or find an online calulator instead.

It is probably water weight bloating you from hormones, cheating, and other factors. If you want to tone and tighten, make sure to get enough protien and go back to exercising. You don't have to go hardcore. Move through OWL as well. Adding back carbs slowly will make for much more variety in your WOE and reduce the temptations to cheat.

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