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tamij Wed, Feb-11-04 15:32

Fibro Sufferers Read This
i was diagnoised w/fibro-cfs -and a multitude of other ailments over the past 10 years-w/ little to know relief.
Until recently when i was diagnosed w/ diabetes-what does this have to do w/ the others-

Well my general Dr. sent me to a Endocronoligist and the first blood test he ran was to check my cortisol levels(stress reaction hormone) mine were off the chart-my life is no more stressful than anyone else-however based on this info-before starinf me on glucophage(oral insulin)he advised i read the book The Cortisol Connection asap-and try a natural approach to reduce my cortisol levels-I did both immediately
I got the book at barnes and noble(found on line also)-i did a ton of research on line about cortisol and its effects on the body(went to google and typed in word"cortisol")and went to The National Society for Endocronoligists web page-found out a ton of info

Elevated cortisol levels torture the body w/heart disease-diabetes-belly fat-sad-cfs-fibro-blod sugar issues-carb cravings and Syndrome X (insulin resistence syndrome)and a multitude of other ailments our over stressed society is plagued with-READ THE BOOK-OPEN YOUR DOOR TO A PAIN FREE LIFE-and help others do the same-

my Dr. also suggested I take Relacore(found at GNC)or Rela-cortin and the change is amazing-i really can not describe it in word-go on line do some research and find some info if I do not convince you ----

But I swear my life is soooooo much better now I want to shout it to everyone!!!!!

conbom Thu, Feb-12-04 00:23

tamij-This sounds VERY interesting! I was told about cortisol a few years ago but never followed it up but maybe I will get this book and read up on it. The two things that stuck out of your list for me were the belly fat (moi) and the SAD (DH). Even though the days are getting longer and the SAD should be diminishing it isn't and he has been under a lot of stress lately.

Thanks again for the info!


tamij Thu, Feb-12-04 17:35

Plz at least go on line and use a search engine to do a little homework-I am very much a sceptic about alot of things so I approached this the same way-but after dealing w/ fibro-and afs and now dibetes type 2-I needed something.This was and is the somthing--just type in cortisol into google search or whatever search engine you use-the info avail. is great and w/ no cost initially--I even went under The National Board of Endocronoligist to med. medical backing-and cortisol is linked to Syndrome X(insulin resistence syndrome)Plz do the homework and I really wish you the very best-as you know this is not a fun way of life ---not for you or the people who love you.
take care and be well-

FrecklFluf Fri, Feb-13-04 23:08

How long did it take you to feel better after taking the Relacore? My husband has fibro and suffers immensely. (I'm trying to convince him to do Atkins as well.)

I am going to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to pick up the book.

simplydawn Fri, Feb-13-04 23:26

Interesting, I am going to do some reading on this too.. My body doesnt react well in 'stress'ful it used to.. my sugars go up, and I actually get quite nauseated.. i dont like that 'endorphin' rush.. as i have been calling it, but perhaps it has more to do with this cortisol!

tamij Sun, Feb-15-04 20:59

It took about 2 weeks for BIG CHANGES-but relacore helped almost instantly-but I felt alot better inabout two weeks-read up on it -it really mad a big diff. for me--I hope it helps your hubby-I wish I had been told about it alot sooner-I would not have suffered for as long as I have if I did.
good luck

FrecklFluf Tue, Feb-17-04 10:54

Thanks. I got the book and started reading it yesterday. I just feel so bad for him; he's always in pain, and he says he can't think now ("brain fog"), which is even worse. It breaks my heart to see him like this.

tamij Fri, Feb-20-04 20:11

good luck to your hubby I really hope it helps alot like it did w/ me-the advice in this book is so logical and helpful-take care

sunflower4 Sat, Feb-21-04 07:03

You might also want to read the book Adrenal fatigue by Dr. Wilson.

auroramae Sun, Feb-22-04 22:03

relia lean
I posted part of this message today to a thread about cortalean.
I have suffered from Fibromyalgia symptoms for years.
This product has changed my life in a matter of a few days. I was completely skeptcal as I have a drawer full of supplements that claim to help with pain, mood and memory.

I like Relia-lean.

It has only 3 ingredients and boasts 20% honokiol, which is the primary active cortisol inhibiting ingredient in magnolia bark. The other products I've read about don't have as much honokiol. The other two ingredients are phellodendron amurense and garcinia cambogia.

I am sold on it. I lost 5 pounds without changing anything else in 2 weeks and the nagging muscle pain in my upper back that I have suffered with for about 20 years has diminished greatly.

AND I'M REGULAR --- no matter what I've done in the way of diet, natural supplements, psyillum seeds, laxatives -- you name it, I've tried it. I've never been regular in my ENTIRE adult life. My husband says that's why I'm losing the weight....whatever the reason-- I like the product.

I feel like a different person. I sleep better and I am not as stressed out as I was.

It is also MUCH CHEAPER than the other products I've looked into. It might just be on sale now but even at its listed price it is less expensive.

8.95 + shipping for 90 500mg caps suggested dose is 3 a day with meals link:

tamij Mon, Feb-23-04 18:46

thanks for the added info I love to learn about new products and and i also lost 7 lbs in 2 weels w/ no dietary changes and the sleep alot better also.

twinkles10 Fri, Feb-27-04 08:40

Heym Tamij

What is the dosage you take on the reliacore?

Micha2 Tue, Mar-02-04 05:24

Hi Tamij

I have symptoms of CFS and I got my adrenal stress test results yesterday. Although I haven't got all the details yet, the nutritionist told me that I have an abnormally high level of cortisol early in the morning (and therefore also at night) which then drops very low in the day.

I have been feeling so bad for over a year (actually not getting any better which I hoped would happen eventually with CFS) and yes, I think we are onto something here.

I really hope that treating the adrenal glands will make a difference provided the old thyroid gland hasn't become upset, too.

Being in the UK, I am not sure what options I have but I am going to discuss it with my nutritionist later this month.

Best regards

tamij Tue, Mar-02-04 16:44

I take three a day as recommended-I found it works miracles and more isnt always better-it also has dhea in and you do not want to exceed that amnt in this supplement-read the directions included and get feeling better-it is great and i ha e lost 6 more lbs w NO effort.
good luck and read up on it.

tamij Tue, Mar-02-04 16:48

great to hear you got tested it will be the best thing you have done for yourself i promise-it is important to read a book on explains alot try The Cortisol Connection it is great found it at barnes and noble-best thing i ever did-good luck

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