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lisaf Fri, Oct-05-01 14:21

Lisa's Quest
Quest for what you ask?

- smaller bootie :)
- smaller thighs
- more than one "ab"
- strength
- well-shaped arms

...and a few things that exercise won't fix...but make plastic surgery look pretty tempting!

After years of trying to rationalize couch potato-ing, two pregnancies, yo-yo dieting I'm finally sticking to an exercise program.

Normally, I'm up at 5:15 and hit the road by 5:20 to run (hi Nat - I can just see you on your NordicTrak as I jog by!!!)

If I don't get out to run, I'll go to the gym at work and do a 1/2 hour on the Stairclimber. I prefer run days because I can get into work earlier (more productive) or opt to go to the gym and do some weight training (Mon - lower, Tues - upper - repeat Thurs, Fri). I'm off weight training at the moment, however, since I was getting overtired.

Today, unfortunately, I sliced open a 1 inch gash on the top of my foot last night on a bed rail so I'm going to be sidelined for a few days. Ouch :eek:

fiona Sun, Oct-07-01 04:59

Well DOne
Hi Lisa

It is only human to go after goals we can achieve with a little effort and one or two that will stretch us to the limits of belief {a few things that exercise won't fix} LOL

{I'm up at 5:15 and hit the road by 5:20 to run } That was one of my major stretches ... one I have not kept up for more than a couple of days so far!! Well done. That really is great. I should know!!

{I sliced open a 1 inch gash on the top of my foot last night on a bed rail } Ouch Ouch Ouch :bhug: I'd get rid of that rail ... it's too naughty :devil:

Take care.

Natrushka Sun, Oct-07-01 06:31

Lisa, do you manage this early regiment during the winter months as well? Have you found it easier since you've been LCing? I've noticed getting up that early has become a lot easier of late... just wondering if it was something particular to me, or to this WOL.

Hope that foot feels better... taking a few days off can be tough on the old psyche, but the body seems to appreciate it. It's taking everythng I have to not go down and work out today ;) But I do think I need a day off.... or so I am being told (Over and over again lol)


lisaf Tue, Oct-09-01 11:55

I'm back
Thanks for the comments you guys! My foot is much better but I'm going to have a nasty scar! I ran yesterday mid-morning (bad run...lots of walking!) and again this morning (great walking...a new personal best!).

To answer your question Nat - I don't know if I'll be able to continue running through the winter. I just went out and bought some winter running stuff but I don't think I'll be able to run when its really cold and you add that fierce wind-chill. I was nervous this morning (for those not in Ottawa it was 0oC and frost!) but it was fine. I think I have a strict -10 to -15 rule otherwise I'll be miserable. Ice and slush may also be a problem. There's always the trusty stair-climber!

I don't find the mornings that easy but my hubby is up at that time anyway so he just turns on the light when he leaves the room.

Natrushka Tue, Oct-09-01 12:59

Re: I'm back
Originally posted by lisaf
To answer your question Nat - I don't know if I'll be able to continue running through the winter. I just went out and bought some winter running stuff but I don't think I'll be able to run when its really cold and you add that fierce wind-chill. I was nervous this morning (for those not in Ottawa it was 0oC and frost!) but it was fine. I think I have a strict -10 to -15 rule otherwise I'll be miserable. Ice and slush may also be a problem. There's always the trusty stair-climber!

I remember jogging in snow storms and having a ball. I started back in '88 in WinterPeg ;) it was -40 some nights with the wind.. didnt bother me. Running was the only time I was not cold during wintertime. I wish my knees would let me.... I'd be out there with you. Slush isnt fun, but ice isn't anywhere near as much of a problem as it is walking... less contact for shorter period of time with your foot, i guess?

In any event.. I think you might surprize yourself with the winter jogging.. it can be very serene and peaceful. Just you and the falling snowflakes. :)


lisaf Tue, Oct-09-01 13:53

Those winter runs
Its inspiration to be able to put a face to a person whose actually done it (run in the winter). Thanks! I tend to think that you need to be a die-hard marathoner, but you're right...I might surprise myself. I actually really enjoy running in the dark, to the point where when I ran mid-morning yesterday, it wasn't as enjoyable! Its those crisp clear mornings with Orion's Belt right over me that I really like.

By the way Nat - how many Ottawa people are there? Should we try to meet for dinner somewhere, someday, sometime?


Natrushka Tue, Oct-09-01 17:55

Re: Those winter runs
Originally posted by lisaf
By the way Nat - how many Ottawa people are there? Should we try to meet for dinner somewhere, someday, sometime?

My count is around 6 or 7 (including those not quite in Ottawa).. and I think some kind of get together would be grand. We must conspire!


lisaf Wed, Oct-10-01 07:40

Excellent! Maybe somewhere around the beginning of December - not so close to Christmas...

No run this morning, but I plan to hit the gym this afternoon!


lisaf Wed, Oct-10-01 14:17

Made it to the gym
So - 30 min on Stairclimber at level 4 - program 2 - short plateaus). Felt pretty good - I've never lasted that long at Level 4 so the running is improving my endurance.

Next its off home for "Egg Nite," kids to bed, coffee with friends then my wonderful, warm bed!


lisaf Fri, Oct-12-01 06:24

Took the day off yesterday.

5:20 a.m. - 1/2 hour run/walk - mostly run. Did a short route. I'm going to try my first "long" run tomorrow and see how much of the measured 5K I can do running. Now THAT should be a humbling experience!


lisaf Mon, Oct-15-01 06:41

Okay, I lied! I took the weekend off...I should never promise myself I'm going to workout on the weekend!

5:20 - ran 4k on empty stomach - ran/jogged/walked intervals for the last 2k.


lisaf Tue, Oct-16-01 11:41

5:20 - ran 2.5k - did intervals on the way back.

Here's hoping it doesn't rain tomorrow!

lisaf Wed, Oct-17-01 14:03

Well guess what? It rained! I'm a big wimp - I can run in snow, I can run in sun...but don't make me run in very cold shivery rain.


I went to the gym at 7:30 am and did 30 min on Level 3 (strength training/intervals between low and med/high intensity) on the stair climber. Empty stomach.

I find it funny how after a run I'm shaky and need to eat very soon vs. stairclimbing where my legs feel a bit tired but I'm not completely wiped out. Anyone know what this means? Am I working harder running? Is the shakiness calorie burn? Depletion of glycogen stores? Let me know if you have any thoughts on it... :confused:

Tomorrow my plan is to run again in the morning - it should be below freezing which means I can try out some of my nifty new running gear!


lisaf Sun, Oct-21-01 12:46

Hello all -

Friday - ran 3k on an empty stomach - intervals on the way home

Today - 4k run/walk - felt very challenging today. Very shaky later in the day! I did eat after the workout but ended up in bed for an hour. Protein shake helped balance out my blood sugar a little later.


lisaf Mon, Oct-22-01 05:52

5:20 a.m. - 2.5 kilometres on an empty stomach. Only dropped to a walk twice - once to pack up my jacket into the waist pack and then again for a quick rest before the last sprint.

Weigh in on Wednesday - its only been two weeks so I'm not expecting much of a change. 162 would be nice!

Have a great day!


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