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lauraW Thu, Oct-17-02 06:49

Tough Advice!
Morning everyone..

I have previously been a low-carber, but didnt stick to it..but got a rude awakening at the chiropractor yesterday..
I went in for my lower back and he basically told me that I wasn't getting any younger, (38), that I was fat, and out of shape!! No one has ever done that before, maybe that is what I needed to hear, and bluntly so! He advised high protein, low carb, no flours, sugars or starches. He also said that the way we treat our bodies in our 30's will determine how we feel in our 40's, and the way we feel in our 40's..will determine how much money we spend at the doc's in our 50's...good advice!
I look forward to getting back into journaling..and the support that comes with this forum..


tofi Thu, Oct-17-02 07:48

Welcome back. Sometimes it's hearing the right thing at the right time. Hope it works out well for you.


lauraW Thu, Oct-17-02 07:55

Thanks Barb...and you are absolutely right..sometimes that is what it takes..


Swt_T Thu, Oct-17-02 08:28

He also said that the way we treat our bodies in our 30's will determine how we feel in our 40's, and the way we feel in our 40's..will determine how much money we spend at the doc's in our 50's...good advice!

Thanks Laura,

I guess I just never really thought of it that way, and when ya hear it, it makes so much sense. :agree: This gave me an extra boost this morning (very much needed). I just turned 30 and has gotten me down a bit cause I want to be 29 forever. But that, I know, will never happen. But I can get my body to look 29 perhaps?! :thup:

Thanks again for sharing the advice. I will be using this one on all my friends! :D


lauraW Thu, Oct-17-02 08:40

Hi S,

You are does make a ton of sense!! I too had never thought of our bodies this way..but when I think of how I am feeling I ache and makes me think of how it will be 10 years from now!!

Good luck..keep up the good work..


asugar Thu, Oct-17-02 09:09

While I'm glad that the chiropractor said to you what you evidently needed to hear at the time, I don't think he should have been quite so blunt.

Many obese people don't go to the doctors or any health care professional unless they are so sick they have no choice. This is because of the hurtful bluntness of health care professionals like your chiropractor. I have known several obese women who have postponed pap smears for years b/c of their embarrassment due to their weight.

My own weight has been a source of embarrassment to me but nobody has ever humilated one ounce off me. Anyway, I'm glad you're back here and I wish you every success.
asugar :wave:

Zuleikaa Thu, Oct-17-02 09:14

I try to take things as they are meant. I'm assuming that you had been going to this chiropractor for a while and had developed a good relationship. I think otherwise what he said would have been inappropriate. However, if you did have a good relationship what he said offered you a wake up call and a plan of action. A sign of caring.

Welcome to the trenches. It's not so hard. We're all here to help.

Swt_T Thu, Oct-17-02 09:17


You are absolutely correct! I meant to add that in my reply earlier. I work as a medical secretary, and when I so much as hear a snicker or anything come from a health professionals mouth, even behind the patients back, I say something. I have a harsh mouth and am very stern. No doctor has ever talked to me that way, and if they do, well no matter if its the truth or not, there is a way to say it. It's a possibility that it didnt bother Laura as much as it would some of us, but either way, it should have been dealt with in a professional manner.

alto Thu, Oct-17-02 09:29

If it didn't bother Laura, but, on the contrary, inspires her to do what she needs to do for her health, isn't that all that matters?

Laura, I'm glad the experience was a positive one for you -- and I hope you remember those words of wisdom :) Good luck!!!

alibubble Thu, Oct-17-02 16:44


Sounds like good advice from your chiropractor, he was just being truthful about your health....I for one appreciate that these days.

Swt_T , don't be down about being 30, I loved turning 30. Full of confidence, knew enough about life to have something to say that was interesting...trouble came when I got pregnant at 33, was 196lbs after my son was born !!

My partner of 15 years looked at me and just god. That was enough, he didn't have to say anymore, he was being honest, even tho it hurt like hell. I waited until I'd stopped nursing my boy at 6 months, (breast feeding made me balloon) then determination kicked in.

I'm very nearly at goal now and I did for me.....

Now it's me that looks at him and I god. ;)

I'm 36 now and still love being in my 30's......
Tell ya what...I get alot more attention now than I ever did in my late teens/20's....not cos I'm fat or thin but cos I have loads of confidence and I smile at everyone.


Atrsy Thu, Oct-17-02 21:13

I felt good about myself in my 30's, took care of my health and was slim and nice looking.

I was 34 when I had my first baby and 35 when I had my second. I was feeling great and on top of the world. I was forty when I had my third child and it was downhill from then.

Now nearing the end of my 50's I'm trying to take charge of my life again. I have spent more money at doctors in the past 5 years than I have in all the others combined! But I am beginning to understand my body and my plan is to be 10 years younger when I reach 60.


lauraW Thu, Oct-17-02 22:10

Good for you Carol...

There have been quite a few different views posted here about what my chiropractor said to me...

For was what I needed to hear..but what everyone has been afraid to say..I appreciate his honesty and caring enough to tell me the way it is..for some, it might have been too much..

What matters is that I am back on track..and have completed day 1 of my induction..wasn't easy..but I made it...

Congrats to all of us for getting thru another day...


MelindaL Fri, Oct-18-02 00:05

I'm glad that what he said helped you. I also hope that he has the insight to know who can take that kind of bluntness and who can't.

Josiemk Fri, Oct-18-02 09:57

You must be a very strong person
If a doctor was to tell me that I'd cry & never go back to him again

Josiemk Fri, Oct-18-02 10:04

Opps I messed up on that last post
I though that was real mature the way that you handle that.You are doing great too. I too hope that the Chiro doesn't say that like that to everyone. But it sounds like he gave you some good advice though.


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