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Muse Wed, Apr-17-02 16:26

Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience...

I know weight numbers don't matter!... :D

I know muscle is being built!... :D

I know I feel healthier!... :D

I know I'm seeing more definition!... :D

But, what I'm wondering is WHY my jeans are getting tighter? Could I be eating way too much food? Too many carbs? :mad:

Please tell me the muscle builds before the fat burns. Please tell me this. I'm up 3 lbs, this is ok...but why am I getting physically bigger? :confused:

Breathing now....staying calm, yes that's it, I'm staying calm .

:( Thanks,

Natrushka Wed, Apr-17-02 17:20

Muse we all have the bloating and those feelings - pursuing exercise or not. You must remember ;) Are you near that TOM? Could you be in the middle of TOM? (i.e. ovulating?) If you kept up that Journal of yours and we saw what you'd been eating we might be better able to give you more concrete answers *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*

I wouldn't obssess overly - muscles get swollen and they retain water. I've lived through it, honest. If you insist on doing the scale thing then be sure you record the ups as well as the downs - in a few weeks you'll see the patter. Up, up, way down, back up, down, up, up, up, down... The fat loss happens this way for most of us, it is even more pronounced when you participate in intense exercise.

Hang tight

Muse Wed, Apr-17-02 17:29

Geeeez lady....Okay, got the hint! Hahahahahaha...I'll start posting the food along with my exercise, it's a bit easier for me that way.

Does the muscle build first before the fats burns...or is it a more simultaneous kinda thang? Any thoughts?

I've been afraid to post the food...I know you're gonna make me give up my eggs Nat, I just know it :( But you will be happy to know I've given up the Montignac Chocolate for over a few months now, they'd made one bad batch, and I've detested it ever since...I should thank them!


Natrushka Wed, Apr-17-02 17:37

Originally posted by Muse
I know you're gonna make me give up my eggs Nat, I just know it

*lmao* I'll just use my magical powers and reach through the computer screen and snatch them right out from under your nose. Why on Earth would I want you to stop eating eggs!!! They are great for you!


Muse Wed, Apr-17-02 17:47


Well I remember your saying they aren't the most..."something" form of protein? You can see I retain everything eh?

Hahahahahah It's a 40 thing I'm sure!

Muse Wed, Apr-17-02 18:09

"complete"....was that the word?


Natrushka Wed, Apr-17-02 18:48

No, they are complete, Muse, they just aren't high in terms of what you want for exercise this intense. You should be shooting for at least 25g per meal, thats about 3.5 eggs. I often have them for an evening meal w/ some sour cream, chedar and salsa - very yummy.


Homegirl Wed, Apr-17-02 22:31

Wondering if anyone else has had this experience?
YES! I have and so has Diva. Check out our journals and the bit of moaning and groaning we do about the scale moving up and down.

I am on my last week of my first BFL challenge. I have gained muscle but hardly lost any inches and that fat deposit on my stomach is hanging in there for all it's worth.

But I will say that my clothes are fitting the same at 119 lbs now as they did when I was 115 lbs before Christmas. I.E. they are comfortably loose--nowhere near as tight as they were when I shot up about 6 lbs from Christmas indulgence. What that tells me is that my body is changing even though it is hard for me to see it as I look in the mirror every day. I can't wait to see my "after" pictures because I think it will show me what I can't see right now. Heck, even my hubby has commented that I am looking more muscular than 12 weeks ago. I just can't see it but I know it must be so because I know my jeans have not stretched in 12 weeks.

So don't sweat it. Except while lifting and huffing and puffing the cardio of course :D

harley78 Thu, Apr-18-02 07:05

I had the same experience. After 2 weeks I had gained 7 pounds and my jeans felt tight, what the....After a good cry and a talk with DH I decided that I promised to continue with this challenge for the full 12 weeks and now was not the time to break a promise, so I continued on. I am now in week five and the weight is coming back down this morning 179, I started at 175. More importantly the inches are starting to come off. I took pics and 4 weeks, but didn't notice any difference in them. The biggest difference is the one you don't see it's how I feel. I feel stronger, less jiggly and all round more energetic. One thing I did do was cut back on the meals, I just couldn't do the 6 meals, so I've cut it down to 3 with a snack, if I feel like it. It's working much better for me with 3 meals instead of 6.

TerrieP Thu, Apr-18-02 11:34

Me Too
I experienced no loss of scale weight the first two weeks and no change in clothing. I felt like I was doing all this work for nothing. So, hubby hid the scale and two weeks later, inches were going and pants were not as tight. I know now that my muscles swell tremendously after working out and for about 24 hours thereafter. Don't sweat it, just keep building the fat burning muscle.

Muse Thu, Apr-18-02 12:35

Thanks you guys...I know I sound like a nervous newbie...hahahahah! I'll trust blindly as I did on day one of induction!

Soon to be a buff BFL babe!


KarenB Fri, Apr-19-02 21:18

Oh yeah...
I've given up the scale completely, Muse. Here I am at the end of Week 5 (well, tomorrow's the last day of W5) and I haven't lost a single pound.

But by Jove, I'm wearing size 12s. I started out in 14s.

Never in all my adult life did I *dream* of wearing that size. Now I'm starting to wonder if I might wind up in--dare I say it?--size 10s.....

Check with me in another four weeks, and I'll let you know what happened. :D

Muse Sat, Apr-20-02 06:32

Thanks KarenB,it's those type of comments which are music to my ears! It's funny, I woke up today feeling "thin"...the scales were actually up from yesterday but I swear I look thinner...gonna try taking some measurements today to see. This just has to work.

And hey....I'm thinkin 10's for sure! You go girl, you're two weeks ahead of me, so I'm right on your heels!!!...pave the way for me, lady, and show me how it's done!

I'm still a size 14 but who knows, maybe a 10 will be in my future too! I can't imagine. :roll:


TeriDoodle Sat, Apr-20-02 07:04

Ahhhh, HOOEY!! Let's shoot for little size 8 buns of steel!!!!

Muse Sat, Apr-20-02 07:11

:wave: COUNT ME IN!!!! :D

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