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sasquatch Fri, Jan-02-04 05:52

Protein Power Pals- Friday!, January 2
Good Morning Everyone!!!
Just stopping in to start the thread! :)

BawdyWench Fri, Jan-02-04 07:44

Hi, Rob! Did you see my belated Christmas gift to my PP pals? You narrowly missed being the butt of one of Orang's pics yet again!

Hi, Unity!!!! I saw your post at the end of yesterday's thread. Tell us about yourself. We're a friendly group, and always looking for new pals.

If you've been lurking, you know that we post here every day (most of us). We try to work with everyone individually to see what works in each case -- what works for me might not work for you.

How long have you been LCing? I suppose I could look up your profile, but we're pretty chatty here. Just jump in and ask questions, give advice, whatever. Tell us about your dog. Whatever!

I'm taking the day off today to do some errands and some relaxing. DH is taking DC (dear cat) back to the vet today for a check-up on her bladder infection. She's been on antibiotics for 2 weeks now, but the vet said she'd be surprised if it were cleared up so quickly. Apparently it typically takes longer for older cats (she'll be 17 sometime this year).

So, see you later! :wave:

WendyOH Fri, Jan-02-04 09:25

Hi everyone! It's time for me to get my butt back in gear. I've become extremely sloppy in my eating and exercise has been nonexistent. Due to these things, my weight has crept back up from an all-time low of 146 to 149.5 this AM!!!!! I've got to get back on track. Today is going to be my first of 3 protein days, b/c I feel that out of control right now. Then I am going to be much stricter about what I eat. I'm hoping I will be able to combat this, but it will be hard b/c I've been so lax lately. I've not been recording every little thing I've been eating, and the eating out all the time is just not a good idea. I'm looking to you guys for support and an enormous kick in the butt. This is going to be a major test to stop this now, while it's not too late. I'm scared to death that I will allow myself to go back to how I was, but I cannot let that happen!!!!

Orang Fri, Jan-02-04 12:44

Hi Shelley (Lisette):
Glad your LC milk is in a closer store now.

Grandbaby's 1st b-day -- those are wonderful.

So good to see you back. You can do this - you have before - just get back on track.

Welcome to the thread. Looking forward to getting to know you. Unity is a really neat name.

I did not get the blood work at the doctor vist this AM - all but 2 of the lab techs have the flu so they are only doing absolutely necessary lab work..... I have to go back 4/12 and they will do it then.

I am going to be starting a new drug called Wellbutrin for nightmares / PTSD symptoms. They have been worse since I started running into my ex at the grocery store and elsewhere (he has moved much closer to where I live). Anybody got any experience with this drug? Doc says it sometimes causes weight loss - now that would be a nice side effect :D


ewinpa Fri, Jan-02-04 14:32

Hi all and welcome to Unity! :)

So I was at the car dealer for 4 hrs watching my flat- spot tire problem turn into a wheel bearing replacement instead.PS:Bawdy, I got halfway thru Blowfly while I was there :lol: - Then the bank shows my acct double debited from that AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, got it cleared up ;so, my menu today has been 2 eggs, 2 strips bacon, 1/2 Atkins bagel with pat of butter, cup of hot chocolate at the dealer, and then 1/2 cup cottage cheese when I got home.Period.

Orang, I haven't heard of any problems on Wellbutin. I've taken a low dose of Prozac for years.I am one of those people with very mild depression and this stuff has been a godsend( I also take it partly because of the fibromyalgia). I wish I'd had it when I was a teenager.
Sorry to hear your ex is a problem again. :eek:

Lissette, goody about the milk, haha! I found Thomas Low Carb bagels at Giant market a few months ago and haven't seen them since. Glad I found the LC shop near work, they have Atkins and Synergy's bagels. Also got around to trying the Khalua (sp) DaVinci syrup and I LOVE it. I've also been putting the chocolate one into Diet Coke with a T of cream. Yummy.

unitydkn Fri, Jan-02-04 15:24

hi it's Unity agian.
alright here is the scoop.I spell teribly..see.I'm 29 till march,I lost lots of weight this way before my last child ,then "I'm so close to my goal I'll just have one piece of cake" and so on. I found that I kept thinking I'll try that goodie when my diet is over,forgetting that it is NOT a diet but a lifetime choice of sweets/size 5.I cannot have it both ways. Before PP I didn't know I could be a size 5.
Anyway I know it is the right way to eat the same way I know that the sky is blue....well today it is gray but you know...I have basked under the blue sky and I have faith the blue sky is up there,I have been a size 5 happily on this diet..way of life and I have faith with Gods help I can do it agian ...and stay that way.
Oh I have been married 11 years to a anoying man I would marry agian. I have three young boys who are very boyish....they just broke my cool lamp half way through this post. And I work the evening shift at Fred Meyers,the first one stop shopping place...merged with Kroger a few years back. We are haveing a big LC sale next week but I don't know about krogers...We call it freddy kroger now lol.
Alright I will see if AOL will let come back after work Unity

BawdyWench Fri, Jan-02-04 16:12

Back from my day of errands. I ended up going to the fabric store (they're still out of the fabric I need -- I have one and one-half ottomans recovered because I was an idiot and didn't buy enough fabric), then to the book store to return the duplicate set of Lord of the Rings (I bought a set for DH, and DH bought a set for me). Then I went to a home goods store for a lamp, didn't find one. Then lunch at Ground Round (like Applebee's or Ruby Tuesday). Then I had a pedicure. Lovely.

So any idea on the carb counts for a chicken caesar salad, no croutons? Isn't there a web site somewhere that lists restaurant dishes?

A little sore from working out yesterday, but not bad. I'll do the whole workout again tomorrow. It takes a little over an hour to do. I got anal and entered the whole thing into the computer. For upper body, I do three circuits of 4 to 5 exercises each (in BFL style: reps of 12, 10, 8, 6, and 12, with ever-increasing weights). For lower body, I do one circuit of 2 exercises, and then one circuit of 4 exercises, again in BFL style. It sounds weird, but it works out well. I chose the exercises in each circuit because they all use the Bowflex in the same way (no major changes in the configuration).

Wendy, don't sweat the couple pounds. Do get back on the train, but don't fret too much. It's probably water. Like Orang said, you did it before so you can do it again.

Orang, too bad about the tests being postponed. I hate when that happens. And WAY too bad about your Ex. Scary stuff. Do you have a restraining order on him (like it really makes any difference)? I know that just the sight of him must do a number on your psyche. I don't know of anyone using the Wellbutrin. You're smart enough to monitor your reactions, so you'll know quickly whether it's right for you or not. And hey, if it helps you lose a few pounds in the process, that's great!

Unity, that is a great name. Sounds like you have your hands full. As you can see from my signature, I had gotten down to 155 and a definite size 8. Then, like you, I started having a little something here, and a little something there. I maintained for a long time like this, so the "little" somethings became "bigger" somethings, and the rest is history.

It might be harder for you this time (I know it is for me). I have this radical idea, though. See what you think about it:

I plan to stop drinking alcohol, eat natural foods in moderation, keep carbs down to around 30, and exercise on a regular basis.

Now I know that sounds pretty far out, but nothing else I've tried has actually worked. I'll let everyone know how this is working for me. I wanted to get down to 160 by the end of February (DH and I are going to Marco Island, FL). At least it's something to shoot for.

So that's it for now. Catch you later!

Orang Fri, Jan-02-04 16:18

Hi Elaine
Glad the bank thing got straightened out - ouch re: the bearings.

Thanks for the info re: Wellbutrin. I took the first one and I feel kinda funny... not sleepy or high, but definitely not normal either. Us recovering folks are real sensitive to not feeling just right... it kind of scares us. Maybe that yeti pharmacy guy will show up and comment on this.

Wow, if you hadn't mentioned kids (Bawdy doesn't have any) I'd have thought you were telling Bawdy's story.... you'll fit right in here. We try to support each other's goals - all of them. Several of us have kids - mostly older than yours. Some who don't post too regularly have young children.

Hmmm... errands and relaxing... is that a new term for retail therapy? :D

My hubby appears to have the full-blown flu and we have my 16 yo step-daughter this weekend. Y'all may not hear much from me - she's the kind of kid who requires lots of attention - normally her Dad does a lot of talking / playing with her, but since he's sick....

unitydkn Fri, Jan-02-04 16:34

I have trouble eating anough protien and drinking busy...oh and I home school so I have taught my kids the right way of eating...and yes they get a lot more carbs than they should..But they know that meat is most important...
Unity.....hungery going to get something to eat and a glass of water bye

WendyOH Fri, Jan-02-04 16:51

Thanks for the encouraging words. I have done well today with my protein day. I do hope this is all just water due to extra sodium from eating out so much.

Renee-That's got to be discouraging that you have to wait so much longer now to have those tests done. Hang in there! I'm excited for you and your loose pants:)

Grady-Is it okay that I still call you Grady? Old habits are hard to change:) Your plan of eating sounds good. I wonder, though, if maybe you've been keeping your carbs too low? I felt stuck at 30g for soooooo long, and never could quite figure out how to raise them, although I never felt quite right at that low of level. But when I finally just cut back a little on the calories and jumped my carbs (not incrementally) up to 60g per day, I found that the weight fell off, and once my body got into fat-losing mode, I was able to significantly raise the calories as well. It might be something to consider, b/c I don't think it is something you've done before, but I could be wrong:)

Unity-Welcome! It's very nice to meet you. I am not that much different from you in age (26), but I am single and don't have any kids yet:) That's great that you homeschool your kids. I am a teacher. A lot of people here who have difficulty getting in their protein have used protein powders to help make sure they get enough. You've come to a great place!

unitydkn Fri, Jan-02-04 17:07

do you have a good rec for protien powder?I do drink Soy Slender 1 g carb per cup 7 g pro and tastes good

Keithvb Fri, Jan-02-04 17:28

had my first Low Carb wrap from Subway this afternoon. It was delicious and perfect for the Protien Power diet. I even went to their website and told them how much I appreciate their consideration of us Low carb lifers.

I currently weigh 283 lbs. I had done the Protein Power diet back in april of 1999, and was very successful, I lost about 35 lbs, and 2 pant sizes, the compliments were so numerous, I decided to reward myself with cheesecake and donuts. Big mistake, I have been trying to get back on the plan ever since. Now I think I will just take it day by day.

BawdyWench Fri, Jan-02-04 18:10

Originally Posted by Orang
Hmmm... errands and relaxing... is that a new term for retail therapy? :D


Ummm. Yes?

But I didn't buy anything. OK, so I did. But I didn't buy anything for me personally. Well, other than a couple new makeup brushes and the pedicure. But other than that, nothing for me. Just some Christmas decorations for next year at 70% off.

Chamellie Fri, Jan-02-04 18:20

Just a quick hello, DH and I are off to dinner. Still have major TOM issues, really old. I am wearing a pair of tight stretch jeans and a sexy black blouse that DH bought me for Christmas. Wish I felt sexy :( I feel like I belong on a beach somewhere instead of in these jeans. They are normally very comfy and very sexy but not with my lower belly swollen :( What a bummer. We are celebrating our anniversary tonight (it was Monday). Sorry guys but I am just whining a bit :)

Welcome Unity!

Keith - I had a subway wrap yesterday, quite good!! It is so nice to have yet another alternative when eating out.

Gotta run.....

BawdyWench Fri, Jan-02-04 18:21

Wow! Two new pals in one day!! Welcome, Keith!!!

Now we have two guys that we can tease unmercifully! Keith, you'll soon get to know our resident Yeti, a.k.a. Rob. He can attest to the teasing!

Wendy, you raise valid points. I've always kept it down around 30 carbs. Grains are my big downfall, and if I add any to my daily menus the cravings start. I do plan to eat more cottage cheese and yogurt, so my carbs will probably be higher than 30. I read a post here that debunks the notion that the live cultures in yogurt "eat up" most of the carbs (as stated in the infamous "LowCarb Luxery" article). Apparently, if you make homemade yogurt and allow it to ferment (?) the full time, this is a true statement. Store-bought yogurt, however, is "stopped" before it's fully fermented -- like maybe after only 20% fermentation. So instead of the 4 carbs per cup that a lot of people count, it's more like 12. Doesn't Marnie make her own yogurt?

Anyway, I'm going to stay low for a week or two, and then maybe try it a bit higher. I don't feel bad at 30, but I know you did. Hmmmmm. It might be worth a try. I'd have to be careful, though, what kind of carbs I'm eating. I've started adding a little fruit (1/4 apple, for example), so that will raise it a little.

Like I said, I'll do 1 or 2 weeks of this "Induction-style" eating, and then decide what to do. I'm hoping the extra 5 pounds will be gone by then.

Keith, describe the Atkins wrap from Subway. How many carbs? What's in it? Was it tasty?

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