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doreen T Tue, Apr-10-01 10:13

I've been feeling a bit bummed out over my stalled weight loss the last little while, as you all know ..... anyway, I experienced a bit of an epiphany this morning that has really helped bring the whole picture into focus.

Now that spring has arrived (finally .. :rolleyes: ) I decided to drag out all my warm-weather clothes from the back of the closet. They're huge, the pants hang off me ...... like the high-school boys I see walking along with their too-big-jeans hanging so low, there's 2-inches of their butt-crack showing. The blouses fit loose, which I prefer ..... and I no longer need the safety pin behind the second button down (you know, the button that pops open all the time across the bustline??)

Egad!! I have to go shopping! NOT an enjoyable task for someone with chronic fatigue. Ugghh. But, it'll be worth it .. :)

It really brought home how sometimes we get so focused on the here and now, and what is and isn't happening at THIS moment, that we miss the overall picture completely. Yes, I've been stalled, and slo-o-ooowly things are on the way down again .... Nonetheless, I am 30 lbs. lighter than I was this same time last year. Although I started Protein Power in July at 205 lbs, I had already lost 5 lbs from May last year. So indeed, my highest weight was 210, not 205. I'm at 180 now. With perseverence, I will weigh 30 lbs less at this time next year.

Life from this perspective looks a whole lot better!


JasmineP Tue, Apr-10-01 10:31

Congratulations Doreen - thats amazing. Doesn't it feel wonderful when the clothes practically fall of your body!!!

Although I don't write much on this Board, I do read alot and you have been a real inspiration to me and alot of other people. Thanks!!! It looks like you are well on your way to last 30 pounds.


Sharon Tue, Apr-10-01 11:50

You deserve to treat yourself to some new and sexy!

doreen T Tue, Apr-10-01 12:00

Originally posted by Sharon
You deserve to treat yourself to some new and sexy!
Yes, and I soon as I find him, I'll let you know!!


Sharon Tue, Apr-10-01 14:52

Glad you're such a sharing friend!!! I want some too!

honestd Tue, Apr-10-01 17:47

Congratulations DoreenT
Whata Women not in Women's sizes anymore... It sounds like you get to go to the other side of the store... LOL
Well unless you were already there... LOL But this is great.... Sorry you will be tired, but you may just lose with all that extra activity.... You know trying on clothes is hard work... LOL

The best to you Doreen!

r.mines Tue, Apr-10-01 22:09

Hey, Doreen!
Way to go, girl!!! 30 pounds since last year is not bad at all!!! I'm going to stop feeling sorry for you immediately!!! ;) Seriously, I'm glad your clothes are hanging off you, even though you need to buy new ones - I also hate shopping, I can relate - but it'll still feel good, won't it???

You are truly an inspiration - REALLY! Yes, it would be nice to shed 10 pounds a month, as some do, but if I can follow your example and lose 30 pounds this year....I too will be a happy camper!


numberonewendy Wed, Apr-11-01 05:36


Ummm, gee I'm not sure I can wait a year to lose 30lbs so I can understand the frustration you must feel Doreen. I am hoping on losing my 30 pounds or more within a six month duration...wonder if I am setting myself up for disappointment?

I'm at a stall right now but have read at another site this is pretty normal after the four week woe. May take another four or five weeks before I see a loss? At this time I am waiting on my monthly friend (not my friend really, but you all know what I mean!) maybe after my friend visits then I will see something?

I'm right into trying new foods and even did the cauliflower rice, man it was great. The chops with the rinds and sauce is wonderful.....truly yummiest

Funny before I found you folks and decided on joining you all. I was so fed up with food and cooking. Really at a loss at what to serve my family and then Atkins came along and really changed things. Remember my posting of feeling fear of having to cook again? Well, no fear now and I seem to be making time for it after all. I have learned to plan my meals better then to just rush home and what can I feed us, and end up with something quick and full of pasta! When shopping I actually try to take a list now, heck I never knew what a list was before and wondered what women did with these lists....LOL.

Anyway I haven't posted lately as I was at a loss for words, wouldn't know it looking over this post :) Doreen, just keep plugging away, like you say, you got an uplift due to your clothes being loose, that there is a great positive, and with summer coming girl, bet you will find more coming off, and we all must not forget the inches, they are just as wonderful as the weight!

Wendy.....feeling great and loving this woe!

ps. Gee I guess I spoke too much about me here and should have started a new thread? Sorry about that Doreen I sound like a me person...LOL

joanne42 Wed, Apr-11-01 05:49

Awesome going doreen. I for one most certainly know what it feels like to have clothes hanging off ones body..LOL. I still wear the walking suit I wore when I was over 60 pounds heavier. It is most definitely loose but it is a reminder of the size I was. My jacket hangs and pants hang but it is one of my most comfortable outfits. My winter jacket is the same. I bought a medium last year and now it is soooooo big..But a comfy one..I can wear the extra layers of sweaters under like I did this past winter while trekking on my 4 mile walks.


doreen T Wed, Apr-11-01 07:21

hi Wendy
Wondered where you were, I missed ya.

You'll lose the weight just fine. I think winter has a lot to do with things, for me anyway. For the record, I lost 35 lbs in about 6-1/2 months. Then in December, I gained 12 lbs very quickly as a medication side effect ... when I stopped the meds in January, I just figured the weight would go away as quickly as it came, but it didn't .... Oh well, it's slowly coming off now; when I reach 175 again, then I'll consider myself back on track.

Part of the problem is that I was chronically UNDEReating. I started using to track my food, and discovered I often ate less than 1000 calories a day, average was only 1200 or 1300 a day. Carbs were low too, usually 13 to 15 gm. It was a textbook case of slowed metabolism due to "starvation mode". Since I don't have a big appetite, I've found the easiest thing is to add more FAT in the form of unsaturated oils - olive and flax mostly. I'm also taking new thyroid medication, which I believe is helping as well.

Anyway, my intent for posting this tale of woe (ooh, play on words :rolleyes: ) is that others reading it might see that - (1) the weight loss curve isn't always a straight line downward. (2) if you're stuck, a daily food diary can reveal some BIG surprises. (3) eating less can and WILL work against you ... and (4) sh*t happens.

Now, I'd better go eat some breakfast.


lizzy38 Wed, Apr-11-01 08:31

Great To Hear
Way to go Doreen about your loose fitting clothes. It was great to hear. Nothing gives all of us more encouragement than to put on clothes from our closet and to find that wow there is left over room. But the greatest encouragement is what we get from each other here. By the way boy is it ever great to see the sunshine and to know that it's going to be 16 to-day and hope it keeps getting warmer. I'm going to enjoy the walk through the trails with my doggies to-day and for sure they do.

numberonewendy Wed, Apr-11-01 10:20

I'm here Doreen :) Always checking in daily and sometimes nightly. Just didn't have much to add to the conversations. Must try to come up with some stories for ya all so I will post more....LOL...


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