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jealibeanz Sun, Aug-24-03 09:08

I have an urge to really get hard on myself. I was thinking of cutting calories to around 1200. Lately I've been eating 1800. I work out like crazy. I use the elliptical for 1-1.5 hours, swim for about 1.5 hours, and lift 3 times a week. I know this isn't healthy, but I'm desperate. I don't know what to do.

I have a fairly low body fat. Not sure what it is though. I was thinner a year ago and want that back. I'd like to look like a fitness model, lean and defined. Sorry if I seem like I'm whining. I just don't know what to do. I know my ideal weight would be under my natural weight, but I've been there before. I only gained because of meds. Those fitness models and competitors get their bf super low, I just want mine a little lower than average. HELP!

Kristine Sun, Aug-24-03 10:52

Hon, if you want to be hard on yourself, then be hard on your thinking patterns. That's the only problem you have right now. You already work out *excessively*. No amount of working out and dieting will accomplish what Photoshop does to pictures of models. That's the sad truth. :( You may have been thinner before, but you were a year younger. Age takes its toll. You're in serious danger of developing an eating disorder, if you don't have one already. Please take a deep breath, take a big step back, and take a look at what's going on in your life. Consider getting help if this is really affecting you. :rheart:

Take care of yourself.

tazmizzion Sun, Aug-24-03 13:12

I had the same urge! What happened? Injured my back and stalled my metabolism to a crawl...

Used to power lift 3 hours a day 7 days a week, Elliptical machine an hour a day 7 days a week, AND walk 3 miles on the track a day, everyday. As for food I'd eat twice a day full of carbs and protein!

Switched to a lighter program not expecting massive weight loss in a rapid time and the results were excellent! Check out what I do now compared to before

90mins of light weight lifting/toning, 5 days a week
Elliptical 30 mins a day, 7 days a week
1 mile around the track, 5 days a week


6 meals a day (atkins) with 128 ounces of water a day!

Also, a lot of it is pure mental just read the numerous posts and profiles of other users and see how they all set up mini-goals. To me mini-goals is what changed my lifestyle so effectively and efficiently.

::EDIT:: I forgot this about what you posted: Don't cut calories!! :nono: That doesn't seem to work on Atkins. Instead raise your fat in take and eat more times a day. On fitday I'm having 75% of my calories from fat and I'm losing nicely.


jealibeanz Sun, Aug-24-03 14:22

I know some people don't need to watch calories, but I believe I do. People who are very close to goal and small really can't eat whatever they want. It's sad, but true.

RCFletcher Sun, Aug-24-03 14:29

You might like to try cutting your carbs right down before you consider cutting calories. If you cut your calories too much you'll go into starvation mode and you won't lose anyway.

LadyBelle Sun, Aug-24-03 15:15

You ar eprobably overdoing it. Muscles build when they repair while resting. Cutting calories will probably backfire, slowing your metabolism and causing you to get too little protien. When you do strenuous exercising you're body will take the protien it needs from your muscles. While you might lose weight, you would be losing muscle and definetly not look like a fitness model.

It is important to remember too that muscle can make you gain weight. You can lower your BF%, while the scale states your weight is rising because of the muscle building. When you check your body weight are you going by height weight charts, or actually getting measured? Most of those height weight charts are averages and not workable for people who workout regularly and have a high lean mass.

Instead of focusing just on diet and overworking so much, why don't you read either Body For Life, or Body Rx. The body for life can help you cut down on body fat, while making your workouts more efficient. You can choose to follow thier eating plan, or combine it with low carbing.

Don't cut your calories and put in more time at the gym. You'll just end up more frustrated and getting no where. Instead workout smarter, ignore the scale and go by a tape measure, and find other things to focus on in life then your body image.

jealibeanz Sun, Aug-24-03 15:48

I should tell you that I don't mean weight, I mean fat. I never step on a scale. Also, I know that weight loss is possible by extreme exercise. I do it every year with supervisor of a coach. We swim 3-4 miles a day , plus lifting and plyometrics. Then I usually maintain with 3000 calories and lose with a little less. It's only done for 2 weeks, not longterm.

Shazzer Sun, Aug-24-03 15:56

You mentioned that you gained weight because of medications. Are you still on medications?

tazmizzion Sun, Aug-24-03 16:50


3000 calories is a lot. Even at my weight I don't get close to that. I almost always make myself just reach 2000. I do know extensive exercise does lose weight because simple math states that if you burn off more than you eat you will lose. Maybe in your case you were eating too much?

I'd like to know more,

jealibeanz Sun, Aug-24-03 17:42

No, I don't mean I'm eating 3000 right now. At the time when I'm training 4-5 hours a day I eat that much. And yes, I've been off the medication for 6 months now.

thenewme Sun, Aug-24-03 18:51

Hi jeali... I am too in the same predicament.. and its so true what you stated...."people who are very close to goal and small really cant eat whatever they want. It shows up on us alot. I am desperatley trying to get to 115 pounds... I weighed in yesterday.... I do every other Saturday and have lost 4 pounds it took a little over 2 weeks but thank God its gone... I now weigh 124... I have 9 more to go for my goal. I exercise everyday except on Saturdays .... thats my fun day. I eat 1800 calories a day. It can be frustrating when it gets harder to lose...but trust me just do what is right.. dont lose focus and it will come off.

jealibeanz Sun, Aug-24-03 19:03

Thanks for the reply thenewme. How did you pick your goal weight? How long have you been trying to lose?

thenewme Mon, Aug-25-03 11:42

Hi jeali.... I picked my goal weight by my height ... I am 5'4... which means its 100 pounds for being 5ft.. then 5 pounds for every inch over that so my goal weight should have been 120 BUT I want some room to play with so I went 5 pounds under my goal so that way when that time of the month comes... I wont look so bloated... I should look normal. I started my weight loss program in January of this year 2003, I wont stop till I reach my goal 115... then after that it will be a lifestyle change I will always stay on. Remember it only takes once to fully understand what happens when your not paying attention. And you shouldnt have to do twice whats difficult when you only had to do it once. After you reach your goal weight stay on a lifestyle change and maintain what took you so long to achieve. Later jeali... nice to meet you.

Tiff Mon, Aug-25-03 12:14

thenewme, how many carbs a day do you eat? I am really impressed with your weight loss. I have set a modest goal weight for myself, but, would love to go lower like 120lbs if possible. What kind of exercise do you do 6 days a week? Any suggestions or words of advice? I am only losing 1 pound a month and eating 25 carbs/day, I don't count calories. I exercise 2-3x week with weights/treadmill. I am thinking about doing the fat fast 1 or 2 days a week to help speed things along.

LadyBelle Mon, Aug-25-03 14:22

.... I picked my goal weight by my height ... I am 5'4... which means its 100 pounds for being 5ft.. then 5 pounds for every inch over that so my goal weight should have been 120 BUT I want some room to play with so I went 5 pounds under my goal

I don't know wher eyou came up with that formula, but I would chuck it out a window if I were you. At 5'2" I have 104 pounds of lean weight. By your formula I should only weight 110 pounds. That would put me at 5% body fat which is physically impossible. You might want to get your body fat % tested to see how much you have of lean weight (not just muscle but bone, blood, organs and so on) then set your goal according to that. To get down to where you want you may have to start starving yourself in order to lose muscle mass and bone density, and that is far fro msafe or healthy.

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