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Vonhinx Wed, Jun-11-03 10:07

Vonhinx's Daily Allotment
There is a little back-log here, as much as I can remember.

Goal: Cardio x 6 day per week
Goal: Resistance Training 4-5 days per week (pull and push)

-Discovered Fitday, first entry
-No Workout

-Arms/Back (Pull) workout; 45 min

-No Workout

-Low Carbing begun
-No Workout

-No Workout

-No Workout

-No Workout

-45 min on a stationary bike

-30 min on a stationary bike (8.37 miles)

-No Workout

-30 min on a stationary bike (8.91 miles)
-Arms/Back (Pull) workout

-No Workout

-30 min on a stationary bike (9.00 miles)

-30 min fast-paced walking (10 streets, 5 avenues)
-Laundry (Carrying 60 lbs up and down 4 flights of stairs and down the street)

EDIT: Changed title, "My Workout" was rather lame.

Vonhinx Wed, Jun-11-03 10:17

7:30 AM - Ran for about 20 min to kill the nicotine crave.

7:45PM to 9:00PM - High Intensity Walk - 36 streets, 16 avenues (3.8 miles)

10:00 PM - Chest and Shoulders (Oh god, my tri's are going to hurt tomorrow. I hope I can stay motivated through the pain).

Vonhinx Thu, Jun-12-03 09:43

Thursday 5/12/03
Yep, my triceps do hurt today . . . but just wait till tomorrow! LOL

I woke up late, so I didn't manage to make it to the gym before breakfast. However, I had packed my bag to go workout last night, so I grabbed that on the way out. At this point, I am planning on walking home from work, but I am not sure of that distance or length of time. Hell, if this works out well, I can see it becoming a regular thing. Walking home from work sure beats sitting in a subway train for an hour before going to the gym.

Yikes, just looked it up on Yahoo Maps, Upper West side to Astoria, Queens is a 5.9 mile trip, including 1.3 miles of bridge (steep uphill followed by steep downhill). Yep, this should be fun for sure. =)


Later has arrived!
5:40PM until 7:20 I walked home, plus a 1.5 avenue sidetrack. All in all, 6.15 miles walked over the course of 100 min. Not too shabby! Hopefully within the next two and a half hours, I will recover enough to go do arms and back (pull) at the gym.
Well, I didn't manage to get to the gym tonight, but I convinced a friend to walk to the movies with me. Tack another 4.13 miles onto my total for the day, rounding things out to a nice 10.28 miles. Wow!

Vonhinx Fri, Jun-13-03 08:15

Friday 6/13/03
Fridays are normally my day off, but if I have a free hour sometime today (only slightly likely), I want to hit the gym to do arms/back.
Didn't make it to the gym, but that isn't that big of a deal. Like I said, Fridays are my normal day off.

Vonhinx Sat, Jun-14-03 08:21

Saturday 6/14/03
Ahhhhh, the weekend has arrived. It is always so very easy to have enough time to workout on these days. =) After some serious house cleaning, my goals today include doing arms/back (pull) and some sort of cardio . . . probably walking for 5 miles or so.


Interesting day today, didn't get what I wanted to do done though. Around 2 PM I thought I would walk to the park and do a few laps because it was absolutely gorgeous outside. I packed up a book, a towel and made a little keto-picnic (some gouda cheese, sliced corned beef and pork rinds). I walked there and as I started to get close, the sky started to get dark. Rather than tuck my tail between my legs and head home, I decided I would ignore the sky and hope it would pass . . .

It didn't. NYC had a massive rainstorm that drenched me almost instantly. After I got home, I wrung out all of my clothes, my backpack, threw the book away and hung up my shoes over the bathtub. It was later, when I decided it was gym-time that I encountered the problem. Hmmm, should I wear my dress shoes or my sandles to go work out?

So, I got a 3 mile walk today only. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Vonhinx Sun, Jun-15-03 11:44

Sunday 6/15/03
Ahhh, another beautiful day! Spending the evening with the fan on them dried my shoes out sufficiently to go for a quick 30 min, 2 mile walk in the sunshine. I am currently catching up on fluids (I forgot my water bottle LOL), then heading to the gym for a bit.
Did Arms/Back at gym
Added another 3.33 miles later in the evening . . . 1 hr taken.

Vonhinx Mon, Jun-16-03 11:24

Monday 6/16/03
Another day is upon us!

My wife is home from doing her show, so I can now have company working out, so we will see how well that goes. For today, my goals are: 1) Walk home from work (brought clothes); 2) Do Chest and Shoulders (Push)
I didn't walk home. I met my wife instead and we went to Bryant Park to watch Broadway Under the Stars. After that, she went out and I walked home: 6.1 miles

Let's hope I can make it to the gym tomorrow morning to keep on track.

Vonhinx Tue, Jun-17-03 07:38

Tuesday 6/17/03
I managed to wake up this morning and get my Push workout down. I did the movements in the following list in 3 sets, plus a warmup. The warmup was ten repititions, while the actual sets were in the 5 to 8 repetition range.

Behind the Neck Press
Butterflies? (not sure what it is called)
Seated Pushdowns
Tricep Pull downs

If all goes well, I will get another lengthy walk in today. I brought my clothes to walk home, but we will see if my DW has anything to do with that.

Vonhinx Thu, Jun-19-03 09:04

Wednesday 6/18/03
This may eventually be the day I do weight lifting with my legs, but for now, it is simply a cardio day.
I spent 60 minutes on a stationary bicycle. I did 3 20 min intervals back to back (silly electronic equipment) with average speeds of 16.7, 16.3 and 19.3.

I also walked a TON on this day, probably in the 6 to 8 mile range, but I didn't record it. It was casual walking with my wife anyway.

Vonhinx Thu, Jun-19-03 09:05

Thursday 6/19/03
I slept in this morning, so my workout will have to be this evening. Arms and cardio are planned.

Ended up doing pull/abs this evening and a few lame excuses for a cardio workout.

I got off work at 5:30PM and met my wife to walk home as my cardio. She managed to talk me out of it after walking only about 1.5 to 2 miles of it (she's good at that LOL).

Later I went to the gym and did pull and abs. This is what the workout consisted of (forgive my lack of names):

Seated rowing (or some such)
Warmup: 70 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 150lbs X ? reps (X3)

Curls using Pulleys
Warmup: 45 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 100 lbs X 5-9 reps (X5)

Reverse curls using Pulleys
Warmup: 40 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 80 lbs X 4-7 reps (X3)

Pulldown machine
Warmup: 90 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 190 lbs X 6-8 reps (X3)

Cruches on bench
Warmup: none
Workout 10 forward, 10 left, 10 right (X3)

Ab-roller type machine:
Warmup: none
Workout 10 regular crunches (X3)

Leg raises on the dip machine
Warmup: none
Workout: 15 reps, raised knees to face (X3)

My wife and I then sprinted home . . . counted as a 5 minute run.

Vonhinx Fri, Jun-20-03 07:17

Friday 6/20/03
Friday: Day off

I didn't wake up this morning to do some casual lifting, but it is ok . . . this is the day of rest.

Vonhinx Sun, Jun-22-03 20:00

Saturday 6/21/03
Chest and Shoulders

Warmup 90 (X10)
Set 1-3 170 (X?)

Set 1-3 90 (X10)

Warmup ? (X10)
Set 1-3 ? (X?)

Lateral Raises
Warmup ? (X10)
Set 1-3 ? (X?)

Tri extensions
Warmup 45 (X10)
Set 1-3 (X?)

Set 1-3 ? (X10)

And for cardio:
30 min on stationary bike 9.15 miles

Vonhinx Sun, Jun-22-03 20:03

Sunday 6/22/03
Seated rowing (or some such)
Warmup: 70 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 150lbs X ? reps (X3)

Seated rowing (hands on horizontal bars)
Warmup: 50 lbs X10 reps
Sets 1-3: 110 X? reps

Curls using Pulleys
Warmup: 50 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 100 lbs X 5-9 reps (X5)

Reverse curls using Pulleys
Warmup: 40 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 80 lbs X 4-7 reps (X3)

Pulldown machine
Warmup: 90 lbs X 10 reps
Workout: 190 lbs X 6-8 reps (X3)

Crunches on bench
Warmup: none
Workout 10 forward, 10 left, 10 right (X3)

Ab-roller type machine:
Warmup: none
Workout 15 regular crunches (X3)

Leg raises on the dip machine
Warmup: none
Workout: 15 reps, raised knees to face (X3)

And for cardio:
30 min on stationary bike 9.41 miles

Vonhinx Tue, Jun-24-03 20:53

Monday, June 23, 2003
Today was my cardio day but I somehow managed to do nothing tremendously strenuous. Only a casual three mile walk in the city with my wife . . . took us an hour.

Vonhinx Tue, Jun-24-03 20:55

Tuesday June 24, 2003
Chest and Shoulders

Warmup 90 (X10)
Set 1-3 170 (X?)

Set 1-3 90 (X10)

Warmup 50lbs (X10)
Set 1-3 70 lbs (X?)

Lateral Raises
Warmup 50 lbs (X10)
Set 1-3 70 lbs (X?)

Tri extensions
Warmup 40 lbs (X10)
Set 1-3 110 lbs (X?)

Set 1-3 ? (X10)

Cardio: played frisbee in Central Park for about an hour with my wife. She is off and on with her ability to throw in a straight line, so I did a LOT of running. When we were finished, I collapsed in complete exhaustion. I don't think I have been that tired from a cardio workout so far and I had a GREAT time. Expect to see more frisbee days in the future, hopefully.

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