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Browneyez Tue, Jun-01-04 17:46

Browneyez gym log! I did the abscissor and am quite disappointed in myself for not doing more. I did stay busy with house work, so today I am gonna use that to my advantage! Tomorrow is a new daY, and I will get the stepper as well as the abscissor in.

galatia Tue, Jun-01-04 18:36

Welcome Kim
Ahh....good you made it!! Welcome to the wonderful world of "gym logging." It's a good feeling to get to write down 'what you did today.' Well, I'll be talking to you later.....see ya! :)

Browneyez Thu, Jun-03-04 06:50

Day 2 and 3
Wednesday-I got the abscissor in and the rest of the day was spent cleaning all the clutter in the laundry room as well as the tanning bed room. I also cleaned out the freezer and fridge in the laundry room. Had big time garbage! (mental note-don't buy so much food and lose track of it, and then have to throw it away!)

Today I have done the stepper, gosh,......10 minutes of torture! As they say no pain, no gain! I was proud of myself, as I managed to finish what I started! I will do the abscissor before I eat breakfast! Maybe walk with my neighbor this afternoon, beings it is a wonderful day for a walk!

If I manage to keep up at this pace, my goal for the summer will be met! That is such a wonderful thought! One I plan on achieving!

galatia Thu, Jun-03-04 09:24

:) You are doing great!! And you will acheive your summer goal.....I just know it!

Browneyez Fri, Jun-04-04 06:25

Ok................the abscissor for the day is out of the way! I think I might up it a notch tomorrow as it seems to be getting easier! I think after I get done with the chiropractor I will head over to my parents and mow their's a work out in itself so that will be the exercise for the day, unless the neighbor decides to walk later! I am feeling better by the day and plan on sticking with this exercise routine! As I pain no gain!

A big thank you goes out to Debbie, for taking the time to come and read this! You are my motivation Debbie and I thank you for that!

galatia Fri, Jun-04-04 16:09

:) What a nice thing to see there at the end of your post today....Thank you ever so much! I sincerely want to see you acheive your are so determined, such a cheerleader for the rest of us, and there are NO bounds to your kindness. So....I'll be keeping up with you, every step of the way, on your road to success!!

galatia Tue, Jun-08-04 03:51

over here minding your business
Good Morning. Have you thought about putting down your exercise goals? Like what days you plan to exercise, and what you plan to do? Like mine is to lift weights 22 times this month. So if I miss a day, I have to double up the next day to make up for it. I'd like to say M-F, but sometimes I end up having to miss a day. But if I did it M-F every week this month, it would be 22 times. I know you swim almost daily, I'm not sure if your plan is to do the abscissor and stepper M-F or M-W-F or break them up? Anyway, I was just wondering? You're doing great! :)

Browneyez Tue, Jun-08-04 05:12

I did the abscissor first thing in the morning! I swam 50 laps in the pool.....30 freestyle and 20 breast-stroke. My neck is really sore today so I might have to take it easy.

My Goals-
Abscissor-5 times a week M-F
Stepper- 5 times a week (if it doesn't kill me first) M-F
Swimming- Every day I am in the pool which will depend on the weather!

Browneyez Mon, Jun-14-04 18:16

Ummmmmmmm I remember this place!
Ok, now that I have blown all the dust off this page, I will post all my many accomplishments!

*I mowed my parents lawn.
*I did the stepper for 15 whole minutes, it was a killer and I worked up a big ole sweat, but I managed to do it!
*I swam a big whopping 80 laps (sometimes I amaze myself)
*And last but not least I did the abscissor.
*MIght as well throw in the vacuuming of the whole house.

I am going to try my darnest to stick with the plan........I desperately want to see the scale move the opposite way, God knows it has been a long time coming!

I might as well list what I ate as well.......
2 fried eggs for breakfast
jello with a dallop of whip cream for lunch
shish-ka-bobs-(green pepper, onion, mushrooms and rump roast marinaded in itailion dressing and soy sauce, cooked on the grill) and a salad with ranch dressing.
a mini desert-2 RS chocolates!

Well, I think I did pretty good.......thank you for the motivation my good friend Debbie! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

Browneyez Tue, Jun-15-04 14:47

Today I was running pretty much on empty and altho I would have liked to skip the exercise.........I made myself do it and boy am I glad! I didn't get the laps in today on account of the weather but I did manage to:
*16 minutes on the stepper
*Completed the abscissor and in the process I boinked the poor dogs nose and good (hopefully that will teach him not to get so gosh darn close to his mommy.)
* I walked Walmart like I was trying to win some sort of medal!

Not too bad, altho it is day 2 of I WANT TO LOSE AND BAD WEEK! No pain no gain!

I can do this!

galatia Tue, Jun-15-04 15:17

day 2 of I WANT TO LOSE AND BAD WEEK!...I love it!! LOL..... We are sooooo motivated. I don't think I've been this motivated in a long time. I don't know what's different...but I just feel like I can finally do it!! And I love it that it hit us at the same time!! It's like we can't let each other down now! :) You are doing great! Harley made her way into my work out too, I was fussing at her and lost count. dh didn't shut the basement door good. Talk to you later.

Browneyez Wed, Jun-16-04 18:44

Today I got on the stepper and am happy to report I did it for 23 minutes. :hyper: It seems to be getting a bit easier each time I do it. I figured I would do that alittle longer on account I haven't been in the pool in about 2 days! I also did the abscissor! That is pretty much all there was to today's exercise.....I am hoping and praying tomorrow is a sunny:sunny: day and I can get in the pool which I miss so very much!:(

For breakfast I had 2 eggs, lunch was jello with some whipped cream and a mini snack of 1, 2 or 9 almonds (I think it might of been more like 20). For dinner it was ribs and wilted lettuce. No RS candy for me today!

galatia Thu, Jun-17-04 04:04

nuts, and stuff
Aaaahhh.....I'm so impressed with people who can control their nut consumption. (there is no way to talk about nuts and it not just sound ugly) :o I started to say "who can handle their nuts" that sounded really bad! :) but 1, 2, 9....or 20 is very good! ;) I hope the sun is shining today too....for many reasons, but for sure so you can swim laps. You are doing so good on the stepper and abscissor. Talk to you in your journal.....bye

galatia Wed, Jun-30-04 09:36

Hel-looo, o, o, o (echo)
June, my, my....this is a desolate gym log......I know there's exercise being done, I'm wondering why it isn't being logged? Hummmm....? The good thing is, you are doing great, even if you are keeping it out of here! Way to go Kim!! :)

Browneyez Wed, Jun-30-04 13:18

This week!
Ok Debbie, here is goes, don't know why I seem to avoid this place as I am exercising.........I should post it as I am proud and at least doing something!

Monday-25 minutes on the stepper!

Tuesday-25 minutes on the stepper and 80 freestyle laps in the pool

Wednesday-Dito of Tuesday! I did get on the scale this morning and it said I lost a pound, (188) will update my stats at the end of the week. I have had cottage cheese the past 2 evenings as part of my dinner, and I am wondering if that has something to do with it! As long as I am losing instead of gaining that is all that matters.

Thank you Debbie, oh sweet friend of mine. I hope you know you are the motivation behind all the exercise. You truly are a keeper!

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