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happy2lose Tue, Jun-11-02 10:40

fallen and fallen hard
I know I haven't posted much, but I welcome the fact that I can come here and read such supportive information. I fell off the wagon about 3 weeks ago....stopped eating this wol, started smoking again, after 4 months being smoke free, and haven't exercised. I don't want to make excuses for myself...things got bad, my husband lost his job, my mom may have cancer and I ended up with an infection in my baby toe, which being a diabetic is bad news. But I know that bad things are always going to happen.....I need to find a way to not let them trigger me into abusing body.

I am so frustrated with myself right now and I am extremely disappointed in the fact that I can not seem to get back on track!
I don't want be this way...and I am not normally one to complain. I guess I am hoping that somewhere on here somehow has felt this way and can share some info on how to get back on track.

I know things will improve, they always do, but any help and encourgement you can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Happy :tears:

Cinderella Tue, Jun-11-02 11:00

Looks like you could use a big hug. Don't be so hard on yourself...stress is the number one factor for falling off eating plans and restarting old habits..including smoking.

It's time to find you some strength.

First of all...go through the posts for all those that need support to stop smoking...

Secondly...go through all the yummy may be surprised on how much you really miss this woe.

Thirdly...give your husband a hug...this will help you both.

Have you goneto the doctor over your toe....and maybe you should tell your doctor about all this stress you have. I bet he/she will be able to help you.

Will you start a journal? My journal has everything in it.....what I eat and how I feel...what's going on in my life. Journaling helps relieve stress.

The last thing you need is to be hard on yourself.....give yourself a break hun. YOu of all people deserve it.

Warm hugs....cin

happy2lose Tue, Jun-11-02 11:14

Thanks Cinderella....
Thanks so much for your kind was all great advice. I was thinking about starting a might be a great way for me to get back to where I belong....low carbing...

I did go to the Doctor over my toe, I actually had to be on antibiotics for 10 days to ensure that the infection was gone. I told him about things, but he knows I am strong and will find a way back to where I need to be.

As for my husband....I make sure to hug and kiss him as much as I can. He is such a wonderful man and I am so lucky to have him.
He's a great support to a point, because he loves me just the way I am.....he doesn't care if I lose weight or not...and I guess that's good to have, but sometimes he would be more of a motivator. I am usually the one that has to motivate him...and sometimes I need the motivation more!

I have downloaded lots of the recipes...and have found the majority to be great I just need to start making them!!!!!!

I do feel better...thanks again Cinderella....I think starting that journal will be very important....I will have to answer to myself each time I make an entry....


Jerzee Tue, Jun-11-02 11:57

Hi happy2lose
I hear what you are saying. You really want to be good but its so easy to give in and eat the foods that got us into trouble in the first place. I did the on and off thing for a while and was getting nowhere fast. After 3 months of a little cheat here, and another one there I realized I was just spinning my wheels and had to make a decision to either commit to the WOE or get off altogether. Whats the point of this woe if you aren't benifiting from it?

The toughest part is making that commitment. When you are ready, you will know it and you will feel terrific about yourself knowing you were able to discipline yourself enough to stick with it. Best of lowcarb luck to you! You can do it! :D

Karen Tue, Jun-11-02 12:16

Carbohydrates and nicotine kick certain aspects of our brain chemistry into high gear. They quickly stimulate beta-endorphins to do the following:
  • produce a sense of well being
  • reduce pain
  • ease emotional distress
  • increase self esteem
  • create a sense of euphoria
In times of stress, this is what you need, but the carbohydrates are what you don't need. Even artificial sweeteners can produce the same effects as carbohydrates. And when stressed, it's very easy to fall back into old patterns of comfort.

Is there anything that you do that gives you a great amount of pleasure that you can build on? Do you feel great after a long, hot bath, a walk or sitting quietly with a book? Praying or meditating? Telling jokes and laughing?

If you give your brain another way to trigger the effects of beta-endorphins, you will be better able to low-carb. And, the more you practice both the closer you will get to your whole being singing with synchronicity!


happy2lose Thu, Jun-13-02 13:08

Thanks Jerzee for your kind words.....I needed to hear that others experience the same things....It makes things seem better knowing I am not in it alone.

Karen thank you for the reminders of how wonderful this wol truly is. I have been keeping a jounal the last couple of days and I think it is helping me to keep focused! And honest about what I am eating.

Hope everyone is doing well.....


MistyBee Sat, Jun-15-02 08:39

Hi happy!
I just wrote my own long rambling confession...

I thought I'd stop in and say hey to you...

It's hard to get started... but it's even harder to come back.

But one day at a time, I believe I can do great things.

For me, I have decided to try a 12 step meeting. They have them for everything these days. I am going to a CoDA meeting tonight in the Denver area, and then I am going to visit an OA meeting tomorrow. Trying to see what helps, what feels good.

I used to do OA, Al Anon and CoDA about a decade ago... the last time I was thin, sigh...

I want to get healthy, I confess... but I'm finding it tough. Please know that you are not alone, the stress is there for lots of us. Keep in mind when you are climbing back onto this WOL, I am too and others are too... we are all doing it together!

Thanks for being here and for posting,

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