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Wendye Fri, Dec-27-02 01:18

Fallen and can't get up ?
Have you fallen of the LC wagon too many times to count - well I have but if we support each other we will get back on and forge along the road to slimness.

All aboard!!!

Top 10 Rules for this thread

1. We are here to encourage and support each other :thup:
2. Notice when members have lost lbs and make a big deal!!! :clap:
3. Notice if people stop posting and seek them out :confused:
4. Come with a commitment to LC (any program) :read:
5. Join in the fun - laugh a lot - it's compulsory :lol:post as many funny pics, jokes or hunks as you like :lol:
6. Do not give medical advice unless you are a doctor :nono:
7. Be honest with yourself and with us :agree:
8. Encourage others to drink water and exercise :hyper:
9. Have an understanding of shagging, rooting & thong-wearing:exclm:
10. Have a commitment to rid the world of thunder thighs, wobbly arms, chubby cheeks, double chins and front butts :eek:

Let's get to it - all welcome

My goals are set out below.... what are yours??????

Wendye Fri, Dec-27-02 01:25

My name is Wendye and
I am a carboholic!

1. My Plan:
Low Carb (under 25g per day);
Low fat (less than 50);
Low Sodium (under 1g per day);
dividing food into 6 small meals
include at least 2 cups of fruit/vegetables
10 glasses of water per day
taking my vitamins and supplements and
daily swimming 30 mins -- increase to 60 mins

2. My Goal: to lose 100lb (not all this month!)
I'd like to lose at least a stone (14lb) this month
- am hoping to lose more as I have recently put on some!
And it should drop off in week 1 - me hopes!!!

3. I'll post menus and fitday them when I can (I am abeing realistic)

4. I WANT any help y'all can give me

5. I will measure this bod - I just have to find a tape measure big enough.

Starting 27.12.02 - I plan to stick to this for a month - then will review results - by pound and centimetre

So here we go!!! I am bigger than ever and HAVE to do this!!!

Who wants to join in???

P.S. Jude - I'll be needing your help to do this!!! :)

Carol CA Fri, Dec-27-02 02:17

Wendye! I've seen your posts.. and I've wondered what LC, LF, LS, and x6SM stood for. NOW I know! Well... if you can follow that plan, you'll be a twig in no time! I'm going to follow your FitDay menus... and see how your LF menus look. I'd love to see quicker progress myself... but geeez... I'm not so sure I can be THAT dedicated!

I've thought for a long time that maybe it's time for me to give up all dairy and artificial sweeteners. What's your thought on this? I'm NOT saying this will happen... just thought that maybe I "should". Can you tell how whimpy I am???

Well... I can see that you're NOT whimpy. You've got a plan...and that's terrific. Can't wait to see how you do!
Happy New Year, girl! :Party:

vivi621 Fri, Dec-27-02 03:12

I'm with ya toooo...
I am very happy to see you started your resolution early, I am cheering for you :cheer:

me.. and all the other carboholics here.

I too am a carboholic and have been struggling the last two days..I am stepping in your wagon

You have a great list with all the affirmation you'll need to do it, I know you have it posted on the bathroom mirror and on the refrig.. :D

You can do it Wendye.. I am pulling for you!!!! Now to convience me tooooo. Getting a little depressed and I am glad to see you have such a positive attitude, I am going to try and draw from that.........

LORI JO Fri, Dec-27-02 06:58

Hey, Wendye! Little sis checking in. Glad you started this thread. We certainly need all the help and support we can get! And with a few hunks thrown in, what can be better?!

You've got an admirable list of goals, but I know you will stick to them and do well.

Mine are:

1. Low carbs - less than 20 grams
3. Supplements
5. EXERCISE - walking 2-4 miles daily

WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

:rheart: Lori

Atrsy Fri, Dec-27-02 08:31

Thanks for starting this with such a positive outlook. I want to join you, but I'm very, very weak. So I must ease into this. I won't be setting such stringent goals--I must start one day at a time.

Not only am I a carboholic, I am a chocoholic and believe me, I think that chocolate has a direct line to the brain and the hips. It makes me feel so good, but it makes me look so bad.

I started yesterday and didn't do too badly until evening, when I got out the chocolate. By New Years, it will either be all gone or it will be tucked safely in the freezer in the cellar where I would have to fight the mice for it!

My one goal is to weigh less--I can't promise how much less--I only lost a total of 5 lbs this year and I really tried for about 7 months. But even 5 lbs a year is better than none. By the time I am 90 I can lose 150 lbs. LOL


heyjude607 Fri, Dec-27-02 15:13

COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"My Name is JUDE and I'm a CARB-O-HOLIC!"

Wendye Frendye, this is great! Just what we all need for our HAPPY NEW YEAR! I remember all the fun and weight losses we had last year with our JULY CRACKDOWN ... I never stop missing that thread!

I'm so glad to see all of you over here... this thread will be a great gathering spot for fun and support (I look forward to seeing who the latest Hunk is that "really does it" for each of you...LOL)

I know that I can follow all the rules (although I have, here, this year, been accused of #6 :eek: )...I'm just highly opinionated
...never made it to medical school...although all my teachers and schoolmates tried their bests to encourage me to go....I have been known to become over zealous with trying to share good information with my friends... and my close friends in NC seek me out when they have a problem with their health! I promise to refrain from offering any medical advice here :nono:, since my Wendye friend has clearly outlined the rules! I will indeed, though, discuss shagging and/or rooting, at length when asked...LMAO!

A special HELLO and welcome to Carol CA...I've seen you around the forum and always enjoy your posts and your great personality! Glad you're here!

Just wait 'til sug'a and gin get here...and on that note I've got to share the post that I thought was so funny, I found myself laughin' out loud for days...Here's the post that wins the "FUNNIEST FOR 2002" award :clap: :clap: :clap:

originally posted by asugar

Ginger, What are you doing in here? I'm glad you're here but didn't I tell you to get your frontbutt into your journal and start posting some more?????

:lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, now down to business! I have fallen, but with the help of this thread, I know that I can get up and climb into that "big ole' wagon" 'specially with all of you to "root" :eek: me on! I'm going to start now with getting back to exercising everyday and drinking 80 to 100 ozs. of water and taking all my vitamins. At the end of the day on January 1st 2003, I will go back to Atkins induction for 2 weeks and then decide if I'm going to change over to CAD for a try??? We'll see!

In the meanwhile...GOOD LUCK TO US ALL and HAPPY LOW CARBING...I'm really looking forward to seeing all of you over here! Thanks again, Wendye girl, for getting this thread together for us...:yay: :yay: :yay:


"You have to have your heart in the LCing and the LCing in your heart."

Atkid Fri, Dec-27-02 18:49

Re: COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[/QUOTE]Originally posted by heyjude607
I look forward to seeing who the latest Hunk is that "really does it" for each of you...LOL[/QUOTE]

Did I hear my name being called?


heyjude607 Fri, Dec-27-02 19:16

Re: COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Atkid
Did I hear my name being called?

LOL...Our thread is now complete ladies...HE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Atkid, the SuperHunk of all are "just a doll"...I can see it...your radar detecting the "H" word, flying over and swoopin' down into our (excellent visual)!

Thanks for sure to come back often..."We Need You Bad!"


To Begin...Begin!

Wendye Fri, Dec-27-02 20:53

Roll Call:

Carol Atrsy
Lori Jo
Carol CA
and the masked mystery man

WOW! I go and have a sleep and you have all been a-visiting. I hope we can keep this thread a happy and prodictive one.

I haven't meant to scare anyone off with my rigid plan - I just have to do something while I am on hollidays for the month - so it is strict i have to be -- mind you I am allowing one dinner out per week as well - LC of course.

Glad to see you all aboard - still room for more!!!

So My menu so far:

Yesterday DAY 1
before brekkie - 2 glasses of water
B Scrambled eggs, vitamin supplements, water
S rockmelon (cantaloupe) water
L chicken breast, chargrilled red peppers and eggplant, water
S chicken breast, chargrilled red peppers and eggplant, water
D Prawns and salad (mostly lettuce) water
S diet jelly a small peach water
2 glasses of water

bum!! no swim - it was too cold - maybe tomorrow :mad:

I'll fitday and be back!! -- I am back - that was quick

Total Cals: 1459
Fat: 50g
Carbs: 25
fibre: 5
Protein: 217
sodiium: 1.2g
water: 10 glasses
1 diet drink

Not bad for day 1.

Day 2 (so far so good)

B Scrambled eggs, vitamin supplements, water
S rockmelon (cantaloupe) water
L chicken breast, chargrilled red peppers and eggplant, water

it's a bit boring at the moment - i ama eating LC LF leftovers

Wendye Fri, Dec-27-02 21:40

Time for an Aussie Hunk!!!

This is Hugh jackman - all round nice guy - actually goes to my church when in Oz. He was here fro Christmas - so I copped an eye-full of hunk!!
You may recognise him starring roles in Swordfish, Xmen or Kate and Leopold and I reckin he is a hunk!!

Anyone for golf?????

ERSmith45 Sat, Dec-28-02 08:41

Ok, Ok, I'm here.... those beautiful Hunks will do it everytime. Atkid being my favorite one of them all. ;)

I'm only half way into the wagon as of yet. :rolleyes: I have stayed away from the breads with little effort, but slipped on some sugar yesterday.

My goals:

1. Eat less than 30 grams of carbs a day.

2. Work my way up to doing some type of exercise "everyday" by my birthday.

3. Remove sugars and (white flour) processed foods from my diet.

4. Drink a minimum of 100 oz's of water a day

Ok, that's it for me... Don't want to make my promises too tough. I've had enough failure for now. I'm giving my goals the "kiss".


Love you all and we can do this!!!! :thup:

Oh yeah....

"My Name is ELA and I'm a CARB-O-HOLIC!"

Atkid Sat, Dec-28-02 10:02

Originally posted by ERSmith45
Ok, Ok, I'm here.... those beautiful Hunks will do it everytime. Atkid being my favorite one of them all. ;)

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:





:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:


Atrsy Sat, Dec-28-02 11:30

My name is Carol and I'm a carbo/chocoholic!

This is double the trouble! I have been trying to slide into this thing. I've been off a little too long. Now when I eat the chocolate, I try to balance it with a little protein. LOL

I've started back on my suppliments--been off them for almost 3 weeks. So here is what I'm taking:
1 Centrum Silver, 3 calcium, 2 GLA, 3/4 tsp natural sea salt, HRT, and a thyroid pill.

I've also cooked my own cranberries and made a sugar free cranberry juice (ugh) and have that diluted in water with some SF orange Metamucil first thing in the morning. I figure I'll start at the top of the day and work my way down until New Years when I hope to be in full swing.

Wendye, I am impressed with your menu. You go girl!
That eye candy that you posted may be a little too sweet. I agree, he's a hunk, but what's with the towel? Oh, that's right--I'm an old lady and shouldn't be thinking that way.

Good luck to all


ERSmith45 Sat, Dec-28-02 12:18

I agree, he's a hunk, but what's with the towel?

You go girl! I sure hope age doesn't take away my enjoyment of eye candy, cause that's the only candy I can have now days. :D Count me for the chocoholic catagory too. :rolleyes:

DH has been policing me lately. :mad: So, I informed him that he has to start eating more healthy as well. No more Hot pockets for breakfast and toquitos for lunch. :nono: See who polices who....



Br. Eggs and ham (no, not green eggs :D )
CF coffee with heavy whipping cream
Lu. Ham and a salad, water
Di. Crab salad, water

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