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gtarent Mon, Apr-14-03 22:52

Today I just managed to hit my May 15 th goal of 241 lbs. This coupled with my ability to squeeze (not necessarily comfortably) into a pair of 36” waist jeans that I have been using as a “gage” really had me exited. I was suddenly very curious if the 37 lbs I lost would be enough to be no longer considered obese. After a quick search on the internet I discovered the government definition of obese is a BMI of above 30. I quickly entered my stats into the calculator and bingo my number was a 33.6... still obese :mad: . A little disheartened, I wanted to see what it would take to be classified as merely overweight. I few quick entries and I was told if I weighed 214 lbs I would no longer be obese :thup: . Checking this versus my goals, I was hoping to be at this weight by mid Sept. Now I was curious about what I needed to be classified as normal. A few entries quickly informed me when I weighed 178 lbs I would officially be normal. Ironically this was my last goal, estimated time of arrival Mid Feb 2004. Only problem is I had calculated my estimated body fat% would be 14%, which should not put me borderline to being overweight. The low range of the normal catagory would allow me to weigh 139 lbs before being considered underweight, considering my current lean body mass is 155 lbs I find this unlikely. So to conclude this needlessly long post I give you the following summary
1. I am overweight :(
2. The government still thinks I am obese :mad:
3. The BMI is a ridiculous standard to determine overall fitness, and in the goverments attempt to "simplify" optimal weights for the masses it has created a measurement which in no way considers the subjects LBM or body fat %. :confused:
4. I am no where close to the exited mood I was this morning :rolleyes:

chysmith Tue, Apr-15-03 00:43

And to add even more insult, some insurance companies (like Life insurance) use the government guidelines when determining if a person should be at a higher rate because of their size.

Paleoanth Tue, Apr-15-03 01:42

I do believe that according to the BMI standard, Arnold Schwartzenagger would be considered overweight if not obese. So you are right in that it doesn't take into consideration any kind of muscle mass versus body fat. When I realized my weight had gotten out of control I had a BMI of 34.2 at 165 pounds. When I started low carbing it was 31.2 and I am now at 26.4 at 135 pounds. I am still considered overweight by the BMI standards. However, I just got my bf% checked and it is 19.9% (Although I think that is low and I am actually around 24 or 25%).

That is why I look at several methods of health classification. I look at weight, BF%, hip to waist ratio and BMI-but my BMI goal is only 24-which is at the high end of normal because I know I am carrying more muscle mass than they take into consideration.

According to your starting stats, you had a BMI of 38.8. Look how much it has dropped losing those 37 pounds!

liz175 Tue, Apr-15-03 06:19

I found this website a while ago and thought it was interesting for putting in perspective what I will look like at a particular weight. The website allows you to compare your weight to other Americans of the same height, age, and gender. Of course, Americans do tend to be somewhat overweight, but using this site I realized that if I reach my goal of 175 I will be below average weight for women of my height and age. I had thought that 175 was actually a very high goal - and it is at the very top or off the top of all those weight charts -- I picked it because I thought it was attainable for me and I did not think I could ever maintain a weight of 140 or 150. Realizing 175 would put me at below average weight for women of my height (5'9-1/2") and age (45) gave me a different perspective on it. Since, realistically, I am unlikely to ever get very thin, it's is nice knowing that I will not look large in comparison to other people when weighing a weight I think I can attain.

This is the address for the website:

Katana Tue, Apr-15-03 07:22


Please don't let them get you down!

You've done an amazing thing, and you should be ecstatic. Give yourself a big pat on the back from me!

The most gratifying thing in the world is achieving your goals. And you are. Good for you.

IMHO, you don't really care what some generalized index says. Not deep inside. Because if you did, you wouldn't be on an LC program. Remember, the 'official' good nutritional guidelines say you should be eating hi-carb, and low-fat.

So if you must, use BMI as one guideline among many. But remember what you already know: it doesn't take muscle vs. fat into consideration, nor other measures of health and fitness.

And the real bottom line is - how do you feel? And how do you feel about the way you look?

Anyway, I'm excited by your success :)

Sterlina Tue, Apr-15-03 14:19

I calculated my BMI, I used a few different calculators to see if there were any discrepancies.. and I got 35.8 pretty much from everywhere.. Im 5'4". I dont see myself as obese, Ive always been muscular..(although you cant really tell now..) sigh.. this world would be so much easier without standardized numbers..

Cwolly Tue, Apr-15-03 18:17

That chart is such a load of bunk. There are three things you may want to consider:
1) Do I look/feel better about myself
2) Am I healthier and more energetic
3) (rant on) Do I really give a care what skinny government officials following the low-fat dogma came up with 30 years ago? They are probably going to have heart problems because they are eating pasta to keep their BMI down (rant off). :devil:

See what happens when I start posting a lot, I get cynical!
I better run away while I can.

bigguyjonc Tue, Apr-15-03 19:58

what chad said

Kathy54 Tue, Apr-15-03 22:28

Yeah, don't sweat, it your still under construction right??
Your doing fine, never mind the stats ;)

Cheers Kathy

NOT_MINIME Tue, Apr-15-03 23:10

That site sure knows how to wreck a good mood.
2 :thdown:

Shelley J Wed, Apr-16-03 09:26

I'm obese too. Oh well!

Obese.... What a yucky word! :mad: Whoever invented such a word anyway! :confused:

twofoofers Wed, Apr-16-03 12:12

My goal is 175. That is 10lbs. less than when I got married. The chart says I will still be overweight. To be in a "normal range" for my age I need to get to 155lbs. Like that is going to happen. I don't even remember ever weighing that. (I have a large build and am fairly muscular.)

I have a video tape of a TV spot I did on a local wrestling show when I was 19 and 170-175lbs. At the time I thought I was big, but now I look at it going "Who is that Hottie!"

gotbeer Wed, Apr-16-03 16:49

In two months I've gone from "Morbidly obese" to just plain old "obese". That is a huge victory for me. Much more to lose, but at least I've found the right way to do it!

grbh Wed, Apr-16-03 19:11

If it is any consulation I just checked Emmitt Smith's BMI (for those who don't know he is a running back in the NFL, and one of the best ever.

He is obese.

I take those BMI calculators with a grain of salt.

gtarent Wed, Apr-16-03 19:13

Truthfully I normally could care less about how I would be catagorized. For some reason it was important for me that day. The whole BMI thing just really reminded me of of a situation I encountered in my young and thin days. I was in Air Force ROTC, and they always labeled me as "overweight". I was 5'11" and weighed 180 lbs. The only problem was I was an avid weightlifter, I could bench press 330 lbs. I could max the Air Force physical fitness test. The most amazing thing is they actually gave me a physical fitness award, yet I still had mandetory weigh ins and counseling to try to slim down??? :confused:
Truthfully my body fat % is still way too high, but its coming down and thats what matters.

And yes, I too was considered morbidly obese before I started

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