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butrf1yb1u Fri, Feb-28-03 13:52

March Challenge
Hi there :wave:

Anyone else out there find it more effective to break up goals into mini-goals?

Just thought we could form a current group with monthly challenges. Since we are just starting off with this, Marchs Challenge will be your very own. If this takes off maybe we could kick some fun ideas around near the end of March and come up with an official group Challenge for April.

Just chime in with some or all of the following if you are interested, and come back to this thread regularly to update your progress and to give and receive support from fellow Challenge Buddies. :)


How long have you been low-carbing?
Which plan do you follow?
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan
Current weight and/or size
Goal weight and/or size

Short we can get to know one another. :p

and Finally ...your March Challenge Goals...whatever that should be. ex. water goal, exercise, inch loss, pound loss...etc.

Official weigh-in and/or measurement day will be every Friday for those that want to be involved in that.

Challenge starts tomorrow! :cheer: For everyone that sees this after March 1st and wants to join in, just adjust your monthly goal to the remaining days of March. :)

Everyone welcome. Looking forward to hearing from you! :roll:

Much love, laughter and success,

butrf1yb1u Fri, Feb-28-03 14:22

Height: 5'4"

Frame: Petite

How long have you been low-carbing?...about 5 weeks

Which plan do you follow? Did atkins...experimenting with Sugar Busters now.

Weight and or/size at start of lc plan: 150/ tight 12

Current weight and/or size: 146/ comfy 12 some 10's but snug

Goal weight and/or size: 120?/ Size 7? dunno will adjust as I near it...want to make it to 135 definately.

Short Bio...or in this case LONG ..sowwy :lol:
Im a 32 SAHM of two boys ages 5 and 9 months, a dog, two ferrets and an aquarium of fish. I have a very happy life and marriage...just seems that the one thing I havent been able to achieve is weight loss and getting into shape. I have struggled with it most of my life. Its funny, you wouldnt think it would be so challenging and sometimes I believe its one of the most if not the most challenging thing one can go up against. I mean, we cant always change the world but we can change ourselves, so why is it so hard...we are with ourselves all the time! :lol: Im working on it. I have lost 30 pounds since the baby doing the low-fat thing and exercising...came down from a size 16 to a tight 12 and then stalled for a good 3 months and through starvation and frustration I found the low-carb way of life. I started with Atkins and although I believe that it was a right path..Im still in search of the better right path for me, so now Im starting to experiment with Sugar Busters and Im resuming my exercise with a fervor. Im an hourglass shape under this apple and just want to get rid of the still pregnant looking belly I have. My hubby is incredible loves me no matter what size or age I am, finds me sexy and pretty...and I have pretty good self-confidence, but Im stubborn. :mad: I dont want to just be myself in all my average glory :lol: I WANT TO BE AT MY BEST! :D dammit. hehe.

My March Challenge Goals

3100 ounces of water(100x31...I plan on doing a countdown)
1000 minutes of exercise
400 pushups
3000 crunches
Stay on SB plan for a month cheatfree

*would like to lose 4 pounds or an inch off my waist and abdomen areas*

Im tracking will post my starting ones, Saturday.


Kaela Fri, Feb-28-03 14:34

Great Idea!
Hi butrf1y , this is exactly what I need right now. I kinda fell off the wagon last Saturday and then it ran me over and then it backed up and RAN ME over again... and it didn't stop till Tuesday!! Damn that wagon! :rolleyes:

So I need to concentrate more on short term goals b/c I think part of the reason that I cheated was I got so overwhelmed by being far away from my goal and the scale not moving!! Well, that wagon made it move...up.... :doah: DOAH!!!!

small frame

I've been lowcarbing for about a year but I started geting serious with it September '02.

Protein Power

START 160lb
waist- 29 inch
size 13 jeans in juniors

CURRENT 158(damn wagon!)
waist-27 inch
size 11 jeans in juniors

GOAL 135lbs
waist- 24.5 inch
size 8 jeans in juniors

Bio- Hmmm...well I'm a college student. Currently unemployed. I like to read sci-fi and fantasy and I like to do yoga. I've been trying to lose weight for 2 years and I can't seem to stop going in circles with it. But this summer my boyfriend is taking me to Puerto Rico to see his family so I WILL ROCK THAT BIKINI!!


DO NOT CHEAT!!!! Eat until I'm full then stop, no more grazing.:nono:
Exercise 6 x a week :hyper:
weight lift to my peak point :thup:
Positive Attitude!
Also I had made 148 my goal for March, but that might me unrealistic. WHat do you think? Maybe I should ignore the scale and mearuing tape for a month...

me4bama Fri, Feb-28-03 15:02

I'm in!
Height- 5'6"
Frame- medium
How long have you been low-carbing?- December 2002
Which plan do you follow? Atkins
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan- Dec.-167.5/ size?
Current weight and/or size- 157/ size 11/12
Goal weight and/or size- around 140/ whatever size that may be!

Short we can get to know one another.
30 y/o SAHM, mother of 2 girls.
Am still getting used to being a SAHM. I'm not used to cooking and cleaning as a daily affair!
I love to cook!
Fortunalely, I do like to exercise!
My husband is tall and very thin so sometimes hard for him to understand the difficulties of weight loss. He loses weight if he DOESN'T exercise!
Yeah, crazy!
I had a bad spell a couple of days ago but came out of it kicking and screaming to not look back and regret but to move forward and accomplish!
I found a great quote-
If I only do this when I feel like it, I will always be overweight!
Wow, huh?

and Finally ...your March Challenge Goals...whatever that should be. ex. water goal, exercise, inch loss, pound loss...etc.-
For March:
continue 8-10 8oz of water daily,
do a.m. treadmill 3-4 times a week,
weight/cardio circuit 3 days a week,
and spin calss 2 a week
And as far as weight loss goes, I'd like to lose a good 8-10 lbs.

Bring on the March Challenge!
See you next Friday for weigh in!

loopygem Fri, Feb-28-03 15:24

gemma's challenge
hey guys, i really need a challenge.
i'm not really all that sure of my weight and i dont really care.
my aim is to get back into my size 10s by the middle of April.
current size- 12

i'm a student in the u.k studying history and spanish. being a student means i spend most of my day sat on my ass in lectures, but we break up 4 easter in 2 weeks, so i'll have no excuse. i'm currently single - boo, and i love dancin, we go out at least 3 nights a week. (although i am t total, which is good).

plan - Stillmans 4 a month
my aims 4 this month is:
drink more water
work out 6* a week (cardiavascular)
weights- upper body 3*/ lower body 3* a week
get my lazy ass out of bed 4 20 min mornin run
stop cheatin !!!!!!!!!!! NO EASTER EGGS!!!!!!!!!!

oh and get my papers finished b4 i go back 2 uni (yeah right)

ok thats me good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jocelyn Fri, Feb-28-03 15:34

Height 5'4
Frame med
How long have you been low-carbing? 3 wks
Which plan do you follow? atkins
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan 163 size 14
Current weight and/or size 158 size 12
Goal weight and/or size 130 size 9

I would love a challenge. I have been having some trouble the last couple of days staying on track. So this might just get me on track again.
I would like to lose 8 pounds this month
I will not cheat
I will go to curves 3x per wk
I will drink more water

I am 40 yrs old and I live in ont. I like to read swim and go for walks.
So I will be back on Friday to weigh in
good luck and my we all be lossers (he he )

ccarr1 Fri, Feb-28-03 16:07

Great idea!!!!!!!!!
Going to Mexico March 28th so I need to do this NOW:)

Doing Adkins
Med frame 5'5
Started Feb 24( only on day 5)
Starting weight was around 155-158(size 12 tight)
Would like to get to 120 size 8 jeans(still have them tooo:)

My goals for the month are to actually do this for a month, up my water intake to 80-100 ounces a day, exercise 3-4 times a week

I'm a working mom of 2 kids(ages 4 and 3) busy lifestyle and need to get off this 35 pounds once and for all:)

Good luck everyone and I'll chenck in soon.

Is weigh in day fridays??


alibubble Fri, Feb-28-03 17:06

great idea BB
Height - 5'7
Frame - medium
How long have you been low-carbing? 5 months
Which plan do you follow? atkins
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan - UK size 16
Current weight size - between UK 14 and 12
Goal weight and/or size 12

Challenge for March
To lose 4 pounds
To Not cheat
Drink more water
Do more than 1 session of aerobics per week.

My incentive - a 2 week holiday to the Canary Islands, booked for June 9th. ... I will be wearing that bikini again this summer ! I only want to lose another 7lbs, maintenance afterwards will be the hard part.

I have 2 children and work full-time. During January I did really well, lost the 7lbs I put on during December party time.
February started well but had really bad PMT and cravings last weekend and it hasn't stopped all week. Chocolate has been my downfall. That stops today, tomorrow I'm back to it.

Good Luck everyone !!


izzy6568 Fri, Feb-28-03 17:06

A Challange sounds great...

Height: 5'6"

Frame: medium

How long have you been low-carbing? 3 weeks

Which plan do you follow?Atkins

Weight and or/size at start of lc plan: 211.5
Current weight and/or size: 202.5
Goal weight and/or size: 140

Short we can get to know one another.

34, Married, no kids yet. My husband and I are trying to have a baby. One of my reasons for wanting to lose weight is to help me concieve. Been on Atkins for 3 weeks now. I am very happy with the program, but I do have my weak moments. Fell off over the past weekend, and put some of the pounds I had lost back on. Seem to be back on track now and this challange will definetly help. Looking forward to getting to know all of you and chatting with you!!!

and Finally ...your March Challenge Goals...whatever that should be. ex. water goal, exercise, inch loss, pound loss...etc.


1. Stay on Program
2. Drink 80-100oz water/day
3. EXCERCISE (this seems to be my biggest problem)
4. Lose 10lbs by end of March


Dingo10520 Fri, Feb-28-03 17:09


I have been doing Atkins since 01/01/03 and lost 15 pounds pretty quickly but then it just plain stopped. I am very careful about following the rules (thank you fitday) but I have been stuck since Feb 5. WAAAAA

In March I would like to see some action on the scale...maybe it's broken? :) and get back to walking every day with or without my Golden Retreiver puppy.

I'm a 61 year old retired florist relocated 3 years ago to Texas from Indiana. It's been a BIG change and I haven't really made any friends here yet. Maybe that better be another Match goal. I hope you folks will be my new friends and that together WE WILL SUCCEED! See ya Friday

37-48Ford Fri, Feb-28-03 19:13

Count Me In Too!!
Height 5' 2"
Frame Medium
How long have you been low-carbing? Since 11/02/02
Which plan do you follow? Atkins
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan 197 Size 22
Current weight and/or size 169 Size 14
Goal weight and/or size 110 Size 8

Short we can get to know one another.

I am 34, Happily Married for 11 years, No Kids, I don't work, We like to travel alot (in our old cars), My mom and dad live next door! I enjoy gardening, cooking, interior design, sewing, and alot more!

and Finally ...your March Challenge Goals...whatever that should be. ex. water goal, exercise, inch loss, pound loss...etc.

March Goals
Drink: 100oz of water every day
Keep up my exercise of:
2 30 min treadmill sessions everyday and
Gym M-W-F plus another Treadmill and 20 bicycle on gym days!
I would also like to have a weight loss of 8-10 pounds for March

My incentive:
I have about 30 people from the Ford Club coming for Brunch
March 29th and a local tour that I am hosting!

My The Force Be With Us!
Julie :wave:

CAKES66 Fri, Feb-28-03 19:54

I need this too!!
Low carbing since January 24, 2003

Height: 5'4

Which plan: Atkins

Start weight: 161 lbs

Current weight: 150 lbs

Goal weight: 135 lbs cute Spring, shorts wearin' mom ;)

Short Bio- A busy Soccer Mom with 2 energetic girls (ages 9 and 10). Excited about this way of eating (WOE), and looking forward to fitting into my size 8 jeans. ;)

March Challenge Goals:

1. Drink more water
2. Exercise every day
3. Stay committed

Thanks :wave:

me4bama Fri, Feb-28-03 22:10


ENJOY!!!! :heart:

deknob Fri, Feb-28-03 23:25

Count me in.
I'd like to join this challenge, too! Been stuck for awhile and ready to get moving again.

Height- 5'10"
How long have you been low-carbing? Septemeber 02
Which plan do you follow? Adkins
Weight and or/size at start of lc plan 235lbs size 22
Current weight and/or size 185 lbs size 16
Goal weight and/or size 165 lbs

Short Bio...Busy mom of 5, ages 21, 19, 7, 6 and 2. Happily married and work too much. Approaching my 19 daughter's weight and looking forward to borrowing her clothes! Yea right, an exposed belly is a little much for this mother.

March Challenge Goals - Lose 5 lbs. Take supplements daily and drink water.

butrf1yb1u Fri, Feb-28-03 23:41

Hi Everyone! Just checking in before turning in for the night. This is great...looking forward to doing the challenge with you all, over the next month :)

Bama ...yes I noticed that a bunch of us have similar stats and goals! Its uncanny. :lol: Great quote btw...reminds me of the one that goes something like...if you always do what you have done you are going to get what you have always gotten. Super job bouncing back from the bad spell you had...its all about the bounce back. :)

Great Attitude everyone!! :yay: Keep this up and we will be sure to have one exciting goal attained wearing cute outfits heck of a summer!! :D teehee It will be my first slim summer in all my adult years. Looking forward to the journey with each and every one of you. :)

Im sleepy :yawn: and still have tons of stuff to do before turning in, so hope to address the rest of you more personally tomorrow. Thanks for joining up and have a great weekend!

I will be back in the morning to post my starting measurements(yuck) lol.

Much love, laughter and success...

Happy thin dreams,

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