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bonappetit Thu, Dec-05-02 18:09

somercizing experiment
Hello all, I'm embarking on an experiment with Somercizing. I've loved Schwarzbein for the way it makes me feel, and I can see eating her way for the rest of my life, but I'm just not losing and I really need to. So for the next few months I'm going to give Suzanne a try. My mom has lost 35 pounds since spring, most of it in the first four months, and my brother-in-law also lost 30 pounds in four months. It's more restrictive, there's no doubt, and some of the rules seem a bit strange (port wine sauce is okay but carrots are not?), but I'm gonna try.

There's one thing about the Somers plan that I think may be better than TSP. Somers believes that eating carbs and fats at the same time gives our insulin both carbs and fats to work on and to store. That's one of the reasons she insists on eating carbs alone (or with veggies). Any thoughts? Why does TSP think you need to be in balance with carbs, protein, and fat at EVERY meal, isn't it good enough to be balanced within a day?

I'll be back to TSP when it's time to maintain, or maybe sooner! Good luck all...

rosarugosa Fri, Dec-06-02 15:49

Somersizing level 1 is how I lost the first 15 lbs. about 2 years ago. I think her books are excellent teaching tools and kind of simplify things (some great recipes also). It kind of gets one off to a positive start, especially if losing weight is a prime goal and one starts shedding the lbs..

Personally about 6 months after level one( I was very strict) I started noticing my hair thinning and nails getting brittle, so I decided to go to level 2 and used TSP as guidance at doing that. I got to where I *just* didn't want a 'carbo'meal without a little 'pro/fat' for some flavor! so naturally I was missing out on some nutrients. I also stepped up my exercise and lost 5 more lbs. I use Suzanne Somers and TSP books and recipes daily. I am kind of in between the 2, alternating, and winging it now--but still find the last 10 lbs. not wanting to leave :)

Maintaining is not a problem for me on either plan, but losing the last 10 :roll: is! On all 3 plans it would seem vital to eat as many vegetables as possible.

If you are in fairly good health, maybe if you experiment with it you can decide . See which works for you. I hope it goes well. Let us know.

I believe Dr. S has worked with diabetics a lot so very balanced meals are important for that.

bonappetit Mon, Dec-09-02 14:25

Great insight!
Thanks very much for your comments, they are so helpful. I appreciate the support. Very interesting what you said about your hair and nails. That reinforces my concern about the balance issue. And yet the weight issue is big too! I guess I'll have to pay close attention to how I feel.


Flamingo Tue, Dec-10-02 10:04

If you're enjoying TSP, may I suggest altering the program by tracking your calories and fitness regime on FitDay. Once I started doing that religiously, I started to see the scale move. What surprised me was how many calories I was actually eating.

I know she says don't do it but I firmly believe calories do count!

Good luck to you!


tigersue Tue, Dec-10-02 21:37

I don't know enough about somersizing, but I do know that patience has got to be in your plan. Schwarzbein, particularily in the 2nd book talks about how you must heal before you can loose, that maybe exactly what you are doing. My sister is in the same situation at this time, and I have been there in the past 20 months. It has taken me that long to loose about 40 lbs. nearly 2 years of exersice, seeing a good doctor, getting the help I needed and then LC just a few months ago.
My biggest concern with eating carbs alone is that if you are diabetic, or insulin resistant, your BS will increase, needing more insulin and not being able to utilize it correctly.
I don't see a problem combining the two plans, but you need to focus on how you feel, not just how fast is the weight coming off.
I earnestly believe that you must heal before weight will come off, if you don't it will not be permanant.
If you are healthy than I don't think there is a big problem in that area but you still should be careful.
I don't believe that a calorie is a calorie, my sister is proof of that as am I.
I eat until I'm satisfied, and I eat when I'm hungry.
Exersice is a must, particularily some sort of weight training. I know that is a big help in the long run.
Don't skimp on fats, when you do, you crave carbs more, dont' skimp on the protien, your body really needs it, and you won't eat it when you don't need, at least I don't.
Eat lots and lots of veggies, that is a great help.
I know food combining works for many cultures, but I think that is because they are healthy to begin with, so they don't end up with the problems we have.
Just somethings to consider.
Good luck, and remember health is measured by more than just weight or weigh loss.

amieK Mon, Dec-16-02 09:30

Sommercizing helped my sister-in-law lose 35 lbs last year. Also helped her 2 daughters shed weight post-pregnancy.

I tried a different but similar food-combining plan for about 6 months 2 years ago. Kept gaining and losing the same 5 lbs.

I found out I need to eat proteins with my carbs in order to gain any sense of satisfaction. On carb meals or fruit meals, I just wanted to keep eating and eating. My belly would be full but I wouldn't be satisfied. I need protein to get that sense of satisfaction that helps me stop eating.

Right now I break all the food combining rules and have no digestive problems as long as I stay away from the foods I'm allergic to: sugar, corn, gluten-containing grains and most legumes

Every one has a unique body and health issues. Experiment and find what works for you.

all the best,

lil' annie Mon, Mar-02-09 09:38

Originally Posted by rosarugosa
.....Personally about 6 months after level one( I was very strict) I started noticing my hair thinning and nails getting brittle, so I decided to go to level 2 and used TSP as guidance at doing that. I got to where I *just* didn't want a 'carbo'meal without a little 'pro/fat' for some flavor! so naturally I was missing out on some nutrients. I also stepped up my exercise and lost 5 more lbs....

Hair thinning and brittle nails can be an iron deficiency and exercising can make it worse. Do an online search about iron deficiency anemia, and see if you have more symptoms.

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