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WendyOH Sat, Nov-29-03 05:50

Protein Power Pals--Sticking to it Saturday, Nov. 29
Good morning all! Once again it's 6 am and I am not sleeping in. Of course this is always how it is following a protein day. I never sleep too soundly after one for some reason. This morning I weighed in at 149, which is 0.5 lb down from my lowest. The protein day has never failed me. Every week it has shown a loss on the scale, and the loss has always stuck. I need to go find some wood to knock on right now:) I'm still in shock daily when I step on the scale, thinking that one of these days I will wake up and be my former self. It's relaly only in the last couple weeks that I've really begun to "see" the differences. Yes, most of my old clothes hang on me, but that still didn't convince me. The biggies have been my dad and sister making comments about my weightloss, b/c they have always been the most skeptical of my eating LC from the start. Finally, I feel like I have some proof that what I am doing is worth my time. Too bad it took me over 2 years to figure it out. The other biggie for me was on Thanksgiving. My mom has a new digital camera. When I was a child, I was unusually photogenic. For the last 6 years or so, that changed once I got heavier. It was rare that I took a good, flattering picture. The one that you guys have seen of me was an exception. I was caught at a flattering angle, but most pics didn't look good. So anyway, mom took a bunch of pics of us on Thanksgiving, and I was surprised to see that I liked what I saw in the picture. I think that is the real test, liking photographs of you. It's funny how mirrors seem to lie b/c you see the same thing day in and day out. But photos seem to show you as you really are. You can't ignore your fatness if you are fat. That was a very big deal for me.

So today begins a new round of weightloss, with calories planned at 1200 for the next 3 weeks. My goal is to lose 5 lb this round.

Elaine-How's it all going? I would really recommend doing the 3 pure protein days. You will be amazed how you have to force yourself to eat after them.

Good morning to everyone else. I will try to check in later!:)

MarnieON Sat, Nov-29-03 06:25

Good morning everyone,
Another (relatively) early-bird here, although this is about an hour later than I'm usually on the Internet because it's a weekend. I don't get up usually with hubby on Sat. and Sun., although the past 2 or 3 months it's rare that I can go back to sleep after he gets up at 5:30. Next week is deer hunting season which means we'll be up about 4:45 all week because his brother that he works with goes deer hunting with a bunch of guys. DH doesn't hunt but they get chores started earlier so hunter can get more done before he goes.
We had talked about driving to get the slide scanner again yesterday afternoon but then the weather took a turn for the worse and snowed all afternoon and evening. I went to Curves and when I returned my son had had a telephone call from the local store that he had contacted about the slide scanner. They had said Minolta didn't make one. Then why did I find it on the Minolta Canada website? Anyway they phoned back to say they had found one and the price was $20 less than the one an hour away in London. Pete told them to order it. So perhaps that's why our intended trips didn't work out, although in the overall scheme of things the $20 is not a HUGE part of the purchase price.
Wendy, congrats on the weight loss again. And on the positive self image. That's so great!
And everyone else who used such restraint over Thanksgiving. Way to go! :yay: :yay:
I'm not sure what's going on with the scale here. Tomorrow is my usual weigh-in, but since I have a banquet at church tonight, I thought I would move it up a day (lesson learned from previous occasion). I was positive there would be no loss. I've been eating very well this week. I've been trying to up my carbs slightly but I don't think very successfully on most days. One day I did have peas as my veggie instead of a lower carb one but other than that I just increased my fruit serving a tad. Anyway, stepped on the scale. Down another 2 lb to 132. Stepped off again to double check it was zeroed properly. Back on again for the same weight. Only 7 more to goal. Kinda scary in a way when I figured I would have so much trouble with the last few pounds. What's going on? Your imagination starts to go into overtime. I had a mammo done last week and this week got a call that they want to do some more views and an ultrasound because there is the possibility of a mass on the left side. Now I went through this same scenario (minus the ultrasound) 3 1/2 years ago and they decided it was nothing to worry about. I know they did have the previous mammo to compare with but the weight loss may have complicated the comparison. Apparently I have a lot of scar tissue and calcifications from numerous bouts of mastitis when I was nursing the twins. The additional tests are booked for Mon. afternoon.
Well, I'd better get moving here. We have a snow squall warning and it's very windy. Don't think I'll be walking outside today. Back to WATP.

RobinBeBe Sat, Nov-29-03 06:46


Well, even after making some boo-boos on turkey day, and eating chinese last nite.....the teryiaki beef did a number on my stomach :o but I am still down a pound!! That is 9 lbs since starting!

I know I must reallly get back to the gym.....hopefully next week!


ewinpa Sat, Nov-29-03 06:46

Wendy, congrats on the 1/2 lb! Maybe you should get a new avatar for your signature that shows the wicked witch from Oz going "I'm melting!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am eating 3/4 cup of cottage cheese as I sit here writing this (this is 90 cal of my brand per Fitday) and guess who has to go out and get more cottage cheese :lol:
OK, questions:(yes I know I'm being a pain in the a**)
1.Do you have basically yogurt and cottage cheese or do you eat meat as well ?(I have leftover turkey, I know you eat eggs)
2.Do you put anything like Davinci syrup or spices or anything else in it?
3.Is fat free chicken broth allowed?It's cold here and I'd love some soup.

OK, enough about me.

Marnie, I just went through something like that with my mammo. I gave them previous films and they decided it was ok. I have small fibroids in one side and some scar tissue from removal of a fibroid on the other side. Also had a reduction done years ago so there's scar tissue from that as well. Anyway, Hugs :bhug: I'm having a pelvic MRI done Monday aft too so you're not alone in the OMG department.

Good morning to everyone else!!

ewinpa Sat, Nov-29-03 06:53

RE; asking questions about the WOE
I just had to post these lines from my horoscope for today, thought it would give Wendy a chuckle....
"Information made available to you via modern communications technology, such as the Internet, could find you contemplating possible changes in your lifestyle.The changes you want to implement might not be universally acceptable, so it's important for you to check with other people before you put your plan into action."

WendyOH Sat, Nov-29-03 07:45

Marjorie-I am also surprised about the lack of slow-down as I approach goal. It took me so unbelievably long to lose anything at all, but once I figured it out, it just keeps coming off. I keep telling myself that it is b/c I have finally found what works, but I know that if I get sloppy, I will be back where I was in no time. I have no desire to let myself down this time. How tall are you? Have you considered lowering your goal weight? My original goal was 145, but it seemed so unreachable. Now I am considering shooting for 140 or even 135, but I would only do that for cushion and would never push further.

Robin-Congrats on the loss!!

Elaine-I am ALWAYS running out cottage cheese too!!!!:) On protein days, about 5 of my servings are cottage cheese or yogurt-based. When eating the yogurt, I usually only eat about 1/3 or 1/2 cup at a time, so that leaves some extra calories for other meats. Yes, I do eat meat all the time too. During normal eating days, I always either have yogurt or cottage cheese as part of my breakfast, salmon or lunchmeat as my lunch protein, chicken/hamburger/fish for my dinner protein, and for my snacks--one of them usually consists of yogurt, another of cottage cheese, and another of an egg + egg white. That's kept me from getting bored, and I LOVE eating all the dairy. Actually, once I really started upping the dairy, I really started losing weight, so it seems to be a good thing for me. Yes, even on protein days I add DaVinci syrup to yogurt and frequently to cottage cheese as well. I've never used chicken broth on protein days but I do not see why you couldn't b/c it does have a bit of protein and negligible carbs. You'll be eating so low in calories a carb or two doesn't matter like it would on Atkins. That's what I love about my plan, the freedom to finally not worry so much about every little bitty carb.

Orang Sat, Nov-29-03 08:21

You rock. Can't wait to try the plan you are using (with a few modifications for the KUD disorder). If you would like a new avatar - a before & after or even a melting witch - and need help with it, let me know. I'll be glad to make you one.

Sorry to hear about Grandma - I was in college when granny quit recognizing me. It was so hard because she lived with us most of my childhood. She thought I was one of my aunts (who I do resemble)

:lol: re: horoscope.

:bhug: Prayers go with you as you do the pelvic MRI.

Congrats on Weight loss - don't beat yourself up over boo-boo's - just get back on track.

:bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug: :bhug:
Prayers rising for mammo results - I have to get more film and u;trasound every time - the ultrasound gives them info re: density of masses to determine if they a scar tissue or something else.

Figured the disrupted trip for the scanner would turn out as it did.

:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
2 more lbs lost - you are amazing. You may be having to ask for smaller sizes for Christmas
:yay: :yay:

Glad you stayed on plan. I've never noticed the cauliflower not being good as a leftover - in fact, hubby likes it better the second day.

Rebecca (OneEye):
Sounds like you did well for the holiday - let us know you are still OK today - you are a brave woman going near a mall on the day after Thanksgiving :lol:

Don't look back - look forward. Eat clean just for today.

You have all your Christmas shopping done except one kid? -
:yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

Unreal re: the hunter shooting woman and getting off - we have incidents like that here as well - some people here leave up their Christmas lights and burn them during hunting season so hunters know there is a house there.

Glad to here you had a good T-day. Sorry to hear about the tummy troubles.

Lissette - Shelly
Hope you feel better today. How did the Christmas shopping go?

How are you doing with the Christmas shopping?

Thanks again for the soy link - got to read it yesterday. Hope you'll stop by often.

We have a noticable lack of Yeti tracks in the afternoons... how are you doing these days? Know you are being a hall monitor elsewhere, but we miss you.

Like my new avatar? :devil:

Karen Sat, Nov-29-03 10:18

Thanks again for the soy link - got to read it yesterday. Hope you'll stop by often.
I read the PP Pals thread every day but often don't have anything to contribute. I just like to see how y'all are doing! :)


Orang Sat, Nov-29-03 10:30

Opps - I missed Ellie (Chamellie) earlier :blush:

Ellie - chime in and let us know how things are going in AZ.

dreamer Sat, Nov-29-03 11:36

Eating Clean Today
Orang: That is a great statement : Eating clean today, that's the best place to start, Thanks for the powerful statement.

Congrats on the weightloss everyone, even if only 1/2 pound, keep up with the water, exercise and thinking before putting anything in our mouths.

Hey that sounds like good advice, something I need to remember daily :lol: .

Had a healthy breakfast. Today is my day to relax and be a computer hog. I am sending the kids away (dreaming) for the day.

May you all have a safe and sane day all while eating the LC way. Up up and away..................... :angel:

OneEye Sat, Nov-29-03 13:45


Regarding Farscape, have you not heard the great news? Thanks to diligent and creative efforts by the Scapers and everyone at, the entire cast will be reuniting in Sydney next month to film a four-hour miniseries! No word yet about who will air it (except we're pretty sure it WON'T be SciFi Channel) but we'll be getting a resolution to our cliffhanger-from-hezmana soon.

I attended the convention in Burbank a couple of weeks ago, just before the news was made public, and everyone was being so humorously cagey and joking about not being able to say anything that we knew there was something going on.

On the eating front, for some reason my day after Thanksgiving was far worse than the holiday itself. A whole slew of bad choices, one on top of the next. And I'm paying the price today; water-retention has me up to 203.

I'm back on track today, with leftover turkey and LC tortillas for lunch.


Chamellie Sat, Nov-29-03 14:44

:rolleyes: Just a quick note to say hi :) Glad everyone made it through Thanksgiving. Yesterday I felt like the bottomless pit, starving all day! Stayed legal but ate entirely too much. To help make up for it I got my lazy butt on the elliptical machine this morning and did 30 mintues. DH is going out of town next week so I may try a few of Wendy's protein days to get myself out the holiday rut. DD is finally getting over the Flu but still has a bad cough. We are still putting up Christmas decorations mainly outside.

I am getting the evil eye as I am supposed to be outside helping :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ewinpa Sat, Nov-29-03 15:00

OK, from the Wide, Wide World of the Wendy Plan, I give you through 3PM:

Food Name Servings Serving Cals Fat Carb Prot
Richfood cottage cheese ¾ cup 90 4 4 11
Columbo low fat yogurt .50 cup 98 2 12 8
Ground beef, extra lean, cooked 3 oz 231 15 0 23
Richfood cottage cheese ½ cup 60 3 3 7
Columbo low fat yogurt ½ cup 65 1 8 5
Totals 544 24 26 53

Planning fat free chicken broth with leftover turkey for dinner, more cottage cheese/yogurt to make 900-1000 cal. So what do you think?

ewinpa Sat, Nov-29-03 15:09

Rebecca, great news on Farscape!
Always wanted Ben Browder for a Boy Toy :lol:

BawdyWench Sat, Nov-29-03 15:28

We've been without power for most of the day. Just came back up, and I have a million things to do to help DH get ready for his business trip tomorrow. Don't even have time to read any posts (except I did notice that Wendy is down yet another half pound!).

I'll catch up tomorrow. He's leaving around 1:00, so I'll have lots of time then.

See ya!

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