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MamaSara6 Sun, Dec-14-03 07:57

Fit for 40
This is a group of buddies for Sheron! Most of us want to lose 20-40 lbs. If you're (ack!) middle-aged (or getting close to it! :lol: ) and you want to join us, come on in! Let's help each other stay legal and get our exercise and water in.

My goals for the week: Exercise 5 days, drink 80 oz. H20 every day, keep to induction.

MamaSara6 Mon, Dec-15-03 06:23

Bumping it up! I know there are some of you out there!

I was legal yesterday and up a lb. Grrrr! Probably due to the fact that I had hardly any water. But I did a fast walk w/ dh for 40 mins.!

sproch3384 Mon, Dec-15-03 07:24

Hi Sara! I'd LOVE to be fit by 40! I'll be 39 this coming June and would love to see my goal reached by then. 40 pounds to go! I've been riding my recumbant bike six days a week for around 40 mn each day. I may start adding Tae Bo or the Firm tapes (both which are packed away in a box someplace!) I live in MN and don't get much exercise outside in the winter except shoveling!

I saw you have six children! You have me beat by one. My kids are 18, 15, 8, 5, and 2! The 18 y/o has already flown the coop so we only have four at home right now. You'd think with all these kids and chasing after them, cleaning up after them that we'd be skinny as a stick.....NOT! Oh well, I want to be in good enough shape to really enjoy the outdoor summer activities with them. I used to be a tennis player....long, long ago. I'd love to be able to teach my kids to play but have had no energy to do this for years!

Good luck going back on induction! I was out of town for three days last week and pretty much fell off the wagon, but I'm back on track now. I hope to stay on the wagon for Christmas....found out I don't like the view much from underneath it!

MamaSara6 Mon, Dec-15-03 11:11

Welcome Stacy! :wave:

You started on those babies young, didn't you? I love my 6 and they do keep me busy; I can't understand why I'm not skinny either! LOL!

I did The FIRM this a.m.--sort of---I'm out of shape, so I didn't get far into it. But it's a start. I love the FIRM! One of the best workouts I've ever done.

I didn't like the view from under the wagon either! :lol: I didn't like being enslaved by food again. I hope I can get back down to my posted weight by Christmas---preferably lower!

MamaSara6 Tue, Dec-16-03 05:36

Hey ya'll! How's it going? I didn't get up and get my workout in this a.m. I'm having trouble getting over the mental hump! I always remind myself that during the times I've exercised religiously and hard that I've never lost any weight. It makes it hard for me to see how it will actually help.

I'm struggling with cravings for bread this a.m. too. So I'm having a legal hot chocolate. That's almost as good.

ricky47 Tue, Dec-16-03 07:45

hi ladies, i've already hit the 40's and am going for the 50....yuck. I only have 2 children 17 and 7, between them and mental-pause - I'm a bit nuts. Could use a little help with the daily grind, and was hoping I could join your thread. Your not going to discriminate against age, are you? LOL

MamaSara6 Wed, Dec-17-03 06:25

Oh, wow, Ricky---I posted yesterday to welcome you, but my post evidently got lost. You can join---especially if you feel you haven't reached "middle age" yet! ;-)

I had a good day yesterday. Drank lots of water--got 80+ oz. in. I went down a lb. thank goodness and I feel thinner today. But I'm still not exercising. It's too cold and yucky in the a.m. Maybe tomorrow!

sproch3384 Wed, Dec-17-03 10:28

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi! Thanks for the welcome, Sara. Yes, I started on my babies kind of young. My oldest was born a month before I turned 20. On the other hand, my youngest was born when I was 35!

I've been doing really good this week. I lost 3 pounds this last week and it's TOM! Can't believe it! I've been really slacking on exercise though. I've done NOTHING in over a week. exercise and 3lbs gone this week. Strange.

Welcome, Ricky! Glad to have you along for the ride. Also, where is Sheron if this group was started for her?

Have a great day everyone! I'm off to hop back on the exercise bandwagon. Hopefully....

suziQ Wed, Dec-17-03 20:16

Hi! I'm another of the over 40 gang looking to join your group as well. I'm 45 and have 35 lbs. to lose. I just started this week and am having a rough time of it with Christmas goodies all over my

MamaSara6 Thu, Dec-18-03 06:27

Welcome, SuziQ. What a difficult time to start Lcing! But I think the diets that work are the ones you start "right now" instead of Monday morning or New Year's Day. Just tell yourself every time you're tempted that even one bite will ruin it. Once you get into ketosis you'll be really motivated!

I had a great day yesterday. I wasn't home much, so I may not have eaten as much as usual---although I ate almost a whole can of cashews while I was out! LOL! But I drank 100 oz. of water and lost 3.5 lbs! That's a first for me!

I've got work to do this a.m. since I didn't do any yesterday....better run!

shaerat Thu, Dec-18-03 10:36

I think Christmas is the BEST time to start... think of all that TURKEY you can have. Actually, at my house we dont' do christmas dinner, we do a family brunch instead, and I have all those yummy things like omelets with LOTS of bacon, sausages, we have tomato slices, and stuff like that. Yes, I do all the high carb things too, but my gift to me this year will be to NOT partake.. and I'll feel SO proud of myself if I can control myself for that one day. I'm going to send home all the leftovers with someone ELSE! grin!!!!

I find doing anything lc a little hard with kids though. My kids need the carbs, but we're modifying the carbs, like taking out juice, but leaving fruit, taking out most cookies and junk and replacing it with salad (my kids think thats a BIG treat!!!). The baby is the one I have the hardest time with.. what do babies eat but toast, cheerios and bananas?!?! grin!

Well, I'm only 32, but I'm GOING to be 40 someday, so it would be good to be fit for that day! LOL!


pre3teach Thu, Dec-18-03 19:20

Well, it took me awhile to get to this thread, but I would love to join. I had a comp. crash for a day or so.

I did really great a few days this week and horrible yesterday. I can't even remember what started the downhill spiral!

I will be 40 in April and would love to be thinner and in shape by then. I look back to when I was in my 20's and thought I was fat because I was no longer skinny like in HS...(crazy how we are never happy). Two Christmas's ago I was at 124 and felt better than I had in years. I want to get to that weight asap. I don't know why it is so hard this time.

So glad to see that water helps so much. I have a prob with getting that.

oh by the way...I have 3 children 15, 13,10, teach preschool with an integrated classroom (includes special needs children) and am married 171/2 yrs.

suziQ Thu, Dec-18-03 21:21


Thanks for welcoming me aboard. 3.5 lbs lost is great. I need to get on the H2O bandwagon, but I find it hard to give up the caffeinated soda for it. I thought it would kill me to give up bread and pasta, but that's been a breeze. Now if I could get just get my sweet tooth under Keep up the good work!


MamaSara6 Fri, Dec-19-03 05:37

SuziQ---I was never a big soda drinker. Although I loved my coke, I never bought it to have in the house because I knew that wasn't good for me. I would just get one now and then at the gas station or grocery store. Still, drinking water isn't my favorite thing to do! I have my 20oz. cup that I keep with me and I have a deadline to finish one at 9, 12, 3, 6 and 9. If you work it like that, you won't really have time for a soda! :)

Pre3teach---I've been married 17 years too and I have a 14yo dd, 12 yo ds, 10 ds, 8 ds, 5 ds, and 2 dd. So we're have a lot in common for the first half of our marriages! :lol:

Another busy day yesterday. I was out and starving at wal-mart so I bought an Atkins bar. Hadn't had one of those in a while---I don't like the way they make me feel. And I'm up a lb. today. I blame the bar. I'm glad I gave the second one to the baby!

ricky47 Fri, Dec-19-03 08:00

Greetings Ya'll
Thanxs for the welcome, I may be the oldest--but I had my last baby on my 40th I gave all my birthdays to her- Like Jerry Lee Lewis sings--I'm 39 and holding. LOL (there I go dating myself)
I really got up there with her. Had the baby blues really bad afterwards and got up to 230# Have seen 150 since then, but the struggle is too hard. I need to get it down NOW and keep it there. I don't have it in me to do this again. I'm willing to maintain, but I refuse to get that heavy again, my hips can't take the stress, plus I have to keep up with a 7 yr. old.
Felt soooo good to go ice skating with her (my 1st time) for 2 hours, and I had a ball. Not sore the next day, it was great to be able to do that. The exercise has really given me torso stability so I could actually stay up on those single blades and skate without a walker. Exhilerating (sp)
Bottom line is the benefit of diet and exercise is LIVING life instead of coping.
Right now I'm pretty much in OWL - really slow going - wheather I want it or not. Tried to go back on induction for a week, but didn't eat enough and got dizzy and tired.
I went to a nutritionist yesterday and we determined I'm in starvation mode and have to eat more - more often. Got to get out of the diet mindset and get creative, find those triggers and supplement like crazy until I can get those ketosis sticks to register anything again. The calorie count when I started has to increase because the workouts have become more intense. I can actually make it though interval/circuit aerobics with a class for 60 minutes and not have to drop out to marching mode. That's the balance I'm fighting with right now, and the body is fighting back. Progress may be slow, but at least I'm not where I use to be and I am getting a pound or 2 per month off. No fanfare, but LC and exercise works if you work it.

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