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gracious Thu, Nov-15-01 09:45

Just on the look out for any Maritimers if they are out there. I am in New Brunswick and by the looks of things around here, this province needs a big lesson in the low carb lifestyle. Having lived here for one year now I must say that one of the first things I noticed was how much people are overweight here. Not just overweight, but obviously medically obese. It would be fantastic if we could give this area a positive view of lc!

sunny37ns Wed, Dec-26-01 14:27

maritimer here
Hi gracious I'm in Nova Scotia and your right, in desperate need of low carb here....alot of meat and fish and potatoes and bread.....rice is big at my works restaurant.....

Would love to correspond with you being almost next door....Im in Dartmouth


Jo-Ann 2 Wed, Jan-02-02 15:21

Hi, from Bedford, NS. I know what you mean about carbo heaven in the maritimes. I just got back from the store though, I found PC chicken wings for .1 grams per piece, haven't tried them yet, my husband's eyes lit up when he saw them, so it won't be long. Dartmouth ah.

rivergalnb Mon, Mar-04-02 20:18

Started low carbing about a month ago. Can't get any low carb breads or pastas around here. Seem to have to order them from the states. I live outside Saint John, N.B. and travel to Maine to buy some products. Not a great selection though. I have a major problem with this lifestyle change. I have cut out all sugars, pastas, potatoes, etc. and added more protein, water and supplements to my diet. Also exercise 6 days a week, alternating weights and aerobic. Having been doing this for over 4 weeks and haven't dropped a pound. I weigh 190 and am 5.5 in. I read that some people cannot handle soy in their diet and it can hinder weight loss. Might this be my problem? There seems to be a link between soy and hypothyrodism. I am eating a lot of soy based products, i.e. bars, shakes, etc. and also tofu. Any suggestions from anyone that might help me. I am getting pretty frustrated. Seem to bloat up after a soy meal.

sunny37ns Mon, Mar-04-02 20:35

hi river
Hi Im in problem may be the shakes and bars. I dont eat them at all but I here they can promoate stalls. I would stay off them for awile. I stick to meats and chicken, fish, some vegies, Im big on brocilli with melted cheese....and asparagus , romaine lettuce...that sort of thing...stay as close to those for a few weeks and Im sure you will see a definite difference.


Jo-Ann 2 Thu, Mar-14-02 10:34

oh no the bars
They are known to have hidden carb's. Do a search, it's the little world symbol on the top of the page. You may be eating a lot more carb's than you think, if you're just counting the carb's count written on the package. It's definitley worth trying to see how you do with out them.
Yours Truely A Fellow Maritimer Jo-Ann :wave:

mamie2221 Sat, Mar-30-02 15:58

Hi a New Brunswicker
Hi Gracious, You got that one right , LOTS OF OVER WT. IN N.B. I am new to the lc and so far enjoy and am loosing wt. Both hubby and I are on it so that does make it a little easier. I live on Deer Island. Been here for 16 years. My dad was born here and came back to live here and love it. Do you know what the buddy button is for. I am on aol instant messenger is that what it is? Do you take flax oil. I do but oh wow wee. Get it down and get food in as fast as possible. They say it has a nutty flavor. I have yet to find it!!!!! Carroll

Jo-Ann 2 Sat, Mar-30-02 16:36

Hi Carrol
The Buddy symbol is for your own list of buddies, it's a short cut to sending personal messages,and you can see if they are on line at your profile page.
I'm in Bedford, N.S. Isn't it nice that spring is finally arrive to our coast. You are going to love it on this site, everyone is so helpful and motivating.
Yours Truley Jo-Ann :wave:

dcnf Tue, Apr-09-02 07:09

How about Atlantic Canadians?
Hi - I'm in St. John's, I'm not a Maritimer...but an Atlantic Canadian....I was born in NB and lived in PEI - so I guess I'm a former Maritimer!

How is everyone doing with it....

What would you say your average weight loss is every week...I'm in my first week and want to know what to expect...even though I know everyone is different....

Is it unrealistic for me to want to lose 30 pounds by July? That's 4 months? I'm 165 today...and want to be 135 for July 15th (I have company I haven't seen in a while coming to visit...and I really want to have the weight off by then!)

Do you think it's possible?

Jello Tue, Apr-09-02 12:25

Hi there,

I am in Prince Edward island so it was nice to see this thread. Has anyone ever noticed how very cheap fast food is here? I mean $2.00 gets you 6 McNuggets, fries and a drink. It's ridiculous. And unfortunately, it's been my downfall.

A few years ago I was really successful on Protien power (60 pounds), but I gained back every pound and fast food was the primary culprit. I work and so have real problems with lunch time. I also live alone, so have real problems forcing myself to cook. I am a lousy cook and a fussy eater so that doesn't help at all.

What i would really like is to find a group of low carbers here who would join me in a cooking pool - kind of like a car pool - we all make one meal a week for everyone. Share the burden, you know.

Anyway, the first time I was through this plan, I found it pretty easy, but this time...Man, I was visiting my mother's place the other day and saw some homemade chocolate chip cookies - my mouth actually watered. I mean really watered. I couldn't believe it. I have never had that strong a reaction to any food before. And yet, this time around, my sweet tooth is out of control. I figured that I would have a problem with potato chips and cheesies, because that's a real addiction for me. I have never really been much for sweets, but for some reason, the cravings are enormous this time.

Has anyone had that experience - craving foods that you don't usually go for? And does anyone have any suggestions - I didn't beat the craving - had three cookies and hated myself for it.

Well, nice talking


slimchance Tue, Apr-16-02 20:14

Hi all! :wave:

Fellow maritimer here! I was born and grew up in Moncton, NB and after living in PEI for a year for work I moved to Halifax, NS to go to school. :)

I'm actually pretty glad that there aren't too many ready-made LC products on the market as I am slowly learning to cook LC foods from scratch...and starting to get better at it!! :p

I know that I'll eventually want a little more variety, so if you all find any LC treats at the local grocery stores, please share!!

Take care!

KC :roll:

fiona Tue, Apr-16-02 23:44

Portions & Prices
I mean $2.00 gets you 6 McNuggets, fries and a drink. It's ridiculous.
Yes, I agree. The prices and portions served across the pond are just something out of this world.

Having been trained to "finish everything on my plate" the one time I found it absolutely impossible to do was when I was in USA.

It knocked me out for the rest of the evening !

slimchance Wed, Apr-17-02 05:36

Yikes! USA? Try north of the border! Canada!!! :D Although we are pretty close! :p

I think you are right...I think they are North American portion sizes. We have been trained to think that more food for your money is better than more quality for your money, and so we keep growing and growing.... :eek:

I think Maritimers eat out as much as we do on fast food because it is affordable. The cost of living here is lower than just about anywhere in the country and that is reflected in our salaries. Junk food is generally cheap...although I seem to remember spending a ton of money on it at the grocery store once upon a time. :)



TammyD Wed, Apr-17-02 07:43

another Maritimer
I'd say junk food is getting cheaper in the groc stores too. We really don't pay that much for food here. I lived in BC. for a while and had slightly higher bills (produce here was outrageous this winter though).

I'm usually amazed at the sizes of the "cheap" stuff in restaurants. The loaves of free bread, the refillable pop, the heaps of fries on the side. It's usually much more than I'd ever serve at home (even if I was having fries)… I resent it a bit because they still only give ya a little of the good stuff.

I don't get much support from friends or family for this WOE and I'm the WW at work contact for my office. Sigh, I kinda got roped into that. Maybe I'll lose weight my way, become a WW leader and mount a low carb coup.

As for 30 lbs. in 4 months… It seems like people with lots of weight to lose (<50 lbs.), lose weight the fastest at first. I would think that a couple lbs. a week would be reasonable though (say 8-10) per month. (he he that's what I'm aimin' for) With low carb you'll be burning just fat so maybe you'll notice a difference and if you exercise and build muscle…Your goal "weight" might change.

sunny37ns Wed, Apr-17-02 10:33

Hi TammyD
Hi TammyD..Welcome

I'm in Eastern Passage...just around the corner form you. And I agree Low carb'ing is hard here, we sure don't have the products. I think that is why I find it hard..I get bored easily...

Hope to hear from you soon

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