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alto Wed, Jan-09-02 10:55

Daily Menu Thread, Wednesday, January 9
I'm really concerned that so few of us are eating! To avoid triggering Famine Relief Funds, please post your Daily Menus here. We have a lot of Newbies looking for ideas (and Oldies mired in ruts). Please share!!!!!

My ever-boring plan for the day is:

breakfast -- 6 slices bacon

lunch -- hunk of reheated crockpotted beef covered with cheese

dinner -- Something (either ground beef, leftover meatloaf or salmon) with spinach and butter

snacks -- salami and cheese

MaryB Wed, Jan-09-02 11:06

I've read these daily menus several times and have to say I admire everyone's ability to plan the menu for the day. All I can tell you for sure is:

Breakfast: 2 slices of bacon, scrambled eggs with a few pieces of mushroom and whipping cream, H2O

Lunch: Something :confused:

Snack: Something :confused:

Supper: Something :confused:

Mixed with a whole lot of H2O!LOL

:idea: For dessert after lunch I'll have a quick cheesecake with a few strawberries on top! I absolutely love those things!

I guess I need to get serious and attempt to plan out a few menues, but even when I do, the grocery list doesn't change a whole lot. So many things are not available here in rural KS, I've even broke down and ordered a few things on the internet!

Good luck with your daily menu, hope you get the Ethiopians to start eating again!
Love, mb

agonycat Wed, Jan-09-02 12:20

3 turkey slices with garlic and herb cheese (made rollups)

salad with shredded roasted chicken, banana peppers and ranch dressing

unsure yet :)

alto Wed, Jan-09-02 12:25

Mary, this isn't for Planners only! Please come back and fill in when you know, or post at the end of the day, whichever is more convenient. (One good thing I remember from Weight Watchers is that there are Trackers and there are Planners. Trackers right it down as they go, Planners plan out the day and stick to the plan, or try to :) I've never read that one way is better than another.)

But please, those who are avoiding posting because you don't know at 9:00 in the morning what you're going to eat, don't be shy. By 9:00 at night, you probably have a better idea, and through the miracle of the internet, this board will still be open :D

AngelaR Wed, Jan-09-02 16:05

The Art of Grazing
You too can successfully graze. For the new folks, grazing is eating many small snacks throughout the day, with no real meals, just lots of good stuff. Some days are meant for grazing. I'm having a bad day, a bad week, a bad year ;) but that whine is in my journal.

The graze:
1. leftover mini quiche from the recipe section. (Christmas day I made a double batch of 12. I was the only one that ate it. The rest went into little baggies in the freeze for quick grabs, mostly breakfast)

2. 1 cup of zucchini, sliced thick, fried in butter, topped with italian seasonings and shredded swiss cheese. The heat from the frying pan melted the cheese but did not brown it on top. Thanks Alto for the idea.

3. The ultimate pig out on smoked salmon. I usually carefully divide the 4 oz pack of smoked salmon (lox) into several meal servings. Today I took the whole pack, spread 3 tablespoons of cream cheese on it, rolled it up cigar style, and ate the whole mess. Gosh was that satisfying!

4. 1/4 cup of macadamia nuts. (a no-no for you folks on induction)

5. Only Angela can make a mess of a recipe as simple as mock danish. I stopped the microwave at 1 minute 30 to check it and it was nice and creamy. I should have taken it out. But I left it in for another 30 seconds (the recipe said 2 minutes, but I KNOW my microwave cooks shorter) It had the consitency of corn bread not creamy at all. oh well, to disguise it I heated a half cup of frozen raspberries in the microwave, then mushed them into a sauce with a fork and poured that on top. I'll try the recipe again tomorrow,and do it right.

6. Dinner will be a roasted whole chicken that will serve 3 purposes: dinner with a salad, chicken salad for tomorrow, and a carcuss for plain chicken stock (no onion, celery or carrots) Then I can have soup again!!!!

It's 4pm and I have only managed 1 1/2 litres of water. How on earth can Iforget to drink it when it is sitting right there in front of me???

Happy eating everyone.

So far that's 22 carbs and 2/3 of my minimum protein. Dinner portions will be calculated beforehand to make sure I meet the right numbers.

An important note about recipe counts:
Many of the people who post recipes here work very hard at putting accurate food counts on the recipes (much appreciated). BUT, it depends on the brands they use, and those brands are not available everywhere. Before I try a new recipe, I recalculate it with the brands I have on hand. In my case it was eye opening. The recipe carb count for the mock danish is 4 gr. My calculations using the brand of cream cheese I like brought it to 5.6. 1.6 more is a big deal if you are really watching the counts. Looks like I need to spend some more time in the store to find a cream cheese that is lower in carbs, although I only have 3 choices here...Philadelphia cream Cheese, Lactantia and Pres Choice no name brand.

Originally posted by MaryB
So many things are not available here in rural KS, I've even broke down and ordered a few things on the internet!

Mary, you don't have to buy or eat special food. I too deal with limited selection, and the best source for my food is the grocery store dairy counter, meat counter and veggie area. After 10 weeks on this new way of life, the only specialty food I have purchased was artificial sweetener. Everything else comes from the regular old grocery store.

I also have the luxury of a friend who has free range laying chickens and she has started giving me free eggs. They are much healthier than store bought. Do you have chickens? I bet you have a great big vegetable garden that has all sorts of possibilities for your own organic vegetables come planting season.

I can hardly wait for planting season!!!!!

razzle Wed, Jan-09-02 16:16

too many deer hereabouts for my own garden, but I live in a hippie-sorta place, so we have plenty of organics, and a free-range herd of cows, even. :)

B: three deviled eggs (you know what they say about putting them face to face and they transport well? they don't! lol!)

L: ham and roast beef slices, olives and pickles, green pepper rings

S: spinach quich planned

yep, I know, this is not paleo yet (as I'm promising I'll try soon), but I'm clearing the cheeses out of the fridge for now...can't stand to throw them away.

oh and H2O -- 80 oz so far, and it's only 2ish here.

Sharon Wed, Jan-09-02 18:20

I think I'm in the "oldie's category....gulp!!


Breakfast -2 eggs scrambled...2 small sausages
1 - coffee


(Hard to describe sizes.)
Serving of Taco type dip...cream cheese, a little salsa, a little onion, and cheddar cheese nuked - eaten with a few pieces of Havarti chips.

1 - homemade lowcarb chocolate (2 almonds, covered with l.c. chocolate) (I like to make my own treats, and then I know exactly what's in them)


One huge BLT Salad (I'm eating it now and that's what reminded me, I should join this thread)

Chicken Breast cooked on the bbq - chopped (this is one big mother of a who survived Christmas only to discover it's fate was in January)
Romaine Lettuce
3 pieces of chopped cooked bacon
One slice of tomato chopped

Dizzled with dressing

8 Cups of water so far...probably will have more soon.

Karen Wed, Jan-09-02 19:03

Maybe I'll come here and make up fantasy menus.

What I eat everyday is a little dull! So far, I've had 3 prime rib bones. :rolleyes:

OK! Fantasy menu...

3 egg omelette w/brie, watercress, pesto and a bit of chopped tomato

Baked salmon, sauce of mayonnaise mixed with wasabi paste and lemon, Frenched green beans with soy and a drop of sesame oil,

Baked chicken breast dipped in mayonnaise and rolled in fresh chopped cilantro, sauce with sour cream mixed with curry powder, cauliflower mashed with a bit of green onion, cucumber salad with a sprinkling of coconut and lime juice


alto Wed, Jan-09-02 19:47

Wonderful, Karen! Now, for tomorrow, Fantasy Menus for the Huddled Masses with Limited Cooking Skills :)

Seriously, it's wonderful when those of you who feel confident enough with this WOE, and are so imaginative and creative join in. You give the rest of us ideas. Maybe tomorrow I'll ask for Fantasy Days. Even if you can't cook, you can imagine what you'd like to eat if you had your own personal chef. (Do you ever long for a personal chef, Karen, or turn to a TV dinner? Or do you like your daily busman's holiday at home in the kitchen :) )

itsjoyful Wed, Jan-09-02 19:48

Well, not wanting anyone disappointed by lack of posts, I will chime in too. I like Karen’s idea of a fantasy menu (totally forgot about pesto. Who’d of thought to use it on things other than pasta!), because in reality mine’s a bit dull.
B – part of a frozen protein shake. I had one yesterday and could not finish it so I froze it. Much better frozen takes longer to eat and was sweeter for some reason (that’s a good thing).
B2 – 2 hard-boiled eggs with 3 slices of microwave cooked bacon.
L – taco salad… lettuce with taco flavored ground beef, shredded cheddar and sour cream w/ a tbl. of salsa mixed in.
D – I think we’re going to Kincaid’s. Dinner will be a blue cheese salad w/ almond. A big piece of steak with steamed broccoli.
Pretty basic, but basic is keeping me in line. Read somewhere here about keeping it simple. Thinking that is what is going to work for me for now. Too much variety makes me overeat.
Oh yea Angela – Nat mentioned that she’s using low fat cream cheese. It’s got fewer carbs for some reason. Hth.

Chrissy Wed, Jan-09-02 20:57

This is What I Ate Today
January 9th/ 02 Wednesday

Vitamins + Supplements
1/8 c flax meal (0 carbs, because of the digestible fiber)
Chocolate Whey Protein 3
1oz Pecans 3.3

AM Snack:
2 Celery 1.6 / 2 tbsp Cream Cheese 2

Egg Salad - 2 Egg 1.2 /1oz shredded Old Cheddar Cheese .42 / 2c raw spinach .4
½ tomato 1.6
2 Tbsp mayo .8
Decaf green tea

Halibut Steak / garlic 1.0 / olive oil
1c eggplant 4.0 / 1 c. mushroom 2.0 / 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese .6 / olive oil
1 c black berries 11.2
4 tbsp heavy cream 1.6
Decaf green tea

PM Exercise:
40 minutes treadmill

PM Snack:
beef slices / Dijon mustard

Total Carbs 34.72

lots of water today ~~~~~~~~gulp

Tried eggplant for the first time this evening, fried it in a pan with olive oil, garlic, mushrooms and Parmesan cheese. Delicious!

SnowBaby17 Wed, Jan-09-02 21:18

Just wanted to say these menus are really helpful for me! But could someone explain what a taco salad is? Thanks you guys!!

Glenda Wed, Jan-09-02 22:42

Breakfast 2 cups coffee with half and half cream

4 slices Canadian Bacon
2 fried eggs

Lunch 3 slices provolone cheese wrapped in turkey breast
deli meat

Snack Beef Jerky

Dinner roasted chicken leg and back, salad with blue cheese
dressing, ½ cup cooked green beans

Plenty of water!
Herb tea.
And I will have some pork rinds for snack this evening. That brings me to about 2400 calories and 36 carbs.
OOPS: forgot, I had a Starbucks Breve latte, which is why my carb count is higher than normal. I do that 2-3 times a week.


Karen Thu, Jan-10-02 01:30

(Do you ever long for a personal chef, Karen, or turn to a TV dinner? Or do you like your daily busman's holiday at home in the kitchen )

Ha! It sounds fancy, but it's not. If you can't make an omelette, you can scramble eggs and throw in some pesto. Both sauces are made with mayonnaise. Hellman's if fine! Get out the mayonnaise and look through your cupboard. Do you have curry powder? Put some in your chicken salad. Or broil a chicken breast and but the mayonnaise on it. Pop it back under the broiler to brown a little. Have soy sauce and sesame oil? Brush it on a pork chop and pour the same sauce over some green beans or broccoli. How about You don't have to be huddled, but this can work for limited cooking skills. Awaken your inner chef.

If you look at what I eat on a daily basis, it's quite monotonous. I live it up once a week or so when I have friends over.

What I really want is a personal secretary who also cleans up after me, constantly. That would be heaven!

Every week, usually Monday, I could a big batch of something. Last week it was spicy lamb patties, meatballs and turkey soup. I ate it for days. This week I cooked up a bunch of chicken thighs and legs in Portuguese hot sauce and made a big Meatza. This will last me for a week. I can make other stuff out of the chicken, and the Meatza is good hot or cold.

So after the 2 beef bones, I had another. Then I went to a steakhouse for dinner. See, monotonous.

I'll keep posting fantasy meals. You never know what will strike a chord in someone.


Sarlye Thu, Jan-10-02 01:58

Originally posted by Karen

What I really want is a personal secretary who also cleans up after me, constantly. That would be heaven!

I might be interested in pursuing something like that on contract, we can work out the details for a trial period when I am learning Echure(sp?) As you know, I am free after Easter.

Planning people's life around me has been a hobby, so maybe this might lead to something?? I am still exploring my options and following my motto, "it never hurts to ask.."


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