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babette Tue, Jan-21-03 12:55

Babette's gym log
So, now that I am on C1W3D4 of BFL, thought I would start a gym log to track workouts separately from my general journal -- now I have a paper log of food & exercize, a fitday log, a journal here... keeping me honest! ;)

I went out of town Fri-Sun and did NOT maintain BFL/low carb eating Sat-Sun (Friday was my "free" day), so am considering that my "lost weekend". I considered starting over, but need to learn to take these things in stride, be less "all or nothing", so am moving forward from here.

Monday, I did a combined 20MAS/UBWO/LBWO so am back on track in terms of workouts:


20 MAS
-Recumbant bike
Effort level 3 = BFL 5
Distance 6.75 miles

Dumbbell press 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 15s
Dumbbell flyes 8s

Reverse pulldowns 40, 50, 60, 70, 60 (did not hit 10, start ~ 50 lbs next time)
One arm rows 10s (do 12s next time)

Close grip pull-downs 50, 60, 70, 80, 70*6, 60*6
Lying extnesions 10s

Seated dumbbell press 10s, 12s, 15s, 12s, 10s (failed on 15s, did shoulders & triceps too close together)
Side raises 8s

Seated curls 8s, 10s, 12s, 15s, 12s (need to watch out for tendency to "swing" arms)
Hammer curls 12s

Leg press 130, 140, 150, 160, 150 (start ~ 140 next time)
Dumbbell squats 20s

Leg curls 55, 60, 65, 70, 65
Lunges 10s (do higher weight -- 12s?-- next time to hit 10)

Angled raises 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 15s
Note: need machine training to do other set of calf exercizes

Floor crunches 12, 10, 8, 6, 12
Twist crunches 12 each side
Note: Waiting for Pilates video, will start doing this instead of crunches for abs

Still waiting for machine orientation for a gym I joined in November %$#~! The trainers keep canceling on me -- so glad I pay $80/ mo. for that kind of service.

Anyway... also made it to my 20MAS this morning:

1/21 20 MAS
Miles: 7.22

I am supplementing w/ 10g glutamine, 300 mg alpha lipoic acid, 1 g calcium & 500 mg magnesium, in addition to a daily multi vitamin. Still not sleeping terribly well, but that's not unusual for me.

If anyone has comments, they would be much appreciated!


babette Wed, Jan-22-03 12:10

BFL Day 19: UBWO
I was short on time this morning, so really didn't rest between sets -- ie, while resting on biceps, I worked on chest reps.... Is this OK, I wonder? In any case, even w/out resting, it took my 40 minutes to get through my workout. Weird. I may still be recovering from my last UBWO, which I did Monday to make up for not working out the weekend I was out of town.

-Seated dumbbell press 10s*12, 12s*10, 15s*8, 20s*4 (failure), 15s*12
-Side raises 8s*10 (failure)

-Lat pulldowns 50*12, 60*10, 70*8, 80*6 (yowsa!), 70*12
-One arm rows 12s*12 reps per side (do 15s next time)

-Seated curls 10s*12, 12s*10, 15s*8, 20s*6 (yikes!), 15s*12
-Hammer curls 10s*12 (do 12s next time)

-Dumbbell press 10s*12, 12s*10, 15s*8, 20s*6, 15s*12
-Dumbbell flyes 8s*12 (try 10s next time)

-Close grip pulldowns 50*12, 60*10, 70*8 (failure), 80*4 (failure), 70*4 (failure)
-Lying extensions 10s*12

I feel like I am building muscle, but don't really see it yet in my weights/reps... Definitely sore today, and upped my post workout glutamine to 6g.

Tomorrow is 20MAS and Pilates for abs. I may do measurements Friday (end week 3), or more likely wait to next Friday for week 4 measurements... I don't feel like my pants are noticeably looser and don't want to get discouraged.

babette Fri, Jan-24-03 15:00

1/23, BFL Day 20: 20 MAS
Elliptical machine , 25 minutes. 265 calories.

Start incline: 15, up to 20 at Level 10.
Start effort: 5, increase to 10 at Level 10.

Felt great after this workout! Maybe I should do more of this & less biking.

babette Mon, Jan-27-03 14:05

weekend update

-Really crappy session w/ personal trainer (posted in BFL forum)

Leg press 12*140, 10*150, 8*160, 6*170, 12*160
Dumbbell squats 12*20s

Leg curls 12*55, 10*60, 8*65, 6*70, 12*65
Dumbbell lunges 12*12s

Calf raises 12*20, 10*25, 8*30, 6*40, 8*30

Abs: 1 hour yoga


-20 MAS: Elliptical machine 30 minutes incl warm up/cool down (315 cals)

Also went on a nice bike ride, the weather is so beautiful!

babette Tue, Jan-28-03 11:16

BFL Day 25
Yesterday's UBWO (yowsa! do I ever feel it in my lats, triceps, delts, biceps today! :eek: ) :

Chest -- Only hit 9, but couldn't do flyes w/ 10# dumbbells, so next time start w/ 12# on press and up to 25# max, see what happens

-Dumbbell press 10s*12, 12s*10, 15s*8, 20s*6, 15s*8
-Flyes 8s*12

Back -- I lifted the most weight to date :thup: but the rest of my workout suffered... think I strained my left front deltoid so didn't do shoulders.

-Lat pulldowns 60*12, 70*10, 80*8, 90*6, 80*11 (failure)

Triceps -- Only did pulldowns

-Close-grip pulldowns 50*12, 60*10, 70*8, 80*3 (failure), 70*3 (failure)

Biceps -- Only did curls

-Bicep curls 10s*12, 12s*10, 15s*8, 20s*3 (failure)

One good thing the trainer showed me was to stand on these inflated cushions while doing weights (I think they are called dyna-discs). I did this for the first time yesterday and it really helps engage your core and made the exercizes much tougher.

Did not make it to 20MAS this morning :mad: still not sleeping very well :( So will go this afternoon, planning on the elliptical machine.

babette Wed, Jan-29-03 10:53

Day 26
Yesterday's 20MAS: 20 minutes on the Elliptical machine, 5 min cool down. Felt awesome :thup: Since yesterday was my first time at over 40% protein, I think this must have something to do with it -- I also slept really well last night. So will focus on keeping that up.

babette Thu, Jan-30-03 13:09

BFL Day 27
Yesterday's LBWO: Uninspired. I am bored w/ my circuit and feel like I "phoned it in"... So I think it's definitely a good time to change things up now that I am hitting my 4 week mark. If anyone has ideas, feel free to send 'em my way :D I will do some research too.


-Leg press 150*12, 160*10, 170*8, 180*6, 170*12

Note: ensure full range of motion, esp at bottom of set; next time, add more weights, or increase resistance on decline to +10%

-Squats 20# dummbells *12 reps


-Curls 60*12, 65*10, 70*8, 75*6, 70*12
-Lunges 15s*12 (yowsa! these kill me)


-Calf raises 25*12, 30*10, 40*8, 50*10, 40*12

Note: need to up weights next time -- start at 30#?

-Angled raises 20s*12




-20 MAS this pm. Snoozed for over an hour this morning :rolleyes:

babette Fri, Jan-31-03 12:33

yesterday's 20MAS
I started on the bike, 10 minutes, 3.25 miles. But my quads were killing me (I forgot I should really not bike the morning after my LBWO) so moved to the elliptical machine, 12 minutes (added two minutes L5) and 3 minutes cool down.

babette Thu, Feb-06-03 12:36

2/1 Resistance workout

-Dumbbell press 12s, 15s, 20s, 25s*3 (failure), 20s*10 (failure)
-Flyes 10s

-Arnolds 10s, 12s, 15s*3 (failure), 20s*3 (failure), 15s*3 (failure)... these are new for me and somehow are much harder than regular presses at this point. I will drop to 8s as a starting weight next time.
-Side raises 10s

-Lat pulldowns 60, 70, 80, 90, 80
-Bent over rows 15s

-Curls 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 15s
-Hammers 15s

-Press down 50, 60, 70, 80, 70
-Extensions 20

-Leg press 150, 160, 170, 180, 170 (plus 10% on declines)
-Ab/adducters 70# * 25 reps each

-Curls 60, 65, 70, 75, 70
-Deadlifts 20s

-Raises 30, 40, 50, 60, 50

2/2 20MAS

30 minutes Elliptical machine, up one level (L11 = 10)

2/3 Resistance workout

-Dumbbell press 12s, 15s, 20s, 20s, 20s
-Flyes 10s

-Leg press 150, 160, 170, 180, 170 (plus 10% on declines)
-Ab/adducters 80# * 30 reps each

-Curls 12s, 15s, 20s*6 (failure), 20s*5 (failure), 15s
-Hammers 15s

-Curls 70, 75, 80, 85, 80
-Deadlifts 20s

-Arnolds 8s, 10s, 12s, 15s, 15s
-Side raises 10s

-Angled raises 15s, 20s, 20s, 20s, 15s

-Lat pulldowns 60, 70, 80, 90, 80
-Bent over rows 20s

-Press down 50, 60, 70, 80, 70
-Extensions 20

2/4 20 MAS

Elliptical machine 30 minutes

2/5 Sick -- free day

2/6 Will be resistance w/o

babette Fri, Feb-07-03 11:44

2/6 workout (BFL Day 34)
Since the Doc took blood, I biked instead of lifted:

20 MAS... actually 30MAS, 5 minutes warm up/ cool down. Biking, 8.67 miles.

Looking forward to lifting tomorrow.

babette Mon, Feb-10-03 12:05

Holy DOMS Batman!
New weights circuit.. yowsers! I have decided to split UB/LBWO combo over 2 sessions. Friday's workout:

-Incline press 12s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 20s
-Incline flyes 12s

-Walking lunges 15s, 20s (note to self: next time, 1) warm up first! and 2) start w/ lower weights... 10s, maybe?)
-Ab/adductors 90# ~ 30 reps each (the girl who went to use the machine after me sat down and tried to lift it but couldn't ... "You're so strong!" she said :D )

-21s 12s,15s, 20s*3 (failure), 25s*1 (failure), 20s*8 (failure), 15s
-Concentration curls 12s

-Deadlifts 15s, 20s, 15s*8, 12s*8, 12s*12 (note: start lower next time... 10s)
-Curls 70# (I hate curls... need to research another hams exercize)

20 MAS Bike 6.57 miles

1 hour yoga

Planned Monday workout:

-Close grip pressdown 50, 60, 70, 80, 70
-Extensions 15

-Arnolds 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 15s
-Lateral raises 15s

-Standing raises 50,60,70,80,70
-Angled raises 20s

-Good mornings -- given my experience w/ deadlifts, I think I will go low on weights using a weighted bar 9, 12, 15, 18, 15
-Bent over rows 15s (or 30# barbell)

babette Tue, Feb-11-03 11:20

2/10 workout -- BFL Day 39
20 minutes elliptical machine: low-mod intensity cardio, 220 cals

Resistance workout

-Close grip pressdowns 50, 60, 70, 80, 70
-Triceps extensions 15

-Arnolds 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s*4 (failure), 15s*8 (failure)
-Lateral raises 12s

-Good mornings 9, 12, 15, 18, 15 (need to use barbell vs. weighted bar next time... start weights at 20# )
-Bent over rows 30

-Standing raises 50, 60, 70, 80, 70

Did not make it to 20MAS this morning :mad: will go this evening instead.

babette Wed, Feb-12-03 11:46

2/11 workout: 20 MAS
30 minutes on Elliptical machine (5 min warm up/cool down), 335 cals. Looking forward to lifting this evening -- same workout that kicked my booty Friday night, let's see if my ass hurts less this time around! ;)

babette Thu, Feb-13-03 11:49

at least my ass doesn't hurt...
... but my groin does! :lol: Think I'll keep that one to myself outside the context of this log ;) Guess I strained something...

Yesterday's workout:

-Press 12s*12, 15s*10, 20s*8, 20s*6, 20s*10 (failure)
-Flyes 12s*8 (failure)

-Press 160, 170, 180, 190, 180
-Ab/adductors 90*30 reps each

-Curls 12s, 15s, 20s*6 (failure), 20s*4 (failure), 20s*4 (failure)
-Hammers 15s

-Deadlifts 10s, 12s, 15s, 20s, 15s
-Swiss ball curls --

babette Fri, Feb-14-03 11:41

2/13 workout
20 MAS, not as high intensity as it could have been... 6.5 miles on the bike.

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