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HoneyBare Sun, Mar-30-03 10:46

Hi thought I'd join in and hold myself accountable somewhere with others for support. I have 100, maybe more to lose.
I've done this wol before, was about the same weight and quit close to goal and went back.
Well, I've went for about a year now without caring what I eat or how big that made me.
Other day at work, about a group of 5 were talking, and one mentioned they would like some motivation to start a diet. I was having my lunch at the time at my desk quietly. A guy in the group piped up and said, "If you want motivation to lose weight just look at __myname__!!" Then laughing commenced, and a few of the people told him that was mean and so on. This was a suppose to have been friends as well.

So needless to say, I was quite hurt and humilated. :( Devastated is more the word I am looking for. I thought well, I've hit the "big time" now haven't I?
I have to say however, it put a fire under my rear and I have started back on Atkins with a furiousness that even scares me. What is scary is I want to do this the right way, but I feel so determined after that, I'm afraid I am obsessing a bit.

So here I am and hi to all. :wave:

steph345 Sun, Mar-30-03 10:59

RE: humiliation
You know, I think most people with weight problems have been in some sort of postion similar to the one you described. Just remember, although weight is your obstacle right now, with every day you stay strong and motivated to resist carbs, you are one day closer to the new, more beautiful you.And your beauty will eminate from the inside, too, because you are going to feel good about yourself.

TraceyLynn Sun, Mar-30-03 12:16

I cant count the times I have been at the face of the joke...and yeah it does pee you off...but on the other hand if that did not happen would you be here trying to get better??? I believe everything happens for a reason!!!...Hang in there we are all here with you... :wave:

DarkRose Sun, Mar-30-03 13:11

Let it motivate you, but don't let yourself feel humiliated! You haven't done anything you should feel ashamed for, and you deserve the same respect and consideration everyone else does. Remember, you can (and will!) lose weight, but that guy will always be a shallow, loud-mouthed jerk! ;)

summer10 Sun, Mar-30-03 14:10

Hi Honeybare,

Glad you're giving LCing another try.

That guy must be a real jerk. You know, people who feel compelled to make disparaging comments about other people usually have really low self esteem. Anyone who has to make jokes at other people's expense isn't feeling too good about himself. Maybe you should tell him that!

Don't worry about obsessing if it's helping you feel motivated for yourself!

Take care,

pixy_nixy Sun, Mar-30-03 14:39

Hi Honeybare and welcome!

I know all of us have some of those nasties in our memories. I think if I remembered some of them it would break my heart and probably make me cry. But they are not worth it. You are, it motivated you so, I hope you can use this pain. But in time I hope you make this choice for you and not for others.

(I hope this make sense, it hit close to home!) :)

Angelica Sun, Mar-30-03 17:03


In 2000, I graduated from high school. Its kind of the custom to have a prank at the end of the year, and what was that years prank? My face photoshopped onto the naked body of a very large women, placed on nearly 3000 flyers and hung on every surface possible. People are horrible to each other. That fact will never change, but you can change your reaction to these people. For a while I joked with everyone, called myself fat before anyone could - as defense. Then I began to realize, overweight doesn't always equal no confidence. I stand tall, and when I hear someone crack a joke about my weight, I let them know exactly what I think of it. Its not always pretty, but demanding respect for yourself is sometimes necessary. That idiot who made the crack about your weight, imagine how weak he is. It must be hard, to have to strike out at others in order to make himself feel better.

You've found the motivation inside of you. You dont need to be ugly or hateful to tackle the task at hand. You are already a million lightyears ahead that idiot.


Thalie Sun, Mar-30-03 17:15

People sure can be mean :(

You did it once, you can do it again!

I wish you the best!

DWRolfe Sun, Mar-30-03 17:30

Welcome to the forum and to the Triple Digits Club, HoneyBare!

I'm happy for you that you've made the decision to get healthy. Speaking from experience, it's a wonderful gift to give to yourself and your loved ones.

Thanks too for sharing the story about the insensitive co-worker. I'm sure that most of us in the TDC have a story or two like that in our past. All I can say is that people like that are bitter and unhappy with themselves which is why they lash out at others. Try like hell to let that hurt from those comments go. There's nothing productive, positive or good in hanging on to that memory. Sure, you can pull it out later and enjoy it while you're basking in your success, but for now, push any negative thing like that away from you--along with carbs!

Good luck!

Donald :wave:

celtinore Sun, Mar-30-03 17:58

Welcome!! :wave:

You may be overweight, dear, but you have the tools you need to become slim and healthy. That insensitive ~#$! will need years of expensive therapy before he can stop building his own self-esteem by belittling others!!!

I've had similar experiences ... and I found myself becoming very bitter about people in general. It took serious effort on my part to remain open to others, and to realize that cruel people are the minority in our species. This forum is a terrific antibiotic for the wounds inflicted by cruel people, and reinforces every day what Anne Frank wrote in her journal: that humanity really is "good at heart".

Hang in there ... you'll get there ... we'll be cheering for you when you do!!!! :)

HoneyBare Sun, Mar-30-03 18:03

Thanks everyone. I logged on, read this thread and it created an instant smile on my face.
I feel energized and encouraged, which is exactly why I came here. This place was another good decision I've made lately. Thanks!

liz175 Sun, Mar-30-03 18:14


Welcome! I'm glad you are feeling better already. Unfortunately, there are a lot of mean, nasty, insensitive people in the world. I bet the guy who made fun of you for being fat makes fun of other people for other reasons. Yes, you do need to lose weight, as do all of us in the Triple Digits Club, but for your own reasons and for your own health. This guy is definitely not worth worrying about!

redawn Sun, Mar-30-03 22:17

only one thing to say to such an idiot. . ."I can always lose weight but you sir are condemned to be an asshole til the day you die." redawn:D

LizzyKitty Sun, Mar-30-03 23:02

Jerks, and other lowlifes
I totally feel your pain. I was always "chunky" growing up, and was asked in 4th grade if I had eaten a basketball for breakfast. People have made blatent or not so blatent comments all my life about my weight, but like all the people here have said, they are in the minority, and they will still be a jerk long after you and I have lost our weight and are looking wonderful. Don't let it get under your skin.

gotaloseit Mon, Mar-31-03 09:54


I just read your post and it brought back alot of memories for me. Having always been heavy I cant count the number of times I have been called names or been the butt of the joke. In ninth grade a boy I liked got all the kids to call me snow bubba because I tried to join the ski club with some friends of mine. They drew pictures and hung them all over school and at the end of the year they wrote it all over my year book. Anyways.....funny how a 20 year old memory can still sting. But the good news is we're doing it now. Someone else on this forum gave me a bit of good advice. She said that revenge as a motivator is just fine...because in the end you will be the one who is in control. Let me know how things are going. I'd love to help you make that jerk eat his words.

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