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molly1844 Mon, Aug-05-02 04:50

Molly's Weekly Challenge 8/4/02
Well here's this weeks challenge.

1) Continue Ruth's Challenge from last week. 2 Servings of acceptable starchy carbs per day and a glass of water before and after meals.

2) Lets make sure that we are getting plenty of healthy non-starchy veggies and fruit.

So the new challenge is to have a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and veggies each day.

Let's figure 1/2 cup is a serving of veggies.

Let's count one nice sized piece of fruit as a serving --- Berries, grapes, cherries at somewhere around half a cup (don't obsess over measuring it-just be moderate in your portion size).

Fruits and veggies are absolutely lucious this time of year. So lets take advantage of them as we give our body the healthy vitamins & fiber it needs.

Good luck!!!!!


ruthlamb Mon, Aug-05-02 15:03

Hey Molly -- I found my way here!! THANKS for sending me the took me to a swell page, with clicks for menus and recipes, workout programs, and even Boot Camp...

I hope others will want to join us.

All the best,

I ate: 1/2 peach plus blueberriest; extra large mixed green salad (2 full cups) with red pepper, 1/4 avocado, and some tuna on top. Yummy! I think that's about 4 veggies/fruits already so far today -- and I would not have had so much yummy healthful salad without the Molly Challenge

molly1844 Mon, Aug-05-02 17:41

:wave: Hi Ruth!

Glad to see you here.

You did an awesome job on the veggies & fruits today. Way to go!

I had a few raw carrots & broccoli florets with my PBJ at lunch and grapes for my afternoon snack.

Then for supper I had Roasted Red Peppers & at least 2 cups of steamed Kale (I love the stuff).

I goofed and had 3 starchy carbs --- just didn't think about the 1/2 of a baked sweet potato I had as a starchy carb til too late. :(

Keep up the good work Ruth!
molly :)

ruthlamb Mon, Aug-05-02 19:28

Dear Molly:

I finished the evening with a big green bang -- had steamed broccoli with my veggie burger (hey -- I bet that even counts as a vegetable!!).

I will have a fruit snack later tonight, and finish the day with 7 vegs/fruits.
You have been an inspiration. I would NOT have gone that extra mile (actually about 20 feet) to cut and steam the broccoli if it weren't for the Molly Challenge.



P.S. Don't worry about that sweet potato. They have a lot of fiber and vitamins...think of it as a fiber/vitamin "pill" instead of a starch and do NOT obsess. *-D

cherylco Tue, Aug-06-02 08:13

It's nice to see people posting here!
I read your post about your raw carrots & broccoli florets. Unless I'm mistaken, aren't carrots illegal food? :confused:

ruthlamb Tue, Aug-06-02 09:42

Dear Cheryl, Molly, Mary, et al:

I often eat one or two of those tiny baby carrots as a "treat" -- especially if I want something sweet! They have lots of nutrients and taste great, and also have fiber -- so I do not totally ELIMINATE them...but also I do not eat 10 a day!

We are happy to have new members at this thread. Welcome aboard.
Did you see our posted challenges?? Molly's Challenge and the Ruth Challenge from last week...

Bye the way -- I have the RUNS -- big time -- but so does my hubyy, so it is not just the increase in fiber from yesterdays mega fruits and veggies -- probably the lettuce (a little wilted!) had some kind of charming little ride-along bug...

I ate Fiber One cereal this morning and should be fine soon...(lots of fiber actually SOAKS up extra fluid...)

Leaving for two days in Pennsylvania visiting my sister and both my younger kids who are working at a camp there...

Talk to you all on Thursday. Happy eating!

cherylco Tue, Aug-06-02 10:39

OIC about the carrots! :D
I suppose it's a healthier treat the ice cream huh?

My favorite snack is cheddar cheese on Triscuits.

I'm kind of fruited out at the moment. The first month on plan I ate 3 cases of Clementine oranges! I've been eating out a LOT the past few weeks, it's been too hot to cook.
I eat all legal foods but am tired of salad with chicken or steak.
I think I'll make some stone ground pizza dough for pizza tonight...yum.
Have a safe trip!

molly1844 Tue, Aug-06-02 13:33

Hi Cheryl!

So glad you posted. We are hoping that lots of SugarBusters! will be joining us here!

As for the carrots: The good news is that carrots were recently retested and the Gylcemic Index is much less than originally thought! Although I can't for the life of me recall what the heck it is right now --- the joys of aging. LOL! But the info is on Rick Mendosa's GI site. At any rate, carrots in moderation are now acceptable food on SB --YEA!!!!

molly :)

molly1844 Tue, Aug-06-02 18:51

:wave: Hi Everyone!

It's the 2nd day of the fruit and veggie challenge. I did pretty well.

I had Red Seedless Grapes for my snack this morning.

Then for lunch I had my Tuna & White Bean Salad on a huge bed of mixed Greens with Chunks of Fresh Tomato.

And I had a big Chef's Salad for supper ( Greens, green onions, Tomatoes, Red peppers and Zucchini plus turkey and cheese). So I "guesstimate" about 7 servings of fuits and veggies for today. :spin:

Two starchy Carbs today --- a Bran Muffin at Breakfast and Triscuits with my Chef's Salad.

molly :)

ruthlamb Thu, Aug-08-02 23:19

Hi Cheryl, and Molly!

I am back -- it's been a hard few days. As Molly knows, I had to put my dear and lovable old Collie to sleep last Friday, and I am still very downhearted.
Alos, both my younger kids are about to leave home -- my daughter moving from CT to CALIFORNIA (ugh!) and my son heading off to college. Great moments for them both, and I am truly glad for THEM, but I am feeling bereft (and sorry for myself)...

I have also had to go very easy on the veggies and fruits for the past two days until this bug clears my system. I had lower belly cramps still late yesterday.

I have been NOT hungry at all, but was craving chocolate -- always a sign of stress for me. I ate a whole CarbLite bar today (usually I have just a few squares) which is only 3 grams usuable carbs, but still 167 calories...

Also, I have been exhausted (another symptom of distress) and didn't even get a long WALk in while I was away. So no exercise either...

Ah well -- I hope to be back on track tomorrow...with just the 2 legal starches and 5+ fruits and veggies.

Take care -- I'm glad I have you to gripe to!

ruthlamb Thu, Aug-08-02 23:19

Hi Cheryl, and Molly!

I am back -- it's been a hard few days. As Molly knows, I had to put my dear and lovable old Collie to sleep last Friday, and I am still very downhearted.
Alos, both my younger kids are about to leave home -- my daughter moving from CT to CALIFORNIA (ugh!) and my son heading off to college. Great moments for them both, and I am truly glad for THEM, but I am feeling bereft (and sorry for myself)...

I have also had to go very easy on the veggies and fruits for the past two days until this bug clears my system. I had lower belly cramps still late yesterday.

I have been NOT hungry at all, but was craving chocolate -- always a sign of stress for me. I ate a whole CarbLite bar today (usually I have just a few squares) which is only 3 grams usuable carbs, but still 167 calories...

Also, I have been exhausted (another symptom of distress) and didn't even get a long WALk in while I was away. So no exercise either...

Ah well -- I hope to be back on track tomorrow...with just the 2 legal starches and 5+ fruits and veggies.

Take care -- I'm glad I have you to gripe to!

molly1844 Fri, Aug-09-02 18:12

Hi Everyone!
Sorry about being MIA for a couple of days but life just keeps happening! :)

I have made the challenge every day though.

I am really having a loss of appetite lately. It happens to me periodically on SB. I Haven't been hungry at lunch and didn't eat it a couple of times this week. I'm sure that will pass though.LOL!

I think I'll have a nice weight loss this week. It looks like the "whoosh fairy" has finally found my address again!

Boy Ruth you have so many stressors going on in your life right now. Hang in there Sweetie--- I'm rooting for you!
molly :spin:

ruthlamb Fri, Aug-09-02 21:56

Dear Molly --

Thank you so much! I am really leaning hard on close friends here at home, and my sister and cousins (in various parts of the world, by email), and my dear hubby, who is my closest friend and supporter (thank God.) I have been crying several times a day, trying to release the sense of loss, and my awareness of the inevitable changes in my life at this sharp transition point.

I also wasn't hungry today, but am out of water balance and the scale isn't budging. I had cottage cheese and half a nectarine with a few almonds for BKFST; a shake with cottage cheese, milk, ice cubes and a no-sugar jello plus 2 T. orange juice -- YUMMY!! -- for lunch; and raw veggies with soy-wasabe dip and a leftover spinach/chicken wrap for supper. Also had half an apple -- so I have basically done my 4-5 veggies and fruits today. Also drank my fluids all day long.

I did not get enough exercise though -- but at least logged 11,000 steps running up and down the steps with my son's college stuff. (My min. goal is 13,500 so this was not a great day -- but lots better than NOTHING.)

Will weigh in again on Monday. I may have to cut down to ONE legal starch, and no more than 2 mini-squares of Carblite chocolate to lose...hmmmm.
I will certainly have to exercise 1 hour nearly every day to budge this fat!

Meanwhile, the veggie-fruit challenge makes each meal more fun and tastier. I am very aware of getting those in...THANKS!

Again, thanks for the kind and helpful words. I feel a lot better than I did this morning...


molly1844 Sat, Aug-10-02 18:45

weekly challenge
Hi All!

Veggies for today:
I had my beakfast poached eggs on a big bed of steamed spinach --- yum!

Raw veggies with my lunch --- carrots & grape tomatoes & cukes

and steamed Turnip Greens with supper --- all together I had 5-6 servings of veggies.

The challenge is really helping... I have to stop & think about whether or not I'm getting in enough veggies everyday now.

Ruth dear --- how are you doing. I so hope you are feeling better!

molly :angel:

ruthlamb Sat, Aug-10-02 22:39

Dear Molly et al --

I am definitely feeling better today! After sobbing to 3 different friends, plus my husband, over the past 36 hours, I feel cleared and calmer -- much calmer.
I really have been feeling the connection between the death of my dear doggy, and the end of a way of life with just our 2 younger kids and Henry around...(my much older stepdaughters are both married with kids).
I have loved this part of my life so very much. Ah we go into the future. I only pray that we will have some PEACE in this troubled world, soon. Also, as a dear cousin and my husband pointed out, I can VISIT my son Alex (called Addie) quite easily -- he will only be about one hour away by car...That cheered me up!

As for food -- I have really NOT been eating much, but that scale is STUCK.
I also didn't do much exercise this week, until today, when I play 1-1/2 hours of serious singles tennis....I ate half of a power bar (no impact carbs) this AM with a cup of coffee; had a turkey dog (plain with a little mustard) for lunch with 10 cherries; and ate grilled chicken with green beans and a big tossed salad for dinner. I had 2 crackers (probably NOT whole grain) as well -- not too bad. Finished with a serving of fresh raspberries. I drank the before and after meal fluids; (never a problem -- I am always thirsty...) Total: 3 veggies, 2 fruits, thanks to you, Molly!!

Will be away for a few days at our summer house (NO ELECTRICITY/NO PHONE LINE) in nearby Branford, CT -- lovely 1904 cottage...on the water, on an island with 5 other houses...paradise. Take care -- and thanks again for the helpful support.

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