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Mfc715 Sun, Nov-23-03 08:43

My family thinks i'm crazy
With my new found obsession with making sure everything I consume is low carb, my entire family is beginning to think i'm crazy. I myself am even wondering if i'm losing it. I even had a dream the other night where i went out to eat with my husband (in my dream) and was sitting in the restaurant trying to figure the carbs in the food. WOW!!! Am I getting a little overly obsessive? Is anyone out there just as obsessive as me by finding yourself doing wierd little quirks throughout the day. I love this program and i've lost 4 lbs so far but I just hope i'm not getting myself in too deep.

katwoman Sun, Nov-23-03 09:34

Is your family concerned about the safety of LC plans, or do they not think you need to lose so much weight. I see on your profile that you are 4'11", which probably means you are small boned too--but 105 is a very low weight. Perhaps they are concerned you will lose too much. If it's the safety issue, there are links to several LC studies on this forum, and on the Atkins web site that may help convince them.

However, to answer your question--I think in the beginning weeks and months of a LC plan I had a tendency to obsess about what I could and couldn't eat. For myself, at least, that has decreased as I've become more confident that I know what works, and I know how to spot hidden carbs, etc. Tell your family to give you time to learn your new way of eating, once it becomes second nature you can focus on things other than food.

Nille Sun, Nov-23-03 09:52

It's very easy.... become obsessive about this WOE. But then I'd rather be obsessive about eating right than be obsessive the other way - by eating anything ! I've been called neurotic by one of my forum friends because I weigh and measure once a week.....I don't mind others saying that. They have a right to say what they want - and I have the right to do what I want ! I wouldn't call your way OR mine obsessive. I call it being focused and doing our best to keep the WOE so we can lose weight. I'm one of the many that need to do something 101 % or not at all.

My family look at me strangely too, - but I refuse to let that bother me. I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not comment on carbs when I'm around them. I eat what I CAN eat and leave the rest !

Check my journal - my daily entries about food - then talk about obessiveness !!!

you can do this !!!

Mfc715 Sun, Nov-23-03 11:36

Well i am rather short, but i'm by no means small boned. I've always been built bigger by a bit. I think they just think that it's wierd for me to get into this woe so much. I've not imposed on them any of my thoughts. It's just comforting to know that i'm not losing it. lol.

red1cutie Sun, Nov-23-03 15:28

MFC, I wouldn't call it obsessive--just diligent.

I think in the beginning and on this journey we need to be diligent because it is so easy to fall off track and so easy in this "low-fat high carb" world to consume sugar, etc in our foods.

I'm sure my friends think I'm obsessive when I ask alot of questions when we go out actually alot of them are really supportive even though I know sometimes it must bug the heck out of them but I have had instances when I have consumed " hidden carbs" so I know why I need to be so diligent.

Nille, I don't see anything wrong with recording your progress any way you want to but then again I weigh everyday and record my weight on a spreadsheet. :lol:


penelope Sun, Nov-23-03 15:51

Wait until you wake up :cry: from a dream of total high carb’ Sugar and dough feast’. You just want to cry until reality check in and you really wake up .What happiness to find out you did not cheat. :lol:

Mfc715 Sun, Nov-23-03 15:55

You know the longer i am awake the more i find it kind of humorous that i even dreamt about low carbing. I understand why my dh and family find it odd. But now thankfully to everyone's supportive replies i've now boiled it down to my family will understand when the results of my weight loss and bettering health is more apparent.


I think that would feel great and gratifying to know that i didn't cheat after having a dream like that :)

red1cutie Sun, Nov-23-03 15:57

I have had those dreams too, especially at the beginning. isn't it great when you realize you didn't actually cheat. :lol:


LadyBelle Sun, Nov-23-03 16:45

The dreams are normall. Many on here go through them. One of mine was for some reason after dinner at my inlaws they had a make your own sunday bar. I made a huge one then relized I couldn't eat it and made my SO so I wouldn't have to be rude. I also would eat certain things in my dreams and spit them right out. The dreams went away after a little time on the plan when it became more of a way of life.

As you spend more time on the plan you'll start to relax too. After a while you kind of get into a rutine and know what foods you can and can't have and what meals are easy to make. You should still experiment to keep the WOE interesting, and keep a carb counter handy for new things, but for the most part you know what you can and can't eat.

Bonzlee Sun, Nov-23-03 17:20

You know when I was in college I use to have dreams about solving physics problems. Believe me, I DIDN'T obsess about physics. I just had a lot of difficulty with physics, so my mind used my dream time to help with that. I think you're doing the something similar.

There's a lot to learn to do this right, and you obviously want to do it right. It's interesting because when I talked to my mom about it, she said "You know, when you set your mind to something, you really carry it through." My mom's a shrink, and she didn't call me obsessive. Believe you me, she would have if she thought it.

I'm just as diligent as you are about writing everything down and checking for carbs. Heck, if I eat something that's in a wrapper, like some string cheese, I'll put the empty wrapper in pocket until I log on to fitday just to make sure I put in the exact info.

Sounds to me like you're doing an awesome job! Keep it up!!!

TarHeel Sun, Nov-23-03 17:33

This thread is fascinating to me because I hadn't realized that so many others had the dreams about eating something with carbs and being horrified! It's almost too bad that we didn't just enjoy the dreams and leave the horror until we woke up and KNEW it was a dream.

My college dream (40 years ago) was of realizing at exam time that I had signed up for a course and forgotten it until all of a sudden I was supposed to take the exam. And I didn't even know where the class was held....I dreamt so often that I was supposed to take an exam in Criminology that I finally took the course. And passed it with flying colours. It has been of little use to me but it stopped the dreams.

And MFC, your goal weight is not unreasonable for your height. Welcome to the forum, I love it when someone is shorter than I am. I've been low carbing for 9 months and I'm still boring folks to death at meals. But then, they keep asking, so it's not entirely my fault. I haven't gotten much criticism from anyone, but I am beginning to bore even myself with my one track conversation.....

P.s. My husband wandered by while I was looking at your profile, and said "Wow, she's cute!" Just thought I'd pass that along....


LilaCotton Sun, Nov-23-03 21:42

My college dream (40 years ago) was of realizing at exam time that I had signed up for a course and forgotten it until all of a sudden I was supposed to take the exam. And I didn't even know where the class was held....

Oh my gosh! I still have dreams like that, only it's high school and I've been out of high school for over 20 years!

These LC dreams, I chalk up to that same kind of dream. Ever have the one where you go to get on the school bus and look down and you either forgot your pants or are wearing a dress with no underwear? Yep, same kind of thing! My girls dreamed these a lot when first starting out.

And I agree with the other posts here that once you've been LCing for a week or so it will become second nature. You sort of start seeing past all the foods you don't want to have to the foods you do want to have. Right now you're in a big learning curve, and it takes a little practice at first. :)

quibbers Sun, Nov-23-03 22:01

I haven't worked in a hospital in 3 years now, but still dream I've gone in to work and didn't find out I had 1-2 patients until end of shift, and so hadn't taken care of them or given them their meds or anything~ very scary. I also used to dream a lot about IV pumps alarming, only to wake up and it be the blasted alarm clock.

Hey- does anyone ever hear music in their heads so loud it wakes them up? Then the room is dead quiet? That's happened to me since high school.

OK-it's official, I really am nuts!

Mfc715 Mon, Nov-24-03 12:02

You know it's really rather comforting knowing that i can share things i find odd about myself in this forum and find lots of people are supportive and helpful. I love this site :)

You know i'm kind of like you, except i love it when people are not total giants compared to me. I think it's great to find someone only 1-2 inches taller than me. LOL. Especially considering most people are either 6 inches or so taller than me. It seems like the only people i'm taller than are my mom and MOST children under 6 years of age, and sometimes they're taller than me. :)

The whole thing about the music in your head. I've done that. The problem is it's normally annoying music and when I wake up, whatever annoying song that was playing is normally stuck in my head.

jedswife Mon, Nov-24-03 12:50

in the beginning after losing well and getting really moviated i had one of those cheat dreams and it was so real - it took me a few minutes to be sure it was not real.

it was one of those dreams where:

i woke up in the middle of the night to get raid the refrigerator and all i ate was pure sugar.

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