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HTGUY Mon, Jul-24-17 18:22

My success and major life changes!! Men, please read!!

I am sorry, I may get a bit personal here, but maybe it can help other men out there and I think it is important to share, I will use medical terms to keep it clean. ”” Reader discretion advised””” LOL.

I will try and make this as simple as possible and also note that my grammar and sentence structure are HORRIBLE. But I will try my best :lol:

I joined here in April and I was probably at a very low point in my life, probably the lowest in my life. I had a severe back injury and I was out of work for a year with my injury (hurt at work) My marriage was having major problems and I was also having health problems.

I gained a tremendous amount of weight over the past 3 years, I was probably tipping 360 back in March. I was having heart palpitations, I was also having prostate problems. I mean I was up every hour peeing, it was getting worse by the day. I finally found out I had an enlarged prostate as the Dr had done an exam on me and told me it was enlarged and was not normal for a young guy. I also had a blood test to check my testosterone and it showed that I have low testosterone, I had the testosterone of and 80 year old man and I am in my early 40’s. I had no sex drive and my penis was inverting and I am not small by any means!! It was very uncomfortable as I had to pull it out and it drove me crazy. When I would sit down, it would basically suck in, it was horrible. I also wanted nothing to do with sex, eventually my wife thought it was her and I kept telling her it was not her, it was me having problems but she was not buying it. She had lost some weight also and she could not figure out why I was not touching her or showing no interest in her, she thought I was having an affair. Truth said, I had no desire. I finally went to my Dr and told him I was interested in testosterone shots but he said they may not help and there were health risk so I bagged it. In that time my wife wanted a divorce, she told me she did not love me anymore and maybe we should be apart. I was devastated, I mean I love this woman and this was coming from a woman that basically asked me to get married. She is my best friend and we have a great life together and it was all crashing down.

We talked and agreed to work things out through the holidays last holiday season and see how things go and go from there. So with that I knew I had to get my life in order. I did allot of reading about allot of things and It finally dawned on me that my weight is what was ruining my life. So I told my wife I am going on my form of Atkins, I am dead set on it and doing it. So I began Atkins and stuck to it and in 4 or 5 months, it is amazing what happened. The first month I lost almost 30lbs and each month after I have been averaging 15 to 20lbs a month. For the first time in 10 years I am under 300. I have lost close to 60lbs since March/April 2017. I weigh in on Wednesday, but I am guessing I am not 290 if not more. grr

The weight loss is great, I am pulling out my cloths as all my current digs are falling off!! But that is not the best story, the best part is almost all my problems have disappeared. My heart palpitations have subsided, still get a few hear and there, but for the most part they have subsided. My prostate has retuned to normal size, my penis is back to normal and I feel fantastic. I have energy again and I am out doing all the things I enjoy doing again. I winded up getting back to my job and work has been going great. I am still having back issues and that may never heal, I have had several injections (Epidural), so my back is medicated and was told it may last a year. But the biggest thing of all is that me and my wife are doing great!! We are like high school sweethearts again. She has begun saying “I love you” at the end of phone calls again! It was allot of work and it was a rough go, but it was worth it! I mean things are going so well right now, I mean I just feel great and I have not felt this good in along long, long time. One of my wife’s coworkers told her when I stopped into her job that we look like we are doing great, she said the way we look at each other, she can tell we are in love again!!

Ok without getting all sappy, I wanted to share some of my success story. Weight loss can be life changing and not only can it improve on your looks, but it can do wonders to your health and love life. I am not saying weight loss saved my marriage but it had a big hand in it. It was allot of work. So I will say to other men out there, if there are problems developing in your life and you cannot explain them it may be time to shed the weight, it really can be life changing, especially when you get older. You can do it!!

Squarecube Tue, Jul-25-17 16:04

Wow. Keep up the great work.

HTGUY Wed, Aug-09-17 11:47

Originally Posted by Squarecube
Wow. Keep up the great work.
Thank you, I did weigh two weeks ago and I was indeed 290 on the nose. That is 60 lbs. My wife says more, she thinks it is 70lbs. Anyway, things are going great. I have been cheating a bit on the weekends, but not horrible. I had some chips and salsa, and a couple of flour tortilla’s, but I had Mexican food a few times on Sundays during my diet when I was 100% on it. There is a great Mexican place that opened up here and we went quite a few times on Sundays when we went out on little dates, speaking of I need to get back there!

I have a very short menu. I basically have Skillet pizza’s, Cheesesteaks and Salami rolls. (Cream Cheese and Salami pin wheels) These are my 3 goto items to keep me happy. I found a low carb, low sugar pizza sauce that is great. Says 0 sugar and 0 carbs, but then say 1%. At any rate I love it and buy it by the case.

I also just bought a pellet smoker, I am loving it as I can make some fantastic meats.

I also love Ice tea. I believe ice tea packed allot of weight on me. I found in the stores that Gold Peak and Pure Leaf both make unsweetened ice teas, I just add a couple of drops of liquid Splenda and it is just as good as regular sweetened ice tea. This saved me of my craving of sweetened ice tea. I also brew my own when I have time.

Dignity Sat, Sep-09-17 21:13

I can relate to everything you mentioned relating to getting fat and being a male. My guess is I have the testosterone problem as well but I haven't had a check. I do have the issues relating to my genitals and the sex drive. Really, what you wrote is quite exactly my state and I am around your weight as well. Personally, I haven't been able to get the low carb going. I've tried several times but I just can't seem to stick with it. I know it does work but you really need to get more than just the eating going to make it work. I'm happy I read your story because I thought it might just be me. I am a bit older than you; now I am 50. I want to check into the testosterone issue. I think I have always had hormonal issues in my life which have driven my body and mind in different ways, mostly negative ways. I'm quite an emotional person.

Anyways, I wish you the best with this and hope you can continue with your progress and find the things that you need to do to make it work for you in the long term. It does seem to be a journey of personal discovery and understanding of yourself and your body. Best of luck to you!

Mama Sebo Sun, Sep-10-17 03:10

All the best HT, this post is great for women to connect with too, it's easy to underestimate the pressures and concerns of our loved ones because they might not share a lot, and its just plain hard to share some of what you have here. Many thanks, and I wish you both a great future together, and especially, I wish you the consciousness and energy to stick with your plan and continue to benefit the way you have so far. :rheart:

Nrracing Tue, Dec-12-17 13:42

HT, this is a great post, I was 380's 6 years ago, got sick, had a heart transplant, got down to 203 last year, My dad pasted away, and I am now back on it at 259. I have not had the problems you have, but we all have problems of some kind. I am SOOOOO HAPPY to see another guy on the site.

This is so great you have turned things around, you keep it up. I lost 60 a year ago or so on this site, but slipped. I am doing great now and people are noticing. My dad told me he did not want me to end up like him 2 weeks he passed away. So I will not let that promise go. I gave my word. You can follow my journal and see what I am doing if you would like. Now I am a bit younger at 35, but we can all change. Start a journal HT so I can follow you. we guys need to support each other.

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