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ConfusedX9 Wed, Feb-25-04 00:02

Is it possible to do heavy weight training while on Atkins?

Tons of questions here! I got linked to this site from the forums. I am sort of new to weight training, but not Atkins. I need to lose about 30 pounds of fat. Atkins is the only diet I have ever been able to lose weight on and I don't want to change that. I can't go over 20grams of carbs or it messes me up and even throws me out of Ketosis. I'm very metabolic resistant.

The other site has all these Keto forums and they do all this carb loading on the weekends. I do NOT want to do any of that. I feel like hell when I've cheated in the past, not to mention it takes me so long to get back on track because of the cravings and the bloatedness.

Can anyone here maybe help me figure out a routine?

My goals are:
Burn 30lbs of fat
Gain muscle (not basic toning)

I'm currently doing HIIT/Cardio about 15-20 minutes a day on the tredmil.

Weight training, I prefer to do at home. I have free weights. I don't really have access to a gym right now. I don't know the names of half the exercises, but I basically go to the bodybuilding site and do exercises off there. I try and do as many as I can. I'm only at 5 and 8lb weights right now because of just starting.

Does anyone know how long I should be doing weights for? (like an hour, 2hours?) Or does it more matter on the exercise routine? I'm kind of weird with the weights though, I can start with 8lbs, I will do 12reps. When I get to 12, I can't possibly lift again.. But then after doing other exercises, I like to start over from the beginning and like do a cycle. Then on my last rep/cycle, I sometimes use lighter weights because the 8lb is to heavy to do again. Is this bad?

Any advice? Does anyone know any sites that maybe show actual routines I can follow at home? Especially with being on Atkins? I want to build muscle, but not lose it because of Atkins... But then I dont' even know where to start to start building.. there is so many different routines and stuff. Help!

Oh yeah one more thing -
I love Tae-Bo. Is it a bad idea to be doing HIIT first thing in the morning 5-6 times a week, and then Tae Bo on Some afternoons? I notice great results with Tae Bo in my abs and legs and overall energy, I'd hate to give it up but don't want to screw myself by doing to much cardio. I like doing the 40minute Advanced Tae Bo tape on days where I am not lifting weights. Other then everything I"ve said, I get no exercise whatsooever. Work consists of sitting on my ass for about 9hours getting fatter. lol

mikeqtoo Wed, Feb-25-04 05:04

Hi ConfusedX9,

On the body for life site there are some video of some common weight excercises.

You will need to install Realplayer to view them which is free at

Hope these help

LisaS Wed, Feb-25-04 11:22

I'll give you a link you can read for some good beginner information - check the training section for basic beginner info - and then take the link to the "programs" section for some ideas - the "minimal equipment" program might be good for you. Try the sets & reps laid out in the program - if they are too easy (you can consistantly do 2 more reps/set with the weight) then you can add some weight and drop the reps- then work back up.
here is the link:

Alopex Wed, Feb-25-04 11:42

Don't lift for more than an hour, if at all possible, because after about an hour you head into a catabolic state, so you're undoing what you're trying to build. Some people find that taking specific carbs around their strength workouts contributes to better gains and intensity with the lifting (look for TKD in the CKD/Body Opus forum). That's what I do, and it's working nicely for me.

Just make sure your exercise increases are gradual, so that you don't end up injured (it can happen!) or overtrained.

The website is a great resource, but not Atkins-friendly. For more Atkins-friendly info on weight lifting in particular, this forum and the CKD forum (especially the stickies) are full of great advice.

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