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angieK Fri, Jan-02-04 13:11

official quit time 10:50 am January 2 2004
Okay from this moment forward I am a non-smoker. I have tried patches and gum before but it did not help. If needed I will run down to the herbal store and get something there. The difference this time is I want to quit--save all that money for other things like new clothes, vacation, etc.
I got up this morning and felt good. I waited until 1.5 hrs to have a cigarette and you know what nothing bad happened to me. I just felt as if I was missing something. But of course had to smoke the rest of my cigarettes. Well now all my cigarettes are gone and won't be replaced. I AM A NON-SMOKER FOR EVER.
My plan of attack is to have celery , lots and lots of water, herbal teas, and vitamins.
Reasons for quitting:
1. Both my daughters have started smoking. There would have been a 75% chance of them not smoking if I had given it up a long time ago.
2.If I am going to lose all my weight to become healthy and look good why do I want to stink of cigarettes and still be unhealthy from smoking.
3. Have money for things that are going to improve my lifestyle and quality of life.
4. Smoking takes away so much: lives ,quality of life, money and leaves everything around you as well as you as 1 big stink cloud.
5. My mother died of lung cancer and that alone should have made me wake up and quit.

angieK Fri, Jan-02-04 14:44

I have to laugh at myself. It has been 3 hours and doing well but........
I had to drive my daughter to work and then go over to my Dad's to make shure his house is okay. While leaving the house, I tried to go roll a ciagarette out of habit, had to stop myself and remind me I am a non-smoker. Then later I was getting some cream on my hands and face and found myself wondering if I had any smokes rolled or would I have to wait til the cream dries on my hands--again out of habit. This is too funny, I know I have quit smoking but my brain doesn't.

lowcarbc Fri, Jan-02-04 21:46

Hi. I quit smoking New Years Eve...well that doesn't really count because I went to sleep at about 10:30, but I made it until today at about 4:00 P.M. (almost 72 hours)and then bought a pack of cigs at the grocery store!

I was only going to buy low carb stuff and, well, I made it through the check stand, and , well, my son saw this cool candy isle near the cigs,on our way out, and we (well he did first), stop. I asked about the gum (nicorette), my son pondered too long...and decided my best bet was the pack of cigs! I said I would only buy them if they had free matches! I needed to hear a NO!

Anyway, it's not my sons fault, it's not the clerks fault, it's not the annoying relatives we visited earlier in the days fault, IT IS MY FAULT!

I'm feeling like a failure, and I really am one, but I want anyone to know who has decided to quit....DON'T!!!!!!!!!! It really wasn't worth it!

When I smoked it, it didn't feel like anything like I was imagining...yes...even after only ..almost...72 hours....

ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS THE GUILT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! AND SO DO THE :nono: CIGARETTES!!!!!!! THEY TALK TOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!! :nono: :nono:

I would like to hear from others who are experiencing the same thing too. Mainly positive! If negative let me know.......also. I plan on quittting again tomorrow...has anyone done this?

SMOKE FREE IN THE FUTURE.......OR IN THE PRESENT..... :roll: :) :dazzle: :Party: :thup:

angieK Fri, Jan-02-04 23:58

Hey I am with you. With all my good intentions I smoked. I ran down to the health store and bought GIGNO. I must have sounded like a junkie when I entered that store, the clerk asked me if she could help me and I almost yelled out show me the quit smoking stuff. So CIGNO you take for 8 days and by that time you don't want a cigarette because it makes you feel sick to smoke it. There is a web site that explains better than I could. In Canada it is about $30.00 in the states probably cheaper.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Find out what went wrong and work on that for the future. Keep trying, that is the only way you will succeed. I will be here for you.
You made it 72 hours--you did well. Next time it may be longer or for the rest of your life.
Tomorrow we will try again.
The easy part is to quit--the hard part is how to live without your best friend(cigarette) with out missing it.
Tomorrow is another day--tomorrow will be our day.

Demi Sat, Jan-03-04 06:44

Hi angieK and lowcarbc

Giving up those cigarettes can be very hard - but, trust me, if you perservere you'll never regret it :)

I celebrated my one year smoke free anniversary on New Year's Day - which I found amazing because I thought I enjoyed smoking so much, and didn't really want to stop - I just did it because I thought I should.

Suggest you sign up at Quitnet. When you put your stats in, you can check on a daily basis how well you are doing - this is partly what kept me on the straight and narrow, just watching those figures mount up!

angieK Sat, Jan-03-04 11:13

Thanks Demi:
Today is a new day and a new try.

lowcarbc Sat, Jan-03-04 12:58

Angie, I've decided to quit again after this pack is gone. Only 10 left. I'll let you know how it goes after that. I'm going to check out the Quitnet site and Cignos.


You are doing a great job!

angieK Sat, Jan-03-04 13:10

I will be here until I finally to do this quit thing. So far all is good.

amym Sun, Jan-04-04 09:41

dear future non-smokers
a friend once told me to never quit every time i gave in and had another cigarette i never looked at it as a failure because i had another day to quit. Just don't give up on the quitting...keep coming back to it every day begin again and eventually it will stick. I have not been a smoker for 4 months now. It is very hard at first but it gets better and now it is hard to believe but days go by and i do not even think about having a smoke. Just don't quit trying to quit that is more important than having a cigarette or a pack or two. In the long run it will work.

angieK Sun, Jan-04-04 10:19

Thanks Amym for your words of wisdom. I still haven't officially quit with no smoking but I have cut down to 5-6 cigarettes. I don't smoke at work so tomorrow will be my first day with no cigarettes. I think I will find that easier. Maybe when I get home from work tomorrow I will just go to bed so I won't smoke. Also my medication should be kicking in by tomorrow so I won't want to smoke. (hopefully)

SylviaUK Sun, Jan-04-04 16:43

I quit smoking nearly two years ago, and because of the method I used I had no feelings of being deprived and no desire ever to smoke again :D

The secret weapon? A book called : Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It removes all the brain-washing that makes you think you enjoy smoking or need a cigarette before you smoke your final cigarette. I've put several friends on to it, and they all found it easy to quit too. It's available on Amazon.

Whatever you decide to do, just never question your decision to stop smoking :nono: You simply can't imagine how wonderful it feels when you're utterly and completely free of the evil weed :yay:

Good luck :cheer:

laffn Sun, Jan-04-04 17:21

I quit one month ago today. I think I am going to pick up Carr's book just for reinforcement.


grannyc Mon, Jan-05-04 22:17

I sit here reading and smoking! My son-in-law will have surgery Wed. and that will be my last day to smoke. I wish you all the luck in the world. We all need it! I will be back when I do the quit!

angieK Mon, Jan-05-04 22:37

I am still here, Haven't fully given up those cancer sticks, but have cut down alot. My meds have kicked in so I don't need the smoke but I may just go down to that book store and see if they had the book.

lowcarbc Sat, Jan-10-04 21:11


Great job! So how exactly does the Quitting "stuff" make you feel? Personally, I'm not into the Zyban antidepressent meds. From what I've read the side effects are enough to make me continue to smoke...for example, double the risk of breast cancer....anyway, please let me know how it makes you feel.


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