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Sarah2003 Thu, Jun-20-02 20:00

how long did it take everyone for results?? Please reply!
ok So I"ve been on this diet for like 16 days now and I see results....and I'm getting frustrated!! I want more results!! I know I"m getting impatient! Please tell me how long it took everyone to start REALLY seeing results! thanks! :roll:

TeriDoodle Thu, Jun-20-02 20:51

Well, it depends on your definition of "results"! :lol:

I am pleased with my results so far.... I officially can wear my size 14 Levi's comfortably now. Before I started this WOE on March 1 I was popping out of my 16's.

But it's hard to compare results between people because everyone is different. You will probably lose about 8 lbs during induction and then average about a pound a week thereafter, maybe more since you're young. I'm 44 and have dieted a few times in the past so my results are slower. There are just SO many factors that come into play with each individual, it's just impossible to predict how you might compare with somene else.

Just concentrate on learning the program and sticking to it....the rest will take care of itself!!

The very best wishes to you!

Natrushka Fri, Jun-21-02 06:53

Re: how long did it take everyone for results?? Please reply!
Originally posted by Sarah2003
Please tell me how long it took everyone to start REALLY seeing results! thanks! :roll:

Two days. Within two days I no longer suffered from hypoglycemia, I slept through the night w/o waking up starving, I stopped feeling moody, cranky and listless. Within two days I had hope again. Those are very REAL results.


Lisa N Fri, Jun-21-02 07:04

I agree with Teri... depends on what sort of "results" you are asking about. I started low carbing to get my blood sugars under control and that was achieved in about 2 weeks. Getting control of my blood pressure and cholesterol levels took about 6 months. I've been low carbing for about 14 months now and lost about 70 lbs. which averages out to about 5 lbs a month. If you're looking for the weight to melt off you, you are probably going to be frustrated. This is not a crash diet or even necessarily a quick way to lose weight, but it IS a healthy way to lose it that won't leave you feeling like you're starving in a third world country! Taking your time with the weight loss also teaches you how to keep it off for a lifetime as you progress through the different phases and learn what your body can and can't handle. Everyone loses at a different rate depending on their body chemisty, age, gender and their dieting history. Those who have been yo-yo dieters in the past will have a harder time losing than those who have never dieted before. Men and those who are young generally lose quicker than women and those who are older. Certain medications and food sensitivities can also make it hard for you to lose. I look at it this way: it took me 40 years to put on all this weight and get my health to the state it was in. If it takes me 2 or 3 years to lose it again, I'm doing pretty well...that means I've lost it 13 times faster than I put it on. :D

Soinwi Fri, Jun-21-02 09:14

Thank goodness I didn't have nay other health problems--just very overweight. Since the end of March I have been on this wol and I have lost 34lbs. And my energy level is so much more. I have a real zest for life!!

I still have a ways to go but I know that I can make it--I have tons of support here and the self worth to carry me thru any plateaus or stalls.

Be patient you didn't become fat over night so you won't become fit that way either!!!!

Sonja :D

razzle Fri, Jun-21-02 10:52

14 pounds in the first 5 weeks. a 9-week stall, then 16 more pounds in the following four months, about a pound a week loss steadily. After that, I've had no loss since then (a year, now).

But everyone IS different. your body will know best. trust it.

wbahn Fri, Jun-21-02 11:04

I lost fourteen pounds in the first week. Then put quite a bit of it back on in the second week. I've spent as many weeks not losing weight as I have spent losing. But in the weeks I do lose, I lose on average a bit more that I gain in the other weeks. So over the course of 21 weeks I have lost a total of 50 pounds. In some ways I can notice it, but in many ways it still is not enough weight loss to see or feel a difference.

But, I saw other results much, much quicker. I have not had a migraine since I started. That's pretty good for someone that was averaging one to two per week. I have more energy, I sleep better, I feel better overall, I have hope, I don't have sugar cravings, I feel like I am in control of my eating for the first time in two decades. Believe me - THOSE are results.

But I also realize that being able to call those "results" is coming from a perspective that has been altered and matured through five months of LC'ing. I blew those off when others told me about them when I first started. They weren't important. Losing weight NOW was important. Because I knew from previous experience that unless the weight came of consistently and quickly that I would lose the struggle to avoid abandoning the diet. Fortunately, I discovered and learned that this way of eating solves that problem and so the need to see quick and immediate and continuous results withered on the vine.

DWRolfe Fri, Jun-21-02 12:03

During Induction I lost only 10lbs, I think...

...but within a month of starting I was no longer taking prescription meds for my aching knees.

I also lost all cravings in the frist 3 weeks and I didn't wheaze in my sleep.

Oh, and I steadily lost weight, too! But it was the helath benefits that made the quickest and biggest impression on me. Those results inspired me to continue and the weight loss followed soon after...

Donald :wave:

Talon Fri, Jun-21-02 12:08

I believe I lost 5 pounds the first week and 6 pounds the second, it has slowed way down from that. But more importantly I am/have been hypoglycemic, and had been taking medication for arthritis (I am 34). I no longer have sugar "spells" where I feel like I must eat or pass out, nor have a taken a single arthritis pill in 4 months. I am not as out of breath when I walk - I am actually starting that nasty thing called excercise! ;)

My husband lost a little less in the first two weeks, but his blook pressure has stabilized greatly, and his cholestrol is down in the normal range now.

All of this eating meat, cheese, cream, butter .... I love this WOE!

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