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summer10 Mon, May-27-02 09:34

What inspired you to start LCing?
Just wondering, what inspired you to start LCing?
How long have you been doing so?
Is the weight loss the what keeps you going?

Not sure what FINALLY inspired me - but I am happy that I was inspired!

The weight loss is definetly motivating, but so is feeling better!

I'm interested in hearing other people's comments.

slimchance Mon, May-27-02 09:44

Hi! :wave:

Well, for me I would have to say that lack of money was the deciding factor. I know that I spent a lot of money on take out and fast food before and I have since started spending that money on good groceries. Not being able to fit into my clothes anymore and not having any money to buy bigger sizes was the final straw. I'm a university student and that doesn't allow for shopping sprees. :o At least by the time I am done school I will have learned new eating habits so hopefully I won't be so tempted to stray back to my old ways just because I will be able to replenish my wardrobe! :D Besides, I feel great now and the results have been amazing!! I'm never going back to my old ways!

Take care,
KC :)

PineSlayer Mon, May-27-02 09:48

What got me started was trying to bring down my blood glucose on the stupid diet the doctor gave me for diabetes. I KNEW there had to be a better way! :rolleyes:

This is my second try (1995 was a failed attempt), I'm doing great this go round, thanks to taking the right supplements.


In_Control Mon, May-27-02 14:33

Finally...I woke up!
I just woke up one day. I mean really woke up!

It dawned on me how OUT OF CONTROL I'd allowed myself to be! I couldn't believe it. I still can't. I've never been this overweight! If you would've asked me 10 years ago if I thought I'd ever let myself get to 222 pounds I would've laughed in your face.

But here I am! The day I woke up I was a whopping 255! I looked awful and felt awful. I have 2 beautiful young kids! (3 and 1 yr old). I want to play with them. I want to swim, run, dance and not be confined to the largest T-Shirt I can find and the shame of my LACK of control.

That's what happened. I can't even remember the "event" that slapped me so hard. May be the "event" was allowing myself to see how I "truly" looked in the mirror. ....and it was nothing close to pretty!

mmoranmic Mon, May-27-02 15:35

I think it was a combination of things! I was heading towards 180 pounds, the sugar was driving me crazy and I didn't know what to do. I was looking at books at the local health food store and came across Atkins. I have heard of him but nothing good. I did buy the book (hardcover too, expensive) and attempted induction. I found this website and started to learn about low carbing. I began my journey on March 27th and I've never felt better. I have switched to Schwarzbein after 3-4 weeks and I feel that I'm on the right track. I don't have that I'm constantly hungry feeling and I don't crave sugar. My joints aren't sore, my complexion has improved, my stomach does not bother me anymore and I've lost nine pounds. I also started weight training and exercising for the first time in a long time.
I believe that I can continue this way of life one day at time fro the rest of my life. I get to eat helthy food and feel good about what I'm doing. I hope others can enoy the sense of well being that many of us have achieved.

DWRolfe Mon, May-27-02 17:27

What inspired me...
1 Attachment(s)
There are so many reasons for starting LCing...

...but I'd have to say the hands down best reason was that I could barely walk. One day I was walking fine, the next I could barely move. My body was sending me a clear message...I had pushed it too hard and too long and it was about to give out.

Good thing my body figured out a way to get through my thick head. I was so deep in denial, that I just continued buying bigger and bigger clothes and with each larger set, I gave myself permission to eat more. I couldn't even get up off the couch without asking for help, and all I could wear when not at work were sweat pants.

I even ignored the message when I got in my car one morning and could no longer get the seat belt around me. I actually went ape-sh** on my partner, for adjusting the seat differently and messing up the length of the seat belt. NOW THAT's DENIAL!

Happily, I'm on the other side of that mess now. the seat belt fits very nicely, I fit in movie theatre seats, I wear jeans and all kinds of fun clothes again and most importantly, I have hope and pride.

Sorry for rambling...but I get passionate about thie WOE/WOL and my journey.

Good luck summer10 and good health to all who read here!


ldypgmr Mon, May-27-02 20:07

Why LC
For me it was the high lipid profile and the Dr. telling me to eat low fat. Heck I had been doing that for years with no net affect.

So I went to the web and did my research...wala...LC'ing was mentioned over and over...and what do you know I could continue to loose weight!

May I also say that it worked. My Triglycerides LDL, HDL and Cholesterol are in normal range....the first time in 8 years.



jesdorka Mon, May-27-02 22:49

for me it was desperation, in nov 96 i was at my all time high weight, high blood pressure,stasis ulcers in my leg which required surgery and my doc put me on another low fat diet which by the fall of 99 i had lost 50lbs all the while struggling with cravings all the time and forever hungry, then in oct 99 i saw the drs heller (cad/calp) on the oprah show and thought at the time their low carb plan was the craziest thing i ever heard of,eventho i recalled something about atkins in the 70's (as i stuffed myself with pretzels!) and pooh pooh'd the whole idea but i started to think about it more and dec. i bought the calp bookand did some research. i decided to start the plan jan 2000. now i'm a total believer that i am a carb addict, sorry i did not know sooner about low carb. i still don't have my doctors full approval but he can't argue with no more bp medication, complete recovery of leg and continued weight loss albeit slow. i have not felt so healthy in yrs and yrs. ,thanks to LC :D

Frodo2001 Tue, May-28-02 11:24

Success Stories!
The reason that I started low carbing was success stories. I kept trying to do Weight Watchers points and I know it's a good program but I was always hungry between meals. I didn't know what to do. I felt like a failure because I couldn't understand why I was still hungry after I had eaten less then an hour before. I read a lot of the success stories and they said that you could eat low carb and it would suppress your appetite.
A couple of years ago, I had bought the Dr. Atkins book but I ended up throwing it away because I thought eating eggs, cheese and meat was a gimic and wouldn't work. This year, I bought the book again and started. After the 14 day induction was over, I was pleased with the results and my appetite had diminished. The success stories really pushed me to take a chance and I appreciate everyone who has contributed their stories.

Victoria Tue, May-28-02 14:51

Inspiration in a book!
I had given up basically. I hated being fat but didn't know how to change it. I knew I couldn't diet. I could never stick to a diet past lunchtime. It made me think of food even more and want to eat something bad. :rolleyes: Then I went to visit my Aunt in July 2001. She had started LCing, and I watched what she was eating. (She's never been overweight...but wanted to lose 10 lbs. :rolleyes: ) I thought eating meat and vegies sounded very restrictive. But WHEN I READ THE BOOK, it all made sense. I knew I had a problem with carbs, but never realized that they were the reason for my getting BIGGER and BIGGER. Understanding why my body stored the fat instead of burning it helped me try this new way of eating. And then as time went by and the pounds and inches started melting off...that kept me going. :D But I think also FEELING WELL and having more energy makes a difference as well. ;) Victoria

PS. I wrote my Aunt and thanked her mucho for giving me her book. I know she's happy that I'm finally slimming down. I hope she realizes she had a part in my journey back to health.

suzy3766 Thu, May-30-02 13:06

what inspired me
I had been invited to a pool party! I spent days and days trying to find something comfortable to wear sitting around a pool in the hot sun. I finally found something and went. There I was in the heat of the sun baking in full clothing whilest watching everyone in bathing suits and having the time of their life. Thats what did it for me...I came home and said I am never going to sit by the pool fully clothed again. I tell you baking in the sun will do it to anyone.
Then of course the dr. telling me my blood pressure was high enough to stroke out any those two things. I honestly think the pool thing was worse than the dr.'s news.

Traveller Fri, May-31-02 05:18

For me it was some pictures I had just got developed. I knew I was fat and had been for quite a while. I had tried Nutrisystem and Weightwatchers lost some and gained more back I tried starvation diets you name it I have been on it. I thought I was going to be fat until the end of my days. The pictures came I looked and couldn't believe how fat I was. I started to surf the net and came upon some low carb success stories and thought this is what I would like to eat . My hubby laughed at me when I started to cook bacon and eggs said no way will I lose eating all that. Well now he believes. My clothes are getting baggy I can join the droopy pants club. :) My back and knees that used to bother me are well now and I keep on losing .

DarkLotus Fri, May-31-02 05:32

For me it was constant fatigue and I was tired of feeling fat and ugly. Plus, my dad is a diabetic and my mom has heart disease, so I figured I'd better start repairing the damage I've done to myself before I was diagnosed with the same. :wave:

summer10 Sat, Jun-01-02 12:00

Great Comments
Thanks for everyone's great comments, it's comforting to know that other people are having the same feelings that you may be feeling.

Often when you want to lose weight you feel so isolated. You can't very well just tell people that you're miserable being overweight - because of course they will just say "then do something about it", because of course they believe it's your own fault!

Finally we have found something that works. Beginning this was the hardest part. I feel relieved that I have adopted the WOE and feel good knowing I can do it.

I look forward to reading more feedback. I can relate to most of the comments that were posted.


Tigra1965 Sat, Jun-29-02 16:06

What finally motivated me !!!
Hiya Summer

I just thought I'd add my two pennys worth (as the english say).

My battle with being overweight has been a long term event. I was quite slim as a teenager, but put on weight at the drop of a hat. Also known as YOYOing.

I have tried nearly every diet going and for the past year have eaten loads of low fat foods, but just could not understand why I was'nt losing any weight - but in fact putting it on.

The final straw came for me just over a month ago - I just could'nt walk and breath at the same time and I was having to park my car nearer and nearer to work. Some one at work told me about the atkins plan and that dinnertime I bought the book.

I have never looked back since - although I found it hard to begin with ( the headaches nearly had me screaming - but that shows how much carbs I must have had in my body). I still somedays find it difficult - but not because I crave anything, but more because I have'nt found the variety of different foods to try yet.

But after 4 weeks LCing and 16lb lost - I know which way I want to go and its not back !!! The thought of those bad headaches are enough to keep me on the straight road to Lcing I can tell you.

Is'nt it good to confess and off load how you feel?

see ya :wave:

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